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发表于 8-7-2019 10:05:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
朱明, 【獨家】中科院「擎天計畫室」成立 啟動射程1500公里雲峰中程飛彈量產. 上報 UP Media, Aug 5, 2019 (in print)


"歷經李登輝、陳水扁、馬英九3位總統執政時期 * * * 研發的雲峰中程飛彈 [Yun Feng cruise missile] 在馬英九總統執政期間2014年完成了最終測評

"知情人士指出,雲峰中程飛彈與一般彈道飛彈不同,主要是避免抵觸《國際反彈道飛彈擴散條約》(MTCR),雲峰飛彈採用4個天弓飛彈固體燃料的火箭加力推進器 [boosters],綁綑衝壓引擎 [ramjet engine] 為主體的飛彈上,先用4個火箭推進器將飛彈主體推到高空後脫離,再點燃衝壓引擎,以液態混合燃料為動力來源,進行超音速巡航;中科院已解決高空空氣稀薄點燃衝壓引擎的技術,因此雲峰中程飛彈被歸類屬於高空高速巡弋飛彈。


"據指出,雲峰中程飛彈從原先規畫採山區固定式 [silo] 部署,經漢光電腦兵推發現固定陣地在第一波攻擊中幾乎被摧毀後,才改為以機動部署為主;目前規畫10套發射系統,配置20枚雲峰中程飛彈,因雲峰中程飛彈體積大,機動發射車將採用類以大型吊車所使用的10個輪胎以上的車輛 [10×10 trucks],目前先以每部機動車只載運一枚的雲峰中程飛彈,未來再調整其運載的數量。

(a) 擎天 Ching Tien
(i) Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Quote: "It is an informal political understanding among 35 member states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles [ballistic and cruise alike] and missile technology. The regime was formed in 1987 by the G-7 industrialized countries. * * * he MTCR is not a treaty and does not impose any legally binding obligations on Partners (members)."  en.wikipedia.org for "Missile Technology Control Regime."

(ii) John Schlosser (Director, Office of Export Controls and Sanctions, Bureau of Nonproliferation), Multilateral Nonproliferation Treaties and Regimes. US Department of State, May 20, 2002 ("Remarks to the Transshipment Enforcement Conference for Middle East States")
("you will hear both about joining treaties and adhering to the guidelines of regimes. The difference is that multilateral treaties are open to all countries to join; but export control regimes tend to determine membership based on certain criteria. Although all countries may not be actual members of an export control regime, their adherence to the standards of the various regimes is an important step in the process of putting in place an effective export control system")
(b) Of its range, the following report says 1,500 km, whereas the following says 1,200-2,000 km.

Reports: Taiwan Begins Cruise Missile Production. Missile Defense Project, CSIS, undated (under the heading "MissileThreat")
https://missilethreat.csis.org/r ... missile-production/
("In a press release, the NCSIST [National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology] neither confirmed nor denied the reports")

CSIS supplies three links, from Up Media, NCSIST and Army Recognition. Respectively. The first two are in Chinese, poasted in the evening of Aug 4 (Taiwan local time), while the third in English on Aug 5 (American time). The English in the brackets of the Up Media report is from Army Recognition.
(c) ten-wheel drive
(10WD or 10x10)

Accord four-wheel drive
(4×4 or 4WD)
(d) Not that missiles in Taiwan will aim at urban areas, the air distance between Taipei and Beijing is 1,720 km or 1,069 miles.

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