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发表于 8-24-2019 08:58:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
夏小华, 美舰再经台海、美科研船挂中华民国旗泊台湾港口. RFA, Aug 23, 2019.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 08232019100757.html

(a) last thing first. "此外,台湾中央通讯社23号报导,美军两艘军舰23号由南向北航经台湾海峡,其中一艘为圣安东尼奥级两栖船坞登陆舰(LPD-20)。"
(i) 安东尼奥级 [San Antonio-class, where San Antonio is a Texas city] 两栖船坞登陆舰(LPD-20) is USS Green Bay.
, which is a "amphibious transport dock, also called a landing platform/dock (LPD)."  en.wikipedia.org.

Ryan Browne, US Warship Sails Through Taiwan Strait After Chinese Officials Canceled its Hong Kong Port Visit. CNN, Aug 23, 2019
https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/23/p ... reen-bay/index.html
(on Aug 13, 2019 "Chinese government had denied requests for port visits to Hong Kong by the USS Green Bay and USS Lake Erie. The USS Green Bay, an amphibious transport dock ship, was scheduled to visit Hong Kong on August 17")
(ii) "中央通讯社23号报导,美军两艘军舰23号由南向北航经台湾海峡"

游凱翔, 剛批准售台F-16V 美國軍艦再度通過台灣海峽. 中央社, Aug 23, 2019
Did say that, but all other news media in both Taiwan and US said (yesterday) just oneL USS Green Bay, so did Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense.
(iii) The following are ALL about "美科研船." Because this is the first time an American auxiliary naval ship visits Taiwan, so it is no has if we could reseach to see if previous auxiliary naval ship hoisted a Taiwan flag or not.

(i) ship prefix
(section 2 Generic (merchant navy) prefixes: These prefixes are generally used for merchant vessels of any nationality: RV or RSV [to mean] "Research vessel")
(ii) Research Vessels. GlobalSecurity.com, undated


"Marine Scientific Research (MSR) refers to activities undertaken in accordance with part XIII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in the ocean and coastal waters whose purpose is to expand general scientific knowledge of the marine environment. MSR activities undertaken include: physical and chemical oceanography, marine biology, fisheries research, scientific ocean drilling and coring, geological/geophysical studies, as well as other activities with a scientific purpose. The results of marine scientific research are generally made publicly available. US Navy-sponsored marine scientific research is normally conducted by civilian research vessels under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research.

"The distinction among MSR, military surveys and hydrographic surveys are important because. Under UNCLOS, Coastal States may regulate MSR in their EEZ. The US Government, though, recognizes military survey and hydrographic survey as high seas freedoms separate from MSR. Thus, military survey and hydrographic survey are not subject to coastal State consent otherwise applicable to MSR in foreign EEZs and on foreign continental shelves. Currently, not all nations accept this interpretation. Therefore, to promote universal acceptance of this interpretation, DON [(US) Department of the Navy (within Department of Defense] must consistently distinguish between military or hydrographic surveys and MSR.

* The "MSC" will be important in (d)(ii) below.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-24-2019 08:58:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-24-2019 12:36 编辑

(i) Hulls Listed by Name. Naval Vessel Register, US Navy, undated.
https://www.nvr.navy.mil/QUICKFI ... HULLBYNAME_2_S.HTML
(A) Go to "Sally RIDE" and click it: It is AGOR-28, delivered to Navy in 2016.
(B) Sally Ride
(died of pancreatic cancer at age 61)
(ii) Auxiliary General Oceanographic Research (AGOR) Vessel. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), US Navy, updated Jan 2018
("The Neil Armstrong Class of Auxiliary General Oceanographic Research (AGOR) vessels * * * have been delivered to the Office of Naval Research and operated under charter-party agreements by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, respectively.  The Armstrong Class is named to honor the memory of Neil Armstrong, best known for being the first person to walk on the moon. * * * The second ship of the class, the R/V Sally Ride (AGOR 28), is named for the first American woman in space [who was a] PhD physicist [PhD in physics from Stanford in 1978]")
(A) This class has only two ships. This Web page does not mention earlier AGOR ships.
(B) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego

In the right column is the title of this Web page: "Research Vessel SALLY RIDE  • AGOR 28 •"

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(1903- ; in La Jolla, California; "is a division of the University of California San Diego (UCSD) * * * Since becoming part of the University of California in 1912, the institution has expanded its scope to include studies of the physics, chemistry, geology, biology, and climate of Earth")
(C) The "NAVSEA" in the URL means
Naval Sea Systems Command
("(NAVSEA) * * * consists of four shipyards * * * NAVSEA's primary objective is to engineer, build, and support the US Navy's fleet of ships")

American warships are built in civilian shipyards. Does the above quotation means NAVSEA also build warships, too. No. See US Naval Shipyards and Bases. ShipbuildingHistory.com, undated
("Since the nation's earliest days, the U.S. Navy has operated its own shipyards.  There were 13 in total, four of which are still active.   In addition, eight naval stations - one in the U.S., seven overseas - had some shipbuilding capability.  At the end of WWII, the Navy terminated or cancelled almost all new ship construction contracts and only a few new ships were built in the Naval Shipyards thereafter.  Then, in 1972, a report was published that demonstrated that ships built in Naval Shipyards cost, on average, about 30% more than ships built by private-sector shipbuilders: as a result, all new ship construction in the Naval Shipyards ceased and five of the nine remaining yards were closed.  Finally, the U.S. Coast Guard maintains its own yard in Baltimore MD")

(i) list of auxiliaries of the United States Navy
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... _United_States_Navy
(section 19 Oceanographic Research Ships (T-AGOR) )
(A) This section is not up to date, as it ends with "USNS Thomas G Thompson (T-AGOR-23)."
(B) Take a look at the table of contents, and you will be struck that not just AGOR is prefixed with "T-."
(ii) I google for an hour and finally chance upon dictionary entries that says "T-" stands for "MSC manned (a ship type)." See, eg,
(A) "T-AKE stands for Auxiliary Cargo (K) and Ammunition (E) Ship, MSC Manned (naval ship type)"
(B) "T-ADC stands for Auxiliary Dry Cargo Carrier, MSC Manned (ship type)."
https://www.acronymfinder.com/Au ... rier%2C-MSC-Manned-(ship-type)-(T_ADC).html

The list in (d)(i) has section 29 Advanced Auxiliary Dry Cargo Ships (T-AKE), but does not contain ADC or T-ADC.
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