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发表于 2-2-2019 11:21:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-5-2019 17:41 编辑

林森, 傅瑞珍:美中关系四十年. VOA Chinese, Feb 2, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/car ... 190201/4768931.html
)"傅瑞珍:我认为战略伙伴关系的概念,尽管是这是一个后来才有的术语,但这肯定是用来理解冷战期间美中关系基础的一个概念,当时苏联是美中两国的共同威胁。负责任的利益攸关方的概念,当然是曾担任过贸易代表、副国务卿和世界银行行长的佐利克,在2005年的一次演讲中提出的。这个概念用于中国,因为美国希望中国能够向前迈进,更多地采纳国际体系的规范,并且在世贸组织和其它国际协定中承担更大的责任。  早在 2000年代初,美国就有担心,中国强调的是中国特色,而不是全球规范。我们现在看到的是:美国有一种感觉,中国已经放弃采纳与布雷顿森林体系相关的战后规范和规则,而是正在采取自己的全球治理方法;这反映出中国更愿意无视机制与规范,而这些机制与规范服务于全球经济,的确为世界带来了一段相当好的和平时期")
(a) Carla P Freeman. Associate Research Professor of China Studies and Executive Director of the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute.
("Professor Freeman received a PhD in International relations and Asian Studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS, where she also completed a master's in international economics and China Studies.  She completed her BA in history and Southeast Asian studies with honors at Yale University")

Located in Washington DC, School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University is headed by Dean Vali R. Nasr., an Iranian-American male.
(i) The Clinton administration coined "constructive strategic partnership" which fist appeared in

China-US Joint Statement ( October 29, 1997). PRC embassy at Washington DC
("The two Presidents are determined to build toward a constructive strategic partnership between China and the United States through increasing cooperation to meet international challenges and promote peace and development in the world. To achieve this goal, they agree to approach China-U.S. relations from a long-term perspective on the basis of the principles of the three China-U.S. joint communiques")

By the time George W Bush ran for president, he coined the term Constructive "strategic competitors" in its stead.
(ii) "Responsible shareholder" originates from the keynote speech
Robert Zoelick, Whither China: From Membership to Responsibility?  National Committee on US-China Relations (based in Manhattan), Sept 21, 2005

, though the speech itself did not use the term (ie, the two words together, in title or text).
(c) There is no recent publucation of Freeman's about US-China relationship. Thus there is no first-hand material on her views.

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