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发表于 6-3-2019 13:47:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
吴亦桐  and 程文, 中国环球电视网被取消美国国会采访资格. RFA, June 3, 2019
("美国广播电视记者协会(The Radio and Television Correspondents Association)执行主席奥格尔(Paul Orgel)日前向传媒透露,应美国政府的要求,中国官媒中央电视台的海外分支中国环球电视网(CGTN)已于今年2月向美国司法部注册为「外国代理人」 [foreign agent],因此该协会决定,不再向中国环球电视网发放采访美国参议院和众议院新闻发布会的记者证,这意味著该台因此失去参加美国国会记者会的资格。  奥格尔表示,美国国会对记者证的管理规则,明确限制外国代理人获得美国国会的记者工作证。  中国环球电视网美国分台未有回覆媒体的回应请求"_

(a) "日前"

The news was reported in English in one and only so far. See Robert Delaney and Nectar Gan, Journalists with Chinese State Broadcaster CGTN in US Denied Passes to Cover Congress. South China Morning Post (SCMP), June 2, 2019 (6 am)
https://www.scmp.com/news/china/ ... denied-passes-cover
("The Radio and Television Correspondents Association (RTCA) denied China Global Television Network (CGTN) America’s application for renewal of the credentials that give media access to the press galleries of the Senate and the House of Representatives, said Paul Orgel, the association's executive committee chairman. CGTN is the international division of Chinese state broadcaster CCTV")

A few hours later, www.ntdtv.com reported that in Chinese.
(i) Radio and Television Correspondents' Association
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra ... ents%27_Association
(RTCA; based in Washington DC; Founded in 1939)

This Wiki pages does not explain its role at all. It makes me wonder why it issued passes to reporters covering US Congress. Notice the apostrophe.
(ii) About Us. RTCA, undated
(paragraph 1: "The Radio-Television Correspondents Association is the major organization of broadcast journalists who report on the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. comprised of radio and television broadcasters from every part of the world. Its aim is to strive to protect the rights and privileges of radio and television news reporters who are assigned to bring the news of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to viewers and listeners across the globe, and assist in every way possible to maintain the high standards of reporting news by its members")
(c) The "CGTN America" in the SCMP report above is identical to

CGTN (TV channel)
CGTN (China Global Television Network), formerly known as CCTV-9 and CCTV News, is a Chinese international English-language news channel of the State-owned China Global Television Network group [中国国际电视台], part of the China Central Television (CCTV), based in Beijing

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