本帖最后由 choi 于 11-13-2019 16:44 编辑
(1) 艾莎, 在今日中国,经济已成为一个敏感话题. 纽约时报, Nov 11, 2019
, which is translated from
Alexandra Stevenson, Hunting White Elephants in China. New York Times, Nov 11, 2019, at page A2 (in the column "Inside the Times; The story behind the story).
Note: Ruzhou 中国河南省平顶山市 汝州市
(2) 艾莎 and 曹莉, 中国债务问题有多严重?地方医院向职工借钱筹资. 纽约时报, Nov 11, 2019
, which is translated from
Alexandra Stevenson and Cao Li, China's Complex Debt Problem; Local governments have become so overlevaraged that in one city, a hospital is asking nurses for loans. New York Times, Nov 11, 2019, at page B1.