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发表于 3-16-2022 15:31:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jonas E Bromwich, '六四' 学运领袖、纽约华裔律师李进进被刺身亡. 纽约时报, Mar 16, 2022

, which is translated from

Jonas E Bromwich, Woman Charged in Stabbing of Lawyer and Pro-Democracy Activist; The victim had been active on the protests at Tiananmen Square. New York Times, Mar 16, 2022, at Page A 21

three consecutive paragraphs;

"Mr [Jim] Li, born Li Jinjin, was a doctoral student in constitutional law at Beijing University during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and became a legal adviser to a Beijing union that played a key role in the protests.  

"After the Chinese government cracked down on the demonstrations, killing hundreds if not thousands of people, Mr Li escaped to his home in Wuhan. But the authorities found him there, arresting him in the middle of the night in front of his family, including his young son, he later told a [Long Island, New York newspaper] Newsday reporter.

"He was held for nearly two years at Qincheng Prison, along with many other political prisoners. After his 1991 release, he emigrated to the United States, studying at Columbia University for a year and then completing his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin Law School.

(a) The immigrant lawyer was killed at his Flushing, Queens office by client, Xiaoning Zhang, 25, on Monday, Mar 14.
(b) 凯迪, 李进进律师被刺身亡 民运友人痛惜哀悼. Radio Free Asia, Mar 15, 2022
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 03152022110311.html
(photo of Xiaoning Zhang; photos of two plaques outside his office: Jim Lee & Associates and Law Offices of Jim Lee)
(c) 林丹. 杀害李进进律师的凶嫌 更多背景曝光. Epoch Times, Mar 16, 2022
("3月15日晚上7点半左右,涉嫌杀害纽约知名律师、八九学运领袖李进进的嫌犯张晓宁(Xiaoning Zhang),被从纽约市警察局109分局押出来,移送检方。大批媒体在109分局门口守候。  当她双手反铐被押出109分局时,媒体问她:“张晓宁,你为什么杀人?”“你后不后悔?”她没有迟疑,声嘶力竭地回头高喊回应:'最后悔的是你们这些叛徒!你们身为中国人,却要反共!你们已经害死了无数学生,还要害学生 * * * ' ")
(d) 李进进
("1978年 * * * 考入湖北财经学院法律系(现名中南财经政法大学),之后在北京大学攻读研究生,并担任北大研究生会主席。1989年六四期间出任北京工人自治联合会法律顾问。 * * * 1993年前往美国,出任哥伦比亚大学访问学者。之后又前往威斯康星大学攻读法学博士,获美国法学学位")

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