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Radio Free Asia, Mar 20, 2019

发表于 3-21-2019 11:58:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 夏小华, 台湾新版身分证将删 '国旗'? 国民党质疑. (photo)
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 03202019100759.html
("在台湾,蔡英文政府准备全面更换钳入芯片的卡式身分证 * * * 内政部长徐国勇则在18日召开的记者会出示台湾人民历年身分证的样式,强调从蒋介石、蒋经国、严家淦 [the correct chronological order is 蒋介石、严家淦 (president 1975-1978)、蒋经国 (president 1978-1988)]、李登辉、陈水扁、马英九到现任蔡英文总统,共有六个身分证版本,[蒋经国] 之前 [ie, 蒋介石、严家淦] 都没有青天白日满地红旗" which was inserted into 身分证 twice -- 1986 (under 蒋经国) and 2005 (under 陈水扁) )

(2) 夏小华, AIT处长首进台外交部 民进党:外交大突破.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 03202019100736.html
("美国在台协会(AIT)台北办事处处长郦英杰19号与台湾外交部长吴钊燮,共同在台湾外交部宣布成立 '印太民主治理谘商'  对话机制。 * * * 民进党籍立委王定宇说:'这是美国国务院授权,AIT美国在台协会主动联系我国政府,希望召开这个联合记者会。 我们过去委屈地像小媳妇一样,这是一个美方公开请求跟我国外交部,在外交部开联合记者会,这是代表台美关系的进一步提升。'  王定宇强调,这是美国跟 '中华民国' 断交之后,1979年到现在的第一次,而且美方的英文新闻稿形容台湾是美国在印太地区找不到更好的伙伴,这是对台湾很正面的赞扬。  王定宇还说,从最近一连串事件来看,如美国国务院称台湾的总统,正式用 '总统' 官衔,以及美国驻巴布亚新几内亚大使馆公开在脸书展示美国国安会资深主任跟台湾外交部次长徐斯俭会面的照片,都可看到美国对台在政策上的提升")

(a) "王定宇强调 * * * 美方的英文新闻稿形容台湾是美国在印太地区找不到更好的伙伴"
(i) The problem is neither the English- nor Chinese-language press release contained the phrase.  
(A) The United States and Taiwan to Launch Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations. American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Mar 19, 2019 (Press Release #: PR-1906; under the heading "News & Events")
https://www.ait.org.tw/the-unite ... ance-consultations/
("Taiwan is a valuable partner for the United States in promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific region")

The quotation is the only one that is closest to, but not the same as, 王定宇's wording.
(B) 美國與台灣攜手建立「印太民主治理諮商」機制. AIT, Nar 19, 2019 ( 新聞稿編號:PR-1906; 新聞與活動)
https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/the- ... e-consultations-zh/
(ii) However, 王定宇 did say that (phrase). See
林仕祥, 台美互動走向官方 綠委:台國防提升「會有夥伴應有待遇」. SETN 三立新聞網, Mar 20, 2019
("王定宇表示,我國自1978年與美國斷交後,這是首次美國官方駐台代表,到象徵我國主權的外交部召開聯合記者會,「這是美國國務院授權,AIT主動聯繫我國政府希望召開記者會,我們過去像委屈小媳婦」,這代表台美關係再進一步提升,並增加台灣在國際上的能見度。  王定宇說,「印太民主治理協商」機制是由美方主動提出,邀請台灣成為這個機制的重要夥伴,將來會邀請印太區域的國家來台灣對談,建立相互學習的模式,因為美國認為,「台灣在民主自由貢獻是印太地區的典範」,尤其AIT的新聞稿裡面寫道,「我們在印太地區找不到更好的夥伴」,這對台灣是很大的讚揚")
(A) This report was re-published (in traditional Chinese, exact wording) by Yahoo News and MSN News.
(B) Furthermore, googling with (ait.org.tw 台 "我們在印太地區找不到更好的夥伴") shows the preceding report is the only one in Taiwan with that phrase.
(iii) So my conclusion is 王 is mistaken; whether he made this up or he could not read English, I do not know.

(b) "王定宇还说,从最近一连串事件来看,如美国国务院称台湾的总统,正式用 '总统' 官衔"
(i) Googling with (美國國務院 總統官銜 台灣) finds nothing.
(ii) Searching tw.yahoo.com with the same term (no quotation marks) yields only one news report:

林瑋豐, 台美正式成立印太民主協商機制 民進黨團:台美關係重大提升. 風傳媒, Mar 20, 2019
(A) Of note, 林仕祥’s report in (a)(ii) did not mention 總統 or 官銜.
(B) 林瑋豐’s report does not specify where 總統 官銜 appears. In this aspect, I google for English- or Chinese-language news -- or search Chinese-language news or Web pages in tw.yahoo.com -- all in vain.  
(C) When I google  the Web with (www.state.gov Taiwan "president"), I find many items from way back to the present, that has referred Taiwan president as "president." (Come on, It is not like PRC which uses Taiwan leader all the time.)
The United States and Taiwan to Launch Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations
Home | News & Events | The United States and Taiwan to Launch Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations
                        March 19, 2019
                        AIT Press Release #: PR-1906

Earlier today at a press conference with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, AIT Director Christensen announced that the United States and Taiwan had agreed to establish a new annual dialogue called the Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultations.  This important new forum will serve as a regular occasion for the United States and Taiwan to explore ways to increase our cooperation and pursue joint projects in the region that assist other countries in addressing the governance challenges of the day.   The first iteration will be held in Taipei in September, and the U.S. delegation will be led by a senior official from the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

Taiwan has accomplished so much in terms of democratic governance, and the United States wants to increase its work with Taiwan to share the lessons Taiwan has learned with others in the region who are seeking progress in their own countries.  Taiwan’s success in protecting the rights of minorities, facilitating interfaith dialogue, promoting women’s political participation and economic empowerment, and holding elections that are credible in the eyes of its voters and international observers can contribute to greater prosperity, better governance, and stronger regional security across the Indo-Pacific.  Modeling good governance is one of the many ways that Taiwan is a valuable partner for the United States in promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific region.


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