NYT: Court Choice Pushes ‘Identity Politics’ to Forefront
In the heat of his primary battle last year, Barack Obama bemoaned “identity politics” in America, calling it “an enormous distraction” from the real issues of the day. Many thought his inauguration as the first African-American president this year was supposed to usher in a new post-racial age.
But four months later, identity politics is back with a vengeance. A president who these days refers to his background obliquely when he does at all chose a Supreme Court candidate who openly embraces hers. Critics took issue with her past statements and called her a “reverse racist.” And the capital once again has polarized along familiar lines.
【 在 dikaios (尋路得路 惡衣惡食) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这期的Time上几篇评论文章不错,有黑有蜜,各有道理
: 【 在 Faith (faith) 的大作中提到: 】
: : http://www.dwnews.com/gb/MainNews/Topics/cna_2009_05_29_23_45_2_757.html
: : (中央社记者黄兆平纽约29日专电)美国总统欧巴马提名拉丁美洲裔的索托玛约女士出任大法官。根据今天出炉一份最新民调发现,54%美国民众支持这项提名,24%反对,22%还未决定。
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