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发表于 9-7-2019 12:40:54 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 9-7-2019 12:43 编辑

邱璧辉, 当德国遇到台湾:印象篇; 如果当年普鲁士真的殖民台湾,那么一切都不一样了......现在的台湾人对德国感觉既陌生又亲切,到底台湾人对德国有哪些印象?  德国之声,

(a) "历史上记载19世纪60年代以来,普鲁士多次考虑占领台湾、殖民台湾。但因种种原因这个构想没有付诸实现。如果当年普鲁士真的殖民台湾,台湾人对德国的看法应该会比较复杂;但现在的台湾人对德国简直有说不出的好感。"
(i) I was unaware of this 普鲁士多次考虑占领台湾. I doubt Prussia was serious. Compare Qingdao
(section 1 Other Names: "• Tsingtao: Postal romanisation   • Tsingtau: German name during their concession period (1898–1914), written in German romanisation of Chinese (Lessing-Othmer)")

What about Japan, which daydreamed about Taiwan ever since 1874.  After Qing dynasty rebuffed Japan's request to punish aborigines (saying its power did not reach that part of Taiwan, which Japan took as a license to do its own punishment), Japan conducted an 1874 Taiwan expedition to retaliate against Paiwan 排灣 aborigines due to the 1871 slaying of 54 crew members of a Ryukyu vessel shipwrecked on southeastern tip of Taiwan.  Formally "Japan annexed the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1879." en.wikipedia.org for "Ryukyu Islands," which had paid tributes for hundreds of years to both China and a warlord in Japan
(ii) Leonard HD Gordon, Confrontation over Taiwan; Nineteenth-century China and the powers. Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2007, at pages 49-50
https://books.google.com/books?i ... 0taiwan&f=false
("Another power that developed an interest in Taiwan in the 1860s, but which made little impact on the political or economic scene, was the Prussian empire. In 1859 a geological survey was made on a portion of Taiwan, and in the following year the Prussians warship Elbe visited the island to sound the depth of selected ports that led to some minor conflicts between the ships crew and local natives. The Prussians took a more serious interest in Taiwan in 1861 when, during treaty negotiations with China, they expressed their desire to open Keelung for trade. Although unsuccessful, Prussian interest continued, and in July 1865 a series of articles titled 'Prussia's Colonial Policy' which discussed the possibility were published in Die Nord-deutsch Allgemeine Zeitung, a Berlin newspaper, which discussed the possibility of establishing a naval base on the eastern shore of Taiwan to protect Prussian ships from piratical activity. Significantly, the author was Count Eulenburg, who then served as minister of the interior in the cabinet of the Prussian leader, Otto von Bismark. Interest in Taiwan mounted among high Prussian leaders in the 1960s, but fear of French interference inhibited the German advance. If Prussia could have gotten tacit approval from Britain and Russia, one writer argues, the Prussian government would have proceeded to develop a  colonization scheme" (citation omitted).
(A) Elbe
(section 2 Towns and cities: Dresden and Hamburg; section 6 Etymology)
(B) Berlin
(Berlin straddles the banks of the River Spree, which flows into the River Havel (a tributary of the River Elbe) )
(C) Bremen is on River Weser, which runs west of the Elbe.

Allefemeine and Zeitung are defined in (b)(ii). Recall German nouns always have the first letter capitalized.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-7-2019 12:44:29 | 只看该作者
(b) "德国猪脚" -- in English: German pork knuckle or German pork hock
(i) Schweinshaxe
(ii) German-English dictionary:
* The allgemeine is an inflection of
allgemein (adj): "general"
* Zeitung (noun feminine): "newspaper"https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Zeitung
* Schweinshaxe (noun feminine; Schwein +‎ Haxe)
   ^ Schwein (noun neuter): "swine, pig"  (The English countable noun swine (plural: swine) came from Old English.)  
   ^ Haxe (noun feminine): "shank"
     https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/ding ... haxe+&iservice=
* Kind (noun neuter; plural Kinder)
* Nymphe (noun feminine; plural Nymphen): "nymph"
* Schule noun feminine; ultimately from Ancient Greek skholḗ): "school"
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 楼主| 发表于 9-7-2019 12:45:15 | 只看该作者
(c) "在台湾还有为数不少的 * * * 勃肯鞋专卖店、狼爪户外运动品牌专卖店。当然也有各式各样的德国餐厅和面包店 [I have seen neither in Taiwan or US]。超市里则处处可见标榜来自德国的洗衣精、洗发精、牙膏、净水器、花草茶 [herbal tea]、哈里波小熊软糖、健达奇趣蛋等等。 * * * 在台湾每年都举办规模或大或小的 '德国啤酒节。' 台湾啤酒最早的配方来自德国,这也是人尽皆知的事。德国两大历史悠久的瓷器品牌:麦森瓷器以及宁芬堡皇家瓷器,两者都是台湾富人积极收购的珍宝。"
(i) 勃肯鞋  Birkenstock
(headquartered in Neustadt (Wied) [20 miles south-east of Bonn], Germany; The Birkenstock brand traces its roots to Johann Adam Birkenstock, registered in 1774)
(ii) 狼爪户外  Jack Wolfskin  
(iii) Haribo
(iv) 健达奇趣蛋 Kinder Joy  ("Kinder is the German word for 'children.' "  en.wikipedia.org for Kinder.)
(v) Oktoberfest
(in Munich; a 16- to 18-day folk festival)
(vi) "台湾啤酒最早的配方来自德国,这也是人尽皆知的事。"  I did not know. And after some research today, the sentence is untruue -- in both clauses.
(A) Taiwan Beer
(section 1 History: "The Monopoly Bureau of the Taiwan Governor's Office [Japanese: 台湾総督府 専売局 (1901-1945); selling opium 阿片, 食塩 and 樟脳 first year: ja.wikipedia.org] * * * I n 1922 the Monopoly Bureau began brewing Takasago Beer [Japanese: 高砂麦酒] through the Takasago Malted Beer Company [Japanese: 高砂麦酒株式会社]. * * * The name Taiwan Beer was adopted in 1946. * * * In the 1960s locally produced Formosa rice 蓬莱米 [磯永 吉  ISONAGA Yoshi and 末永 仁 SU-E-NAGA Hitoshi successfully hybridized in 1922, to suit Japanese palate not fond of local rice in Taiwan] was added to the fermentation process, resulting in the distinctive local flavour for which the beer is known today")
(B) 高砂啤酒及臺灣啤酒史料. 財政部財政史料陳列室, undated
("西元前3,000多年時,啤酒(Beer)這種麥製的酒精飲料,已經出現在人類的書寫歷史當中,西元1613年時,啤酒首度飄洋過海來到日本,直到1853年,日本學者 [scientist] 川本 幸民 [KAWAMOTO Kōmin] 首度開始在當地試釀啤酒 * * * 1920年(日本大正9年)時,日本芳釀會社社長安部幸之助等人,邀約日本酒界共同成立高砂麥酒株式會社,麥酒也就是日文的啤酒,「高砂」是日本江戶時代以降對臺灣的習稱。  高砂麥酒株式會社是日本在臺灣設立唯一的啤酒工廠,資本額200萬日圓,廠址設在臺北廳上埤頭庄(今日臺北市建國啤酒廠),佔地14,000多坪,主要的設備從夏威夷進口。  高砂麥酒株式會社原本希望經營出口 [it is unclear to me whether 出口 means to mainland Japan, bit Takasago firm had to compete for Taiwan market with breweries based in mainland Japan -- until monopoly was imposed in 1933 (see next)] 業務,但是成立之初,外銷成績並不理想,於是改在臺灣自產自銷,享受免稅優惠。1922年(大正11年),日本總督府推動酒類專賣,以增加財源收入,引起了日本企業群起抗議,並透過國會議員遊說,將啤酒排除在外。  1933年(昭和8年)時,總督府重提啤酒專賣,並於當年7月實施銷售專賣,高砂啤酒株式會社的產品除外銷外,由專賣局整批採購銷售,原料並得到大日本、麒麟、櫻等三大麥酒會社的支持,臺灣銀行也參與投資,業務蒸蒸日上")

("高砂国 - 安土桃山時代から江戸時代初期の日本における台湾の古称。 • 高砂族 - 台湾原住民の古称")

The ja.wikipedia.org for 高砂国 explains that in the sixteenth century, Japanese believed there was 高山国 in Taiwan (indeed the name, what language the ja.wikipedia.org does not say, showed up in 世界図屏風 presently at UC Berkeley美術館), which 豊臣秀吉 ordered to paid tribute to him, but his envoy could not find the nation, and gave up. In the early Edo period (1603 - 1868), the name of the nation somehow changed into 高砂国 in Japanese.
(C) 吳若涵 and Joe Lee, 「上青」無國界; 台灣啤酒遇上德國啤酒 Taiwan Beer & Germany Beer. undated
http://www.deutscheschuletaipei. ... l/Taiwan%20Beer.pdf
("台灣啤酒」以四座啤酒廠的產量提供全台 * * * 佔據台灣近八成的啤酒市場 * * * 那麼,台灣啤酒和德國啤酒有著什麼樣的關係呢?台灣人喝啤酒又和德國人喝啤酒有什麼不同的習慣和口味呢?透過一杯啤酒的交流,台灣菸酒公司副總經理林讚峰,和歐洲學院德國學校校長傅立光,一位台灣人和一位德國人,和我們分享 啤酒的故事和心得-上青」,無國界!    有血緣關係的兩地啤酒 [which is sectional heading] 德國啤酒自西元1516年由巴伐利亞公爵威廉四世頒布了「德國純啤酒法令」後,規定只能以大麥芽、啤酒花 [hops] 及水作為主要製作原料,依三者不同比例與發酵程度調配出或甜或苦、或濃或淡的種類,也因此奠定了德國啤酒純正優質的品質與特性。雖然從統計數字上來看,德國不是全世界啤酒產量最大的國家,也不是個人消費啤酒量最多的國家,但是德國啤酒的世界評價卻是無庸置疑,其中最重要的因素來自於紮實而完備的釀酒工業技術,以及對啤酒品質一絲不苟的嚴格要求。  台灣啤酒的歷史,可以追溯到日治時代的1919年,不過其口味的確立則是在40多年後。1961年時,在德籍顧問的指導下,台灣啤酒精選了優良的大麥、啤酒花與德國酵母等原料來釀製,所以如同其它世界一流的優良啤酒,台灣啤酒有著德國啤酒的優良血統,還多了一項特色:加入了本地出產的蓬萊米,變成了風味絕佳,且「台灣味」十足的在地啤酒")

This is from the website of "Deutsche Schule Taipei." Deutsche Schule )meaning German School) set up schools in various parts of the world. Schule is defined in (b)(ii).

上青 is a Taiwanese/Hoklo term meaning "the freshest" (adverb 上 super + adjective 青 fresh)
(A) Meissen porcelain
(1708- ; The production of porcelain in the royal factory at Meissen [town], near Dresden, started in 1710)
(B) Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactory
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