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Math for Catenary

发表于 12-28-2022 15:20:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eugenia Chen, The Magical Curve for Lights And Domes. Wall Street Journal, Dec 24, 2022, at page C4 (in her occasional column "Everyday Math"/ every Saturday, section C is Review).
https://www.wsj.com/articles/the ... y-domes-11671736020

Note: I introduced caenary months ago, but this article is more comprehensive.
(A) English dictionary:
* catenary (n; from Latin [adjective masculine] catenarius [of a chain], from Latin [noun feminine] catēna chain)
(B) American English and British English place accent differently on catenary. See catenary (First Known Use [in English] 1788)
(ii) About a catenary: "The balanced forces follow the curve of the arch rather than pulling it in or out, which would make it liable to collapse," says the article
(A) "pulling it in or out" means laterally, not vertically, on the plane of a catenary.
(B) However, that quotation is true only when the catenary is built with blocks of something: stone for example. If a catenary is built as integral, especially metal (such as St Louis' iconic Gateway Arch, there is little worry that either arch springer
(or both) will be displaced (laterally), bringing about collapse of an arch. There is no explanation what a bottom block in an arch is called springer, but one can imagine that the arch springs from such a block.


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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2022 15:24:35 | 只看该作者
(b) math of a catenary:
(i) catenary
(section 5 Mathematical description: hyperbolic cosine function or cosh)

section 1 History: "The English word "catenary" is usually attributed to Thomas Jefferson * * * Galileo [1564 – 1642] thought the curve of a hanging chain was parabolic [he was wrong, but difference between parabolic and hyperbolic cosine is small around vertex; hyperbolic functions were invented after Galeo's death] * * * The fact that the curve followed by a chain is not a parabola was proven by Joachim Jungius (1587–1657) [Jungius disproved the curve as hyperbola, but did not now what it was]; this result was published posthumously in 1669. * * * The application of the catenary to the construction of arches is attributed to Robert Hooke, whose 'true mathematical and mechanical form' in the context of the rebuilding of St Paul's Cathedral alluded to a catenary. * * * In 1691, Gottfried Leibniz, Christiaan Huygens, and Johann Bernoulli [1667 – 1748; the Bernoulli clan of mathematicians were from Antwerp, the Netherlands, which was Spanish Netherlands (occupied by Spain); the Bernoullis, being protestants, escaped to Switzerland, where Johann was born. Johann was father of Daniel, who created Bernoulli principle] derived the equation in response to a challenge by Jakob Bernoulli

• "Joachim Jungius was given the name Joachim Junge (or Jung [German adjective masculine for young; j in German pronunciation is same as y in English] when he was born; Jungius is the Latin version of Junge which he used in all his publications. His father, Nicolaus Junge, was a teacher at the Gymnasium St Katharinen in Lübeck and his mother was Brigitte Holdmann, the daughter of Joachim Holdmann who was a minister in the Lutheran Cathedral in Lübeck. However, Nicolaus Junge was murdered when Joachim was only two years old and, in 1589, Brigitte married Martin Nordmann who was a teacher at the Gymnasium St Katharinen in Lübeck. Joachim was brought up by his mother and step-father. He attended the Gymnasium St Katharinen in Lübeck until 1605."  
Joachim Jungius. In Edmund Robertson and John O'Connor, MacTutor: History of Mathematics Archive. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, undated
• "Joachim Jungius, of Lübeck, represents the German counterpart to Galileo Galilei in Italy, René Descartes [1596 – 1650] in France, and Francis Bacon [1561 – 1626] in England as an innovator in science and philosophy. Unlike these men, Jungius did not achieve an international reputation; even among scholars, interest in him has been largely confined to Germans, whose curiosity has been whetted by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's enthusiastic praise of his merits as a philosopher." Encyclopedia.com
• Lübeck
The German letter ü (also found in über) is pronounced exactly like 魚 or 雨 in Mandarin Chinese.
(B) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(1646 – 1716; German)
(C) Bernoulli
• Huygens
(1629 – 1695; Dutch)
• Huygens
(E) Janet Heine Barnett, Enter, Stage Center: The Early Drama of the Hyperbolic Functions. Mathematics Magazine, 77: 15 (2004)
https://www.maa.org/sites/defaul ... 29.pdf.bannered.pdf

pages 15-16: "17th-century mathematicians focused their attention on the problem of the catenary when Jakob Bernoulli posed it as a challenge in a 1690 Acta Eruditorum paper * * * Issued at a time when the rivalry between Jakob and Johann Bernoulli [Johann was Jakob's younger brother; Johann rivaled Jakob and son Daniel for prizes top solve mathematical problems] was still friendly, this was one of the earliest challenge problems of the period. In June 1691, three independent solutions appeared in Acta Eruditorum * * * the crux of [Johann] Bernoulli's proof  was to show that the curve in question satisfies the differential equation * * * . 17th-century solutions of the problem differed from those of today's calculus students in a particularly notable way: There was absolutely no mention of hyperbolic functions, or any other explicit
function, in the solutions of 1691!"  (emphasis original).

page 18: "The hyperbolic functions did not, and could not, come into being until the full power of formal analysis had taken hold in the age of Euler.

• Leonhard Euler
(1707 – 1783; Swiss; "Euler is credited for popularizing the Greek letter π (lowercase pi) to denote the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, as well as first using the notation f(x) for the value of a function, the letter i to express the imaginary unit √−1, the Greek letter Σ (capital sigma) to express summations, the Greek letter Δ (uppercase delta) for finite differences, * * * He gave the current definition of the constant e, the base of the natural logarithm, now known as Euler's number. * * * Euler created * * * hyperbolic trigonometric functions")
(ii) Robert E Thurman (a postdoc then), The Forces on a Cable. The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota, undated
("The forces in the rope at [point] P are tangent to the rope: there is a force [tension] T pulling up and to the right, which is balanced by a force U pulling down and to the left.  We will concentrate on the force U. We can break U into its horizontal (left) and vertical (down) components, as pictured above. * * * If you think about it, you can convince yourself that it's only the portion of the cable from P to the lowest point that is pulling down at P. * * * So, if w equals the the weight of the rope per unit length, and we let s be the length of the portion of the rope between the lowest point and P, then P feels a force of ws pointing straight down [ie, gravity].  Now what about the force pulling to the left? The only horizontal force anywhere on the rope is the tension due to stretching the rope between the pylons. Since this is the only horizontal force, and since the rope is in static equilibrium, every point on the rope feels the same horizontal tension H. We could measure H at the lowest point, where there are no other forces acting. * * * What changes when we hang a heavy road from our suspension cable? Not much, really! The only thing that changes in the above discussion is the weight pulling down at the point P. We will assume that the weight W per unit length of road is much heavier than the weight w per unit length of cable. In that case, the weight supported at P is essentially Wx, where x is the horizontal distance from the lowest point, instead of the distance s along the cable")
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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2022 15:26:23 | 只看该作者
(c) Gateway Arch as flattened or weighted catenary

(section 2 Inverted catenary arch: "The Gateway Arch in St Louis, Missouri, United States is sometimes said to be an (inverted) catenary, but this is incorrect. It is close to a more general curve called a flattened catenary, with equation y = A cosh(Bx), which is a catenary if AB = 1 [if AB is not 1, then it is flattened catenary]")
(A) "Cartesian coordinates" is named after René Descartes (1596 – 1650 (Compared with Louis XIV of France 1638 – 1715); Latinized: Renatus Cartesius)
(B) Why Cartesius?  See Cartesian
(ii) Gateway Arch, and math of a flattened or weighted catenary.
(A) This one is easier to understand.

Murray Bourne, Is the Gateway Arch a Parabola?  Interactive Mathematics, May 6, 2010 (blog)
https://www.intmath.com/blog/mat ... rch-a-parabola-4306
("But if the chain is thinner in the middle [vertex], it has a slightly different shape (it is flatter [that is how 'flattened catenary: gets its name])" than a chain of uniform thickness and density)

comment 47: "Gregory says: 17 Nov 2019 * * * The hyperbolic cosine curve (weighted, of course) represents the CENTROID curve of the Gateway arch * * * The centroid curve lies 1/3 of the way from the outer base of the each triangle, and hence, 2/3 of the way to the inner point of the triangle [this sentence applies to all triangles, not just an equilateral triangle]")

• centroid
(section 1 History: 1814- )
• The cross section of Gateway Arch is equilateral triangles throughout. This can be appreciated from a photo: Look at the leg in the background of

Martin Konopacki, Close up View the Corner Triangle Base of the Gateway Arch In St Louis Missouri. Alamy Stock Photo, Sept 9, 2018
https://www.alamy.com/close-up-v ... image220987304.html
(B) This one is more academic.

Robert Osserman, How the Gateway Arch Got its Shape. Nexus Network Journal, 12: 167 (2010)
https://link.springer.com/conten ... 0004-010-0030-8.pdf

at page 167: "A parabola [抛物线], as Galileo demonstrated, is the shape of a path traversed by a projectile subjected only to its initial impetus together with the force of gravity, in the absence of air resistance. A catenary is the shape assumed by a hanging chain or a flexible cord of uniform density. A weighted catenary is the shape assumed by a hanging chain whose links vary in size or weight, or by a flexible cord of variable width, or variable density material.

At page 175: equations 1 and 2 for Gateway Arch.

• Osserman at the time was professor emeritus at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma ... _Research_Institute
(1982- ; "is an independent nonprofit mathematical research institution on the University of California campus in Berkeley, California")
• aspect ratio (image)
("is the ratio of its width to its height")
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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2022 15:28:06 | 只看该作者
(d) "One of my favorite examples is in the dome of St Paul's Cathedral in London. After the city's Great Fire in 1666, Sir Christopher Wren designed a grand dome for the new cathedral building that would dominate the London skyline. He knew that such a huge dome would overpower the interior of the cathedral. So he designed a smaller dome for the inside. But he also knew that neither of these domes would be structurally optimal, so in a brilliant stroke, he built an inner dome between the visible ones. As it was hidden, it could be built solely on structural principles without any aesthetic considerations, so he tried to work out what the best shape would be mathematically.  But catenaries were not fully understood yet. Robert Hook, famous for his law about the behavior of springs with weights hanging from them, had figured out that the strongest arch shape would be the shape of a hanging chain turned upside-down, but how to calculate that shape was not yet solved. Wren ended up with something close to a catenary but more like a cubic curve (the function of any number cubed) [y=x3; that is because Robert Hooke thought a catenary was so, but it turns out to be hyperbolic cosine]."
(i) St Paul's Cathedral
(original church founded in 604; "At 365 ft (111 m) high, it [the present building designed by Wren] was the tallest building in London from 1710 to 1963. The dome is still one of the highest in the world. * * * Services held at St Paul's have included the funerals of Admiral Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher"/ section 1 History, section 1.3 Old St Paul's (the one before the present cathedral): "The Gothic ribbed vault was constructed, like that of York Minster, of wood rather than stone, which affected the ultimate fate of the building [otherwise its structure was of stone]" + section 1.4 Present St Paul's)

section 3 Wren's cathedral, section 3.3 Structural engineering shows cutaway drawing
of the treble dome.
(i) St Paul's Cathedral. Designing Buildings; The construction Wiki
("The most notable feature is the dome. To ensure the dome appeared visually satisfying when viewed both externally and internally, Wren designed a double-shelled dome, with the the inner and outer domes using catenary curves rather than hemispheres. Between the two shells, a brick cone supports the timbers of the outer, lead-covered dome, and the ornate stone lantern that rises above it. The cone and inner dome are 18 inches thick and supported by wrought iron chains to prevent spreading and cracking.   The dome rests on pendentives which rise between 8 arches spanning the nave, choir, transepts and aisles. It is raised on a tall drum around which there is a continuous colonnade.   The construction of the cathedral took more than 40 years")
(A) "The dome rests on pendentives which rise between 8 arches"
• pendentive
• Josh Ellis, St. Paul's Cathedral. Mar 2, 2019
, where photo 5 showed some of arches and pendentives in between arches.

Also see photos in
section 4 Description, section 4.2 Interior, section 4.2.1 Dome
(B) For drum, see tholobate
(or drum)
(ii) Myles Zhang, St. Paul's Cathedral Dome: a synthesis of engineering and art. Apr 16, 2020 (video)
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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2022 15:28:38 | 只看该作者
(e) "Some larger modern catenary variations include the roof of architect Eero Saarinen's Washington Dulles airport terminal-built in the hanging version of the shape"
(i) Dulles International Airport
("its roof is a suspended catenary")
(ii) Clicking "suspended" leads to

suspended structurehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspended_structure
(introduction: "A suspended structure is a structure which is supported by cables coming from beams or trusses [as in suspension bridges in section 1 Background] * * * Another type of suspended structure, suspended catenary, uses outer-wall concrete columns angled away from the center with a cable system strung between them suspending a roof and outer wall structure. In this example there are no supports or visual obstructions inside the structure [as in Dulles Airport roof described in section 3 Engineering]")
(iii) Mark Austin, Dulles International Airport, Virginia. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, Mar 11, 2021
https://user.eng.umd.edu/~austin ... e-Eero-Saarinen.pdf

(f) "Another mathematical property of a catenary is fun but of less practical use: If you made a road surface consisting of a sequence of catenary-shaped bumps, then a bicycle with square wheels would roll along it perfectly smoothly."
(i) Square-Wheeled Bicycle on a Catenary Curve. YouTube.com, downloaded by FreymanArt, undated.
(ii) Why Do Catenaries Work for the Square Wheel? Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Macalester College, July 2011
https://www.macalester.edu/mscs/ ... 1/07/catenaries.pdf

Macalester College
("After a large donation from Charles Macalester, a prominent businessman and philanthropist from Philadelphia, the institution was renamed Macalester College")
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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2022 15:29:11 | 只看该作者
When we hang strings of Christmas lights or tinsel, we often drape them in curves instead of pulling them taut, to look more festive. In math, the curved shape they take is called a catenary. The word is derived from the Latin for "chain," as it's the curve that a chain or rope will make when hanging just by its own weight.

A chain hangs in this shape because of physics: Gravity pulls down on each point of the chain but is counteracted by the lateral pull along the chain itself, originating from the ends where it is fixed. It takes some calculus to find where the gravitational and lateral forces balance out exactly and result in equilibrium. But once we figure this out, we can turn the curve upside down and the concept still holds: The forces on each part of the curve (if built of rigid material) will counteract gravity while pointing straight along the curve laterally.

Now, rather than just having a curve that happens naturally, we have something we can build deliberately to achieve the strongest possible arch shape. The balanced forces follow the curve of the arch rather than pulling it in or out, which would make it liable to collapse.

The need to find the optimal curve for a strong arch was understood before the solution was known. One of my favorite examples is in the dome of St Paul's Cathedral in London. After the city's Great Fire in 1666, Sir Christopher Wren designed a grand dome for the new cathedral building that would dominate the London skyline. He knew that such a huge dome would overpower the interior of the cathedral. So he designed a smaller dome for the inside. But he also knew that neither of these domes would be structurally optimal, so in a brilliant stroke, he built an inner dome between the visible ones. As it was hidden, it could be built solely on structural principles without any aesthetic considerations, so he tried to work out what the best shape would be mathematically.  

But catenaries were not fully understood yet. Robert Hook, famous for his law about the behavior of springs with weights hanging from them, had figured out that the strongest arch shape would be the shape of a hanging chain turned upside-down, but how to calculate that shape was not yet solved. Wren ended up with something close to a catenary but more like a cubic curve (the function of any number cubed).

Some traditional cultures were ahead of Wren without doing the formal calculations. "Beehive" houses are a type of ancient human dwelling built to a catenary design, presumably for strength, dating back over 4,000 years in Africa, Scotland and Ireland; igloos are similarly structured. Those smaller catenaries could probably be built by feel rather than by calculation. Some larger modern catenary variations include the roof of architect Eero Saarinen's Washington Dulles airport terminal-built in the hanging version of the shape-and the Gateway Arch in St Louis, which was built as a weighted catenary, as if the chain is thicker at the ends and thinner in the middle.

Another mathematical property of a catenary is fun but of less practical use: If you made a road surface consisting of a sequence of catenary-shaped bumps, then a bicycle with square wheels would roll along it perfectly smoothly. In fact, you can try riding a square-wheeled bicycle on just such a surface at the museum of Mathematics in New York City. (Actually, it's a tricycle, so you don;t have to worry about falling over in surprise.)

Nature creates mathematical constructions automatically, and when we figure out the math of what nature is doing, we can build those things too -- for practical purposes, for decoration or just for fun.
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