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台积电, 华为, 美国

发表于 11-5-2019 14:22:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-5-2019 16:18 编辑

In chronological order.

(1) Katherin Hille, Washington Presses Taiwan to Curb TSMC Chip Sales to China's Huawei. Financial Times, Nov 4, 2019 (front pagel Nov 4 is print date).

(a) The report is available to the public.
(b) Print is slightly different from the online version, The following are changes in print:
(i) deleting the paragraph: " 'US officials often have conversations with Taiwan interlocutors * * *
(ii) deleting the paragraph: " 'If the Taiwan government were to force TSMC to drop Huawei as a customer, the stock market would react unfavourably,' he [Randy Abrams] said.
(iii) rewriting a paragraph which becomes: "Eric Sayers, vice-president at Beacon Global Strategies, a security advisory firm in Washington, said he expected the US to increase scrutiny if advanced chip exports to China from countries such as Japan and South Korea.
(iv) Switching the order of the preceding paragraph, which becomes the first of the three paragraphs, whose remaining two are as follows.

"Taipei declined to comment on the US demands. [the rest of this paragraph was deleted. starting here]Alex Huang [黃重諺], Ms Tsai's spokesman, would only confirm that the US had discussed technology industry issues of mutual concern. 'Taiwan's technology industry strictly respects international rules and continues to co-operate with major countries including the US,' he added.

"Industry experts remain sceptical that Washington can force Taiwan's hand. The Trump administration's campaign to convince other countries to ban Huawei from their 5G networks has had patchy success.

(2) 夏小华, 台积电否认:代工华为芯片被用于对台飞弹. RFA, Nov 5, 2019.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 11052019094200.html

Note: "财信传媒董事长谢金河"
(a) 謝金河 (1958- ; 政治大學企管系學士 and 東亞所碩士; 今周刊發行人 (but not its founder) )  zh.wikipedia.org.
(b) 财信传媒 Wealth Press publishes 財訊 Wealth Magazine (biweekly).

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 楼主| 发表于 11-5-2019 14:22:45 | 只看该作者
(3) 夏小华, 美台合作创建 '人才循环大联盟计划.' RFA, Nov 5, 2019.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 11052019095033.html


(a) "中国大陆日前推出 '对台26条措施,' 提供所谓 '同等国民' 待遇,以此吸引台湾人才的意图明显。11月5日,美国与台湾政府联合创建 '人才循环大联盟 [Talent Circulation Alliance] 计划,' 提升打造台湾的软实力。

"美国在台协会(AIT)、台湾人才发展协会及经济部工业局 [Industrial Development Bureau],5日在台北共同举办首届 '人才循环大联盟高峰会。[(1st annual) Talent Circulation Summit]'

(b) "美国在台协会处长郦英杰提出,美台合作创立的 '人才循环大联盟计划' 有4大目标,包括以数位方式,重建台湾过去的奇迹与成功,解决人才外流问题,持续培养人才资源及扩大台湾在全球的能见度。

(c) "台积电创办人张忠谋会中 * * * 说,他在美国36年,固然大学教育在美国,但他觉得有学到比技术更重要的东西并带回台湾,创办台积电。

"张忠谋说:'我还有学到比大学教育更重要的是世界观,我学到的是谦卑。台湾实在是一个相当小的地方,我常看到一个人考取台湾大学,那个好像就是他一生的颠峰,为什么我这样想?因为我看很多五、六十岁的人,还是总在叫 '我在台大的时候。" 我在美国可以说,从来没有看过一个五、六十岁的人说,我在哈佛、在耶鲁的时候。'


"张忠谋说:'我从美国带回来最重要的是世界观,创办台积电,我的主要的资产、智慧财产是世界观,而不是专门的知识 。'


Note: Quotation (a) mentions 台湾人才发展协会. But Taiwan does not have 人才发展协会 (in traditional Chinese). Moreover, the English-langyage press release of AIT says "Association for Talent Development." Further, Association for Talent Development
(1943- ; non-profit; Headquarters  Alexandria, Virginia)

So, "台湾" should not be there.

(4) 斯洋, 脱离了美国技术,华为还能生存得好吗? VOA Chinese, Nov 5, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/us- ... 191104/5152314.html
("一位不愿透露姓名的中国高科技领域的从业人员告诉美国之音,虽然华为一直在研发自己的芯片,但是,华为海思并不具备所有的芯片设计能力。华为麒麟芯片虽然不逊色于高通的芯片,但是,麒麟的架构是英国ARM公版架构,生产需要台积电代工。也就是说芯片首尾端都受制于人,只是在中间的芯片设计环节实现了自主。  他说, 一旦美国决定将美国技术含量超过15%的产品纳入管制范围之内,华为可能就会遭遇新的麻烦。  目前美国决定,凡是产品中美国技术含量超过25%的,也都在管制范围以内。5月22日,在华为禁令后 * * * '台积电' 则聘请美国律师进行分析论证,证明其产品的美国成分低于25%,在这一基础上 '台积电' 宣布将继续保持对 '华为' 的正常供货。不过,有人指出,将来台积电是否会受到台湾政府的干预,仍然是一个暂时无解的疑问")
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