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Japanese Exihition in New York City

发表于 12-19-2009 12:26:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Holland Cotter, Art Review | '5,000 Years of Japanese Art': Cleaning Out
Closets, Reuniting Old Friends. New York Times, Dec. 18, 2009.

(A) My comment: Here is the web page for

Special Exhibitions | 5,000 Years of Japanese Art: Treasures from the
Packard Collection; December 17, 2009–June 6, 2010. The Sackler Wing
Galleries for the Arts of Japan, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

(B) Note for the text as well as captions of photographs in the print:
(1) KANO Sansetsu 狩野 山雪 (1589-1651)> The Old Plum 老梅図
his son KANO Eino 狩野 永納 (1631-1697)
(2) globalist (n): "one that favors or advocates globalism"
globalism (n): "policy or system favoring or promoting globalization"
(3) bump (n): "a somewhat forceful, sudden, thudding, or jolting blow or
impact: the action, the effect, or the noise of such a blow  <the ~ of a
chestnut falling>"
(4) Jomon 縄文
(5) flange (vt): "to furnish with a flange"
           (n): "a spreading out
(6) lip (n): "the edge or margin of a hollow vessel or cavity (as a cup,
bell, or crater)"

For "flanged lip," see the photograph of a vessel in the lower left corner
Jōmon period

(7) haniwa (埴輪)
(8) kannon 觀音 (Sanskrit: Avalokiteśvara)
(9) Tsubaki Chinzan 椿 椿山 (1801-1854)

tsubaki 椿 (also written as 山茶 in Japan, is Camellia japonica)

(10) Song of Everlasting Sorrow 長恨歌
(11) TOSA Mitsunobu 土佐 光信 (1434-1525) > Bamboo in the Four Seasons 四季
(12) stalk (n): "the main stem of herbaceous plant often with its dependent
parts (as leaves, twigs, fruit)  <a ~ of wheat>"

(13) GION Nankai 祗園 南海 (1677-1751)
(14) rough-and-ready (adj): "of a thing: lacking finish or polish but good
enough for a temporary or limited purpose: MAKESHIFT"
(15) votive (adj) (both this adjective and the noun "vow" are derived from
Latin noun "votum" and verb "vovere"): "offered or erected in fulfillment of
a vow and often in gratitude for deliverance from distress"
(16) flyspeck (n): "a speck or stain made by the excrement of a fly; broadly
: any insignificant dot"
              (vt): "to soil with flyspecks"

English definitions (2), (3), (5), (6), (12), (15) and (16) are from Webster
(3rd ed, 1961).

(17) SAKAI Hoitsu 酒井 抱一 (1761-1828)
(18) KITAGAWA Utamaro 喜多川 歌麿 (ca. 1753-1806)
(19) Oribe ware 織部焼 (pronounced as "oribe yaki") (古田 織部の指導で創始;
(20) IKE Gyokuran 池 玉蘭 (Ike no Taiga 池 大雅 (1723–1776) who went by the
art-name Gyokuran)

(C) Note for the online accompanying Slide Show:
(1) ITO Jakuchu 伊藤 若冲(1716-1800)
(2) KAIGETSUDO Dohan 懐月堂 度繁 (生没年不詳、江戸時代中期の浮世絵師)


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