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发表于 4-23-2019 14:28:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
罗法(发自台北), 刘强东案发生'逆转'?  德国之声, Apr 23, 2019.

(a) Permanent link for the same report is:

There is no need to click it, for teh content is exactly identical.
(i) The subtitle of this report is:
4月17日,声称被刘强东性侵得逞的女子刘京瑶公布自己的姓名,并对刘强东与京东提起民事诉讼,起诉书中指控刘强东不顾反对硬要亲昵。然而,根据在微博上疯传的最新视频,事实与指控似乎 '有出入。'
(ii) This DW report cites "微博账号 '明州事纪' " as the source of video clips.
(c) The Weibo account is actually "明州事记" whose video clips (two clips, time stamped 4月22日 14:57 and 15:04 taken in 晚宴 and 公寓m respectively; it is unclear whether it is China or America time) identifies the alleged victim as "刘京尧." Of note, the victim identified herself in the civil action as Jingyao LIU. See
Selina Wang, Student Sues JD.com and CEO Liu for Damages over Alleged Rape. Bloomberg, Apr 16, 2019
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... claims-he-raped-her
("The case is Jingyao Liu v. Richard Liu, 27-cv-19-5911, District Court, Fourth Judicial District, County of Hennepin, Minnesota")
(A) Reuters first broke the news of this civil action, hours earlier on the same day -- firstly without plaintiff's name (which was added later in two updates) but never with case number despite identifying the court).
(B) Minnesota state court system does not have "superior court."  See courts of Minnesota
, which includes both state and federal courts in the state of Minnesota.

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