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Order of Participants' Entry in Opening Ceremony of Tokyo Olympics

发表于 7-26-2021 11:26:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 7-30-2021 12:29 编辑

Soo Kim, Olympic Ceremony 2021 Order of Countries: When Is Team USA Appearing?  Newsweek, July 23, 2021 (online)
https://www.newsweek.com/tokyo-o ... etes-parade-1610000


"The US is slated to be among the last three countries to appear in the parade of athletes at the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony.

"Back in December 2019, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that France and the US—the host countries for the upcoming [summer] Olympic Games in 2024 and 2028, respectively—will march [in that order] just before Japan, to promote the future games.

"This year's marching order [with regard to US and France] breaks the tradition of the parade outlined by the officialOlympic Charter, which states: 'The delegations parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country, which brings up the rear.'

"The marching orders at the 1964 Summer Games in Tokyo, the 1972 Winter Games in Sapporo and the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano were based on the English language to reflect the country's international understanding, Kyodo News reported.  However, this year's break from [Japan's own] tradition aims to highlight the Japanese language * * *

"Full Marching Order for Parade of Athletes
1 Greece   [ギリシャ   Girisha]   ("Greece" in English and "Girish" in Japanese come from Latin Graecia. The Greek name for Greece is Ελλάδα whose Romanization is Elláda. )
2 Refugee Olympic Team
3 Iceland   [アイスランド   Aisurando]
4 Ireland   [アイルランド   Airurando]
5 Azerbaijan
6 Afghanistan   [アフガニスタン   Afuganisutan]
7 United Arab Emirates   [アラブ首長国連邦   Arabu-shuchōkoku-renpō]
8 Algeria   [アルジェリア   Arujeria]
9 Argentina   [アルゼンチン   Aruzenchina]
10 Aruba
11 Albania
12 Armenia
13 Angola
14 Antigua and Barbuda
15 Andorra
16 Yemen   [katakana: イエメンm whose pronunciation is Iemen]
17 Israel
18 Italy
19 Iraq
20 Iran
21 India   [インド   Indo]
22 Indonesia
23 Uganda
24 Ukraine
25 Uzbekistan
26 Uruguay
27 Great Britain [イギリス  Igirisu]
28 British Virgin Islands
29 Ecuador
30 Egypt   [エジプト  Ejiputo]
31 Estonia
32 Eswatini
33 Ethiopia
34 Eritrea
35 El Salvador
36 Australia   [オーストラリア   Ōsutoraria]
37 Austria   [オーストリア   Ōsutoria]
38 Oman
39 Netherlands   [オランダ   Oranda]
40 Ghana
41 Cape Verde   [カーボベルデ   Kāboberude]  (The ā means a long vowel of a.)
42 Guyana
43 Kazakhstan
44 Qatar
45 Canada
46 Gabon
47 Cameroon
48 The Gambia
49 Cambodia
50 North Macedonia   [北マケドニア   Kita Makedonia]
51 Guinea
52 Guinea-Bissau
53 Cyprus
54 Cuba
55 Kiribati
56 Kyrgyzstan
57 Guatemala
58 Guam
59 Kuwait
60 Cook Islands
61 Grenada
62 Croatia
63 Cayman Islands
64 Kenya
65 Ivory Coast
66 Costa Rica
67 Kosovo
68 Comoros
69 Colombia
70 Republic of the Congo
71 Democratic Republic of the Congo
72 Saudi Arabia
73 Samoa
74 São Tomé and Príncipe
75 Zambia
76 San Marino
77 Sierra Leone
78 Djibouti
79 Jamaica
80 Georgia
81 Syria
82 Singapore
83 Zimbabwe
84 Switzerland
85 Sweden
86 Sudan
87 Spain
88 Suriname
89 Sri Lanka
90 Slovakia
91 Slovenia
92 Seychelles
93 Equatorial Guinea
94 Senegal
95 Serbia
96 Saint Kitts and Nevis
97 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
98 Saint Lucia
99 Somalia
100 Solomon Islands
101 Thailand   [タイ   Tai]
102 South Korea
103 Tajikistan
104 Tanzania
105 Czech Republic   [チェコ共和国   Cheko-kyōwakoku]
106 Chinese Taipei  [チャイニーズ タイペイ  Cha-i-nīzu Taipei]
107 Chad
108 Central African Republic   [中央アフリカ共和国   Chūō-afurika-kyōwakoku]
109 China   (The kanji is pronounced chū-goku ちゅうごく, where koku is Chinese pronunciation of kanji 国, whose first syllable lo is softened to go due to its position not as the first syllable of a compound word.)
110 Tunisia   [チュニジア   Chunijia]
111 Chile   [チリ   Chiri]
112 Tuvalu   [ツバル   Tsubaru]
113 Denmark   [デンマーク   Denmāku]
114 Germany   [ドイツ   Doitsu]
115 Togo
116 Dominica
117 Dominican Republic
118 Trinidad and Tobago   [Trinida: トリニダード   Torinidādo]
119 Turkmenistan
120 Turkey   [トルコ (translated from Portuguese)  Toruko]
121 Tonga
122 Nigeria   [ナイジェリア   Naijeria]
123 Nauru
124 Namibia
125 Nicaragua
126 Niger
127 New Zealand   [ニュージーランド   Nyūjīrando]
128 Nepal
129 Norway
130 Bahrain
131 Haiti
132 Pakistan
133 Panama
134 Vanuatu   [バヌアツ   Banuatsu]
135 Bahamas
136 Papua New Guinea
137 Bermuda
138 Palau
139 Paraguay
140 Barbados
141 Palestine
142 Hungary   [ハンガリー   Hangarī]
143 Bangladesh
144 East Timor   [東ティモール   higashi timōru]  (The higashi is Japanese pronunciation of kanji 東.)  
145 Fiji
146 Philippines   フィリピン   Firipin]
147 Finland
148 Bhutan
149 Puerto Rico   [プエルトリコ   Puerutoriko]
150 Brazil
151 Bulgaria
152 Burkina Faso
153 Brunei
154 Burundi
155 American Samoa   [アメリカ領サモア   Amerika-ryō-samoa]
156 Virgin Islands   [ヴァージン諸島   Vājin shotō]
157 Vietnam   [ベトナム   Betonamu]
158 Benin
159 Venezuela   [ベネズエラ   Benezuera]
160 Belarus
161 Belize
162 Peru
163 Belgium   [ベルギー   Berugī]
164 Poland   [ポーランド   Pōrando]
165 Bosnia and Herzegovina
166 Botswana
167 Bolivia
168 Portugal   [ポルトガル   Porutogaru]
169 Hong Kong   [香港   Honkon]
170 Honduras
71 Marshall Islands
172 Madagascar
173 Malawi
174 Mali
175 Malta
176 Malaysia   [マレーシア   Marēshia]  (Recall that
177 Federated States of Micronesia
178 South Africa   [南アフリカ   Minamiafurika]
179 South Sudan
180 Myanmar   [ミャンマー   Myanmā]
181 Mexico   [メキシコ   Mekishiko]
182 Mauritius   [モーリシャス   Mōrishasu]
183 Mauritania
184 Mozambique
185 Monaco
186 Maldives
187 Moldova
188 Morocco
189 Mongolia
190 Montenegro
191 Jordan   [ヨルダン   Yorudan]
192 Laos
193 Latvia
194 Lithuania
195 Libya
196 Liechtenstein
197 Liberia
198 Romania
199 Luxembourg
200 Rwanda
201 Lesotho
202 Lebanon
203 US
204 France
205 Japan

(a) British Virgin Islands is No 28. Virgin Islands in No 156 is of the United States. See Virgin Islands at the Olympics
("United States Virgin Islands first competed at the Olympic Games in 1968")

(b) 五十音
(i) does not have ti, so Argentina (No 9) is pronounced chi where ti should be.
(ii) does not have fi (as in Philippines), so Japanese combined fu  フ and i  ィ, to be フィ where フィ is subscript.
(iii) does not have letter L (only r). So Libya is grouped under r.

(c) Iceland (No 3) to Oman (No 28) constitute a i u e o as the first syllable. In case several participants shares the same first syllable, then their second syllables come into scrutiny -- again in the order of 五十音. That is why Hong Kong (No 169) is behind Portugal (No 168) because the second syllable of Hong Kong in Japanese pronunciation is ん (the last & the fifty first in 五十音 and pronounced as "ng" in English).   
(d) That leaves me scratching my head over South Korea (No 102), after Thailand and before Tajikistan. In Japanese, South Korea is 韓国, pronounced kan-koku, and North Korea is 朝鮮 chōsen. North Korea did not participate this time.

---------------------------------July 28
On July 26, 2021 I had a posting titled "Order of Participants' Entry in Opening Ceremony of Tokyo Olympics" where I could not fathom why S Korea was grouped in "ta" according to Japanese pronunciation. Last night I figured out Japanese used 大韓民国 (pronounced daikanminhoku) rather than 韓国.


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