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The Japanese Fried-Rice Omelette

发表于 11-6-2019 15:38:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Bryan Washington, The Japanese Fried-Rice Omelette That Rewired My Brain. New Yorker, Nov 5, 2019
https://www.newyorker.com/cultur ... at-rewired-my-brain

(a) "Omurice is a cross between an omelette and Japanese fried rice. The eggs are cooked until they've thickened, draped over rice, and then covered with a filling, which can vary from chicken to onions or anything at all, really. * * * [There are many ways to eat it:] Or, if you’d like something heartier, a demi-glace wo
(i) Omurice  オムライス
(A) demi-glace (pronunciation, definition, etymology)

French-English dictionary:
* demi (adjective masculine and noun masculine): "half"
* glace (noun feminine): 1: ice * * * 3: glass"
(B) demi-glace

(b) "Omurice is found in diners all over Japan, particularly the ones specializing in yōshoku— Western-style Japanese cuisine—along with staples like naporitan (a spaghetti dish), korokke (a cousin of the croquette) * * *  I tasted endless variations: in Osaka, in a tiny stall behind some love motels in Tennoji, a ward in central Osaka, and in this one café around Shinodayama Station, or, once, on a day trip to Kyoto, in a leaning cabin just beside Mount Inari. * * * One afternoon, after biking around Osaka with a buddy for entirely too long, we settled, soaked from the humidity, into a diner in Nakazakicho."
(i) Japanese-English dictionary:
* yōshoku 洋食 【ようしょく】 (n): "(1) (See 和食) Western cooking; Western-style meal; Western-style food; (2) Japanized Western cuisine"

(ii) naporitan

Recall 五十音 has R only, no L.
(iii) korokke
(A) Tennōji-ku, Osaka 大阪市 天王寺区
(It is named after the Shitennō-ji [四天王寺] (Temple of the Four Heavenly Kings) )
(B) Battle of Tennōji  天王寺・岡山の戦い
("The last resistance [to the eventual winner, TOKUGAWA Ieyasu 徳川家康] of the Osaka Garrison was at Tennoji, outside of the [Osaka] castle. Hideyori [豊臣 秀頼 (1593-1615 (age 21) )], son of the legendary TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi [豊臣 秀吉 (1537 – 1598)] )
was fought on June 3, 1615.
(v) Shinodayama Station 信太山駅 is located at 大阪府和泉市池上町一丁目 (outside City of Osaka, that is).
(vi) Fushimi Inari-taisha  伏見稲荷大社
(worship Inari 稲荷(大神); located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto [京都市伏見区]; The shrine sits at the base of a mountain also named Inari [稲荷山] which is 233 metres (764 ft) above sea level)
(vii) Nakazaki-chō  (大阪市北区) 中崎町

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 楼主| 发表于 11-6-2019 15:39:08 | 只看该作者
(c) "A few weeks later, at a gay bar in the Doyama district, a group of older dudes egged me into various drinking games. In one, we'd try our hand at counting backward. When you fucked up, you drank. Obviously, I got drunk. A typhoon skirted Osaka's edges, but we didn't much care. I tried explaining to my new friends that their city wasn't entirely unlike New Orleans, and, when they asked why, I told them that I couldn't put my finger on it just yet. One guy said that he'd visited the French Quarter once and suggested that it was all of the wasted pedestrians wandering around Dōtonbori."
(i) Dōyama-chō  (大阪市北区) 堂山町
(ii) Dōtonbori  道頓堀
("Dōtonbori traces its history back to 1612, when a local entrepreneur, YASUI Dōton [安井 道頓], began expanding the tiny Umezu River, which ran east to west, hoping to increase commerce in the region by connecting the two branches [東横堀川, 西横堀川] of the Yokobori River 横堀川, which ran north to south, with a canal. Dōton's project was interrupted when he died defending Toyotomi Hideyori in the ill-fated Siege of Osaka, but his cousins finished the canal in 1615")
is a neighborhood located at 大阪市中央区. 道頓堀 is also short for Dōtonbori canal "道頓堀川の略称" according to ja,wikipedia.org.
(A) The dō and ton are both Chinese pronunciations of respective kanji 道 and 頓.
(B( Haoanese-English dictionary:
* hori 堀(P); 濠; 壕 【ほり】 (n): "(1) moat [the original meaning]; fosse; (2) canal; ditch"
(iii) Sara, Osaka Dontonbori Umezu River [梅津川]. Flickr, Sept 15, 2014.

The "ume" is Japanese pronunciation of 梅.

(d) After reading the entire article, I realized the first name of the author is meant to pronounce like Brian.
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