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发表于 1-21-2010 11:09:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Jan. 21, 2010.

See also
US approves Taiwan military plane's transit. AFP, Jan. 21, 2010.
("When asked if Washington had discussed the sensitive issue with Beijing
prior to giving the green light, Kavanagh told AFP 'there is no need'")

My comment:
(a) The VOA report starts with "美国在台协会证实" but its web site www.ait.
org.tw does not mention it. Apparently it was done by AIT spokesman, as AFP
(b) China boasts that its rescue team arrived Haiti first. See

Weighing US and China's responses to Haiti quake. China Daily, Jan. 19, 2010
(This is an update that was made on Jan. 20).
("However, the US administration succeeded in saving its reputation and even
overshadowing the Chinese contributions thanks to its sophisticated public
relations abilities, an area in which China is far behind.")

I do not know if it is true, for I has not tried to confirm it from media
outside China. But Taiwan cannot send personnel or equipment to Haiti due to
the long distance (that is why Taiwan president has always needed to
transit US to call upon allies in Latin America). This explains Taiwan's
delay, if any, relative to China. But see

Ishaan Thardoor, For Taiwan, Helping Haiti Offers Rare Moment on World Stage
. Time, Jan. 21, 2010.
("Soon after cataclysmic tremors toppled Port-au-Prince, some of the first
search-and-rescue teams to depart for the devastated Haitian capital came
from another small island on the other side of the globe: Taiwan.")

Maybe Taiwan's public relations machine is more powerful in US than China's,
(c) Whether US move is purely humanitarian, further warming with Taiwan or
with an eye on China's missile defense test, I do not know. But recall that
when US military aided Taiwanese earthquake victims in August, last year, by
flying cargo planes into Taiwan, itself the first since severance of
diplomatic relationship, US painted over American insignia. So, the fact
that AIT comes out to confirm a Taiwanese report, whereas the Ma
administration declines, suggests US's active role in propagation of the
(d) Finally:

林楠森, 台湾派“货机”过境美国救灾. BBC Chinese, Jan. 21, 2010.

But China Times of Taiwan, which made the scoop, does not use  "cargo plane." See
吳明杰, 救援海地 國軍運輸機首度飛越太平洋. China Times, Jan. 21, 2010.

I traced the route and found out that it is AIT spokesperson who uses the term "cargo plane." See the AFP report above.

台军方汰除弹药被指流向罗马尼亚. VOA Chinese, Jan. 20, 2010.

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