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台湾 玉山舰

发表于 10-13-2022 13:59:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
陈筠, 台湾 '玉山舰' 交舰 专家:作战能力有限,甲板无法降落陆航直升机. VOA Chinese, Oct 7, 2022.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/tai ... 221005/6777203.html

Note: This is one of those times when a reporter knows nothing and writes foolishly -- or at least when he asks the wrong experts (in this WOA reports, the reporter quotes Taiwanese nay officers who has no experience in helicopters landing on a warship_/
(a) "台湾国防部的资料显示,玉山舰舷号1401,排水量1万吨,总长153公尺、宽23公尺,甲板可以停放两架直升机,并能运载AAV7两栖突击车、LCU与LCM两栖登陆艇、悍马车、重型车辆与673名武装士兵。武器装备则配备有4具八连庄海剑二型防空飞弹发射器、1座MK-75 76mm快炮、2座MK-15方阵快炮。 * * * 台湾张骞舰首任舰长黄征辉在接受美国之音采访时表示 * * * 分析人士说,玉山舰的建造目的是为了取代老旧的 '旭海号' 船坞登陆舰,旭海舰接收自美国海军 '安克拉治级' 船坞登陆舰,自1971年服役至今已经逾50年。"
(A) Assault Amphibious Vehicle
("The Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1 (formerly known as Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 abbr. LVTP-7)—is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle * * * [section 1 History, section 1.1 Development] The LVTP-7 was first introduced in 1972 as a replacement for the LVTP-5"/ section 4 Operators: "Taiwan: Republic of China Marine Corps has 90(78 personnel, 8 command and 4 recovery) and 1 AAV Turret Trainer. Thirty-six currently on order for $375 million USD")

Wikipedia does not spell out AAVP (but the following link says it is :Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel[,] Model 7A1."
(ii) (Maintained by Robert Sherman; Originally created by John Pike), LVTP7 Landing Vehicle, Tracked; AAVP7A1 Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel. Federation of American Scientists (FAS), last updated in 2000
("The LVTP7, which entered the Marine Corps inventory in the early 1970s, was a quantum improvement over the short-ranged LVTP5 of the Vietnam era. Weighing in at 26 tons (23,991 kg) combat-loaded, and with a three-man crew, it can carry 25 Marines. With a road speed of 45 mph (72 km/h), it is also fully amphibious with water speeds up to 8 mph (13 km/h). It is not as heavily armed or armored as the Army's Bradley infantry fighting vehicle; on the other hand, the M2A1 Bradley carries only seven troop passengers. In 1985 the Marine Corps changed the designation of the LVTP7Al to AAV7Al -- amphibious assault vehicle -- representing a shift in emphasis away from the long-time LVT designation, meaning 'landing vehicle, tracked.' Without a change of a bolt or plate, the AAV7Al was to be more of an armored personnel carrier and less of a landing vehicle")

As I understand it, AAV is the shorthand of AAVP.
(ii) LCU stands for Landing Craft Utility
(section 10 United States: currently has "LCU 2000" and "LCU Class 1700." For the latter, see a Web page from its shipbuilder
, whose Web page
Landing Craft Utility[:] LCU Class 1700
shows a bird's-eye view of one LCU Class 1700.
(iii) LCM stands for Landing Craft Mechanized
(section 1 Variants: US does not use any of them; The last time US used "LCM(8)" was during Vietnam War; section 2 Operators: Taiwan not among them)
(iv) OTO Melara 76 mm
("has been widely exported, and is in use by sixty navies"; section 4 Operators: including Taiwan)
is called "Mk 75" in US, where Mk stands for Mark (with no particular meaning; A lot of materiel in US are named Mk followed by a number).

MK 75 - 76 mm/62 Caliber Gun US Navy, last updated on Sept 20, 2021
https://www.navy.mil/Resources/F ... 6-mm62-caliber-gun/
("Description[:] Lightweight, fully automated, remote-controlled, rapid-fire, 76mm gun mount")
(A) Phalanx CIWS
(table: In service  1980–present; Designer  General Dynamics, Manufacturer  General Dynamics, Effective firing range        1,625 yd (1,486 m), Main armament   1×20 mm M61 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon [the top photo in this Wiki page shows 6 white circle, each for the end of a barrel]' section 6 Operators: including Taiwan)

Phalanx is the trademark. CIWS stands "for close-in weapon system" which means "last line of defense."
(B) What is the difference between Mk 75 and Mk 15? For one, Mk 75 is a 76-mm gun, whereas MK 15 is a 20-mm gun.

"Virtually all US combatant and amphibious ships (as well as many auxiliaries) are fitted with the Phalanx. * * * Only one Mk 15 CIWS is installed per ship * * * The Mk 75 dual-purpose, rapid-fire 76mm gun is a license-built version of the Italian OTO Melara 76-mm/62 Compact gun. It has been installed in smaller US naval combatants and Coast Guard cutters.": from the Web.
(A) 张骞号巡防舰
(table: "制造厂  中国造船公司高雄厂, 服役 [commissioned:] 1998年, 现况[:] 现役" / "为美国海军派里级巡防舰 [Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate; Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was older brother of Commodore Matthew C Perry who opened Japan] 修改型。 * * * 派里级的设计以反潜作战为主,于低威胁环境下为远洋船团护航及作为两栖登陆船团的屏卫,在机能设计上属于二线、低造价、可牺牲的舰艇
(B) Oliver Hazard Perry. Naval History and Heritage Command, US Navy, undated
https://www.history.navy.mil/bro ... r-hazard-perry.html
("The man who was to lead the Lake Erie fleet to victory during the War of 1812 was born on 23 August 1785, at South Kingstown, Rhode Island. The eldest of five sons and three daughters born to Christopher Raymond and Sarah Alexander Perry, the first son was named after his paternal grandmother's father, Oliver Hazard, and also for his uncle, Oliver Hazard Perry, who had recently been lost at sea")

Hazard is an English surname.
(A) Anchorage-class dock landing ship
(table: In service [in US]: 1972–present/ "Anchorage-class dock landing ships were a series of five dock landing ships (LSD) constructed and commissioned by the United States Navy between 1965 and 1972. US Navy decommissioned all five of them by 2003"/ section 3 Ship list: USS Pensacola (LSD-38): commissioned 1971, Fate: "Sold to Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy in 2000 [as] ROCS Hsu Hai (LSD-193)" 船坞登陆舰)
(B) The dock landing ship is officially (in US) landing ship, dock (LSD)
("with a well dock to transport and launch landing craft and amphibious vehicles. * * * Thirteen Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) could be launched from these ships down the chute")


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 楼主| 发表于 10-13-2022 14:01:13 | 只看该作者
(b) So far so good, The untruth lies in the following quotation:

台湾前海军飞弹巡逻舰舰长 "吕礼诗也提到,船坞运输舰跟船坞登陆舰最大的差别就在于它有直升机机库,而且有一个非常巨大的飞行甲板,可以作为直升机起降平台。  他表示,2014年解放军的武直-10攻击直升机就已经在072A两栖登陆舰后面的一个飞行甲板进行落舰了,当时距今已经8年,也就是说,解放军的武装直升机不仅可以在072型舰艇上起降,更不用说他们还有航空母舰以及075大型两栖攻击舰,这代表解放军可以携载的直升机类型很多,以及可运用的战术也很多。  吕礼诗说:'也就是如果我们都没有想像说,我们的陆航的直升机,就像阿帕契这种攻击直升机(可以落舰)的话,那事实上来讲,其实也就是辜负了它(玉山舰)有这么大的一个飞行甲板。'   知情人士说,玉山舰在兴建之初就是以起降海军直升机为主要设计,并未考量陆航直升机,因为两者的飞行训练大不相同,陆航直升机有陆上参考点可以飞行,海军直升机的参考点则是 '什么都没有,' 两种训练是完全不同的系统。  此外,要降落在军舰上面的飞机,它的结构跟一般飞机也不一样,通常会有轮子当作气垫,以免降落时船会漂,或是发生一些碰撞,但一般陆地直升机可能就是滑翘而已,两个概念也不同。  * * * 马来亚大学中国研究所附属研究员区肇威在接受美国之音采访时表示, LPD两栖船坞登陆舰着重在将装备做岸际之间的兵力投射")
(i) "吕礼诗也提到,船坞运输舰跟船坞登陆舰最大的差别就在于它有直升机机库."  This is correct.
(A) A landing platform/dock (LPD) also has a well dock, like LSD.
(B) Amos: Replace LSD Amphib [sic] Fleet with LPDs. Military,com, Apr 9, 2013
https://www.military.com/dodbuzz ... hib-fleet-with-lpds
("The LPD and LSD fleet share similitaries psic[. The major difference is the LPD has a hangar to embark helicopters while the LSD has a helicopter landing area but no hangar"))
(C) San Antonio class Amphibious Transport Dock Ship - LPD. Seaforces.org, undated
• Toward the back ("stern") of the ship (see photo 3), hangar door may open to take in helicopter (photo 4).
• Photo 9 shows a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey (numbered "04" or "D4") on the deck of the LPD. Photo 11 shows it going into the hangar.
(ii) 吕礼诗 "表示,2014年解放军的武直-10攻击直升机就已经在072A两栖登陆舰后面的一个飞行甲板进行落舰了"
(A) 武直-10攻击直升机  CAIC Z-10
(table: 2012- , Primary user          People's Liberation Army Ground Force [(PLAGF) 中国人民解放军陆军])
(B) Type 072A landing ship
(photo: mark on the aft deck)

Compare etymology of aft
("The English word is now purely nautical [and applicable to airplane also]")
and after
, both of which are Old English.
(C) Did 吕礼诗 make a mistake in the statement attributed to him at (b)(ii)? Yes and no. See 兵工科技 (author), 深度:武直10为何在登陆舰上起降 火力强大可助夺岛. Sept 30, 2016
("9月22日,中国国防部网站发布图片新闻,报道了陆军第1集团军陆航旅与海军合作进行海上训练,报道中展示了武直-10武装直升机在072型坦克登陆舰上起降的场景。   实际上,这并不是武直-10第一次在登陆舰上起降,早在2014年南京军区某陆航旅的一次演习中,武直-10就曾成功降落在913号坦克登陆舰的甲板上。 * * * [sectional heading] 武装直升机上舰成为趋势[:] 于是,西方各军事强国纷纷进行武装直升机上舰的试验。2004年4月,英国陆军的WAH-64 '阿帕奇' 武装直升机就在 '海洋' 号 [HMS Ocean (L12)] 两栖攻击舰上完成了为期一个月的 '舰艇/直升机操作海上试验,' 目的在于解决 '阿帕奇' 的上舰操作、装备保障等问题,并试验执行濒海打击任务。2005年2月,一架美国陆军的 '阿帕奇' 武装直升机也参与了海军联合作战演练,降落在 '纳索' 号 [USS Nassau] 两栖攻击舰(LHA-4)[LHA: Landing Helicopter Assault] 上,进行了舰面武器装卸与补给,之后又进行了 '阿帕奇' 武装直升机在 '圣安东尼奥' 级船坞运输舰 [San Antonio-class; LPD] 上的起降试验")
(D) Here is an aerial view of a China's landing ship. Pay attention to the aft deck, which does NOT have a beartrap (to be explained in (c) below).

流云如落叶 (author), 072 Ⅲ大型登陆舰已经服役11艘,那能够发下多少辆坦克呢. Mar 27, 2019.
(iii) 吕礼诗: "陆航直升机有陆上参考点可以飞行,海军直升机 [flying above sea] 的参考点则是 '什么都没有,' 两种训练是完全不同的系统 "

In this GPS era, "海军直升机的参考点则是 '什么都没有' " is nonsense.
(A) Marine. GPS.gov, undated
("The Global Positioning System (GPS) has changed the way the world operates. This is especially true for marine operations, including search and rescue. GPS provides the fastest and most accurate method for mariners to navigate, measure speed, and determine location. This enables increased levels of safety and efficiency for mariners worldwide. * * * for underwater surveying * * * n enhancement to the basic GPS signal known as Differential GPS (DGPS) provides much higher precision and increased safety in its coverage areas for maritime operations")

Not to mention GPS changing "aviation" listed on the left column of this Web page.
(B) Global Positioning System
("is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Space Force [established in 2019 as one of the six branches of US armed forces]. * * * provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. * * * The GPS project was started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973. The first prototype spacecraft was launched in 1978 and the full constellation of 24 satellites became operational in 1993 [and available to civilians]. * * * China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System [(BDS) 北斗卫星导航系统] began global services in 2018, and finished its full deployment in 2020" / section 2 Principles: there is no need to read section 2.1 etc)
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 楼主| 发表于 10-13-2022 14:02:13 | 只看该作者
(c) "要降落在军舰上面的飞机,它的结构跟一般飞机也不一样,通常会有轮子当作气垫,以免降落时船会漂,或是发生一些碰撞,但一般陆地直升机可能就是滑翘而已,两个概念也不同。   再者,陆航武装直升机所需承受的飞行甲板结构跟海军直升机也不一样"
(i) Every clause in this quotation is bull_ _ _ _. "轮子当作气垫" is ambiguous but contains a kernel of truth.
(A) Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk (in US Army (but not other branches of US armed forces) commissioned 1979- ; where U stands for utility) is to transport troops, among other things.
(B) Boeing AH-64 Apache is "attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement and a tandem cockpit for a crew of two," which US Army commissioned in 1986. The "tailwheel" means the third or aft wheel is located at the VERY end!
(C) Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
("Sikorsky SH-60/MH-60 Seahawk (or Sea Hawk) * * * The SH-60B maintained 83% commonality with the UH-60A.  The main changes were corrosion protection, more powerful T700 engines, single-stage oleo main landing gear, removal of the left side door, adding two weapon pylons, and shifting the tail landing gear 13 feet (3.96 m) forward to reduce the footprint for shipboard landing. Other changes included larger fuel cells, an electric blade folding system, folding horizontal stabilators for storage, and adding a 25-tube pneumatic sonobuoy launcher on the left side")
• SH = antisubmarine helicopter; MH = multi-mission helicopter
• Regarding "shifting the tail landing gear 13 feet (3.96 m) forward to reduce the footprint for shipboard landing," you will appreciate it when you place a Black Hawk and a Seahawk side by side. See
S-60B (SH-60B Seahawk, SH-60F CV, HH-60H Rescue Hawk, HH-60J Jayhawk, VH-60N). Igor I Sikorsky Historical Archives, undated
(caption: "The major design changes that converted the Black Hawk to the Seahawk are noted in this illustration")

Different models of Seahawk display tailwheel vertically or in a slant, like \ .
(ii) For oleo main landing gear, see oleo strut
("is a pneumatic air–oil hydraulic shock absorber used on the landing gear of most large aircraft and many smaller ones")
(A) oleo
("Oleo is a term for oils")

English dictionary;
* oleo (n; from [Latin noun neuter] oleum olive oil): "(US) The various fats and oils that go into the making of margarine"
(B) strut
("Struts generally work by resisting longitudinal compression"/ section
(C) Ian J Twombly, Oleo Strut. AOPA, Aug 5, 2013 (under the heading "How It Works")
https://www.aopa.org/news-and-me ... gazine/how-it-works
(illustration: cut-out view of oleo strut before and after)

AOPA stands for Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ai ... _Pilots_Association
(D) As far as I can tell, presently Black Hawk and Apache helicopters are also equipped with oleo struts.
(iii) "一般陆地直升机可能就是滑翘而已"
(A) 滑翘 = helicopters with skid-type landing gear = landing skids on a helicopter (landing skid is "one of two parts of the landing gear of a helicopter")
(B) Rick James, Why Do Only Some Helicopters Have Wheels? Pilot Teacher, undated.
https://pilotteacher.com/why-do- ... nty-of-reasons-why/


"Wheels are generally fitted to large helicopters to allow them to be maneuvered easily on the ground * * * The extra weight, moving parts, and cost make wheels prohibitive on the smaller, lightweight helicopters.

"Skids are better suited for soft, uneven ground like grass, snow, swamps, and rocky river beds, whereas wheels are better suited for airport and helipad operations.  Spreading the weight of the helicopter over a larger surface area prevents the machine from sinking into soft ground. Tires have a very small surface area on which the entire weight of the helicopter sits."

"To some helicopter owners, luxury and comfort must come above all else. Having flown both wheeled and skid helicopters I can say without a doubt that the larger wheeled helicopters fly smoother * * *

(C) skid
(may refer to "Skid, a sled runner")

Use images.google.com to search (sled runners) and you will see.
(iv) The main difference for a helicopter that frequently if not all the time needs to land on a warship is that both (helicopter and ship) need changes.

beartrap (hauldown device)
("enables helicopters to land on and depart from smaller ships in a wide range of weather conditions. Similar devices are referred to as RAST [Recovery Assist, Secure and Traverse] * * * [in 1967] Royal Canadian Navy [landed] Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King [HMCS Assiniboine (DDH 234) with beartrap] Other navies promptly introduced this technology * * * The Royal Navy and the United States Navy were early adopters" section 2 Function)
(A) A video is worth ten thousand words. So here it is.
• Black Hawk Landing on Battleship IOWA's Flight Deck. YouTube.com, uploaded by Battleship USS Iowa Museum on Feb 4, 2022.

But it (landing) was on a calm sea.
• RAN MH-60 Helicopter RAST Recovery Assist Explained. YouTube.com, uploaded by Spaz Sinbad on Mar 21, 2018 (starting at 0:50 out of the entire length of 2:38).

RAN = Royal Australian Navy
(B) Beartrap (Helicopter Hauldown and Rapid Securing Device). The Canadian Encyclopedia, undated
https://www.thecanadianencyclope ... pid-securing-device

There is no need to read it.
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 楼主| 发表于 10-13-2022 14:03:16 | 只看该作者
(d) "央视军事频道罕见播出中共最新的094A型战略核潜艇 '长征18号' 在南海演训的画面。报道称,'长征18号' 在面对假想敌方由反潜巡逻机、海洋监视船、驱护舰所布建的天罗地网下,与之缠斗了20多个小时后,舰长下令全艇静默,最后摆脱跟踪并发射鱼雷,击毁对方船舰(靶船)。   吕礼诗分析,从这段影片可以看到,舰长接受央视采访的位置其实是在陆地上的某个教室之类的地方,旁边有一个潜望镜,还有非常多的操控台,所以该处是一个船舰模拟仪的位置。"
(i) YouTube.com, uploaded by 央视军事 on Sep 28, 2022.
(ii) For 解放军海军长征18号战略核潜艇, see Type 094 submarine
(Chinese: 09-IV型核潜艇, NATO reporting name: Jin 晉 class; ballistic missile submarine; The Type 094 succeeds the Type 092 submarine and precedes the Type 096 submarine, which is under development; table: Propulsion        Nuclear, 1 shaft; section 3  Type 094A: 3 boats, the latest being
"Changzheng 18  [Hull No 舷号] 421   [Commissioned] Apr 23, 2021")
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