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Japanese Seacoast on Sea of Japan

发表于 2-9-2010 12:49:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Francine Prose, Finding Serenity on Japan's San-in Coast; Far from bustling Tokyo, tradition can be found in contemplative gardens, quiet inns and old temples. Smithsonian magazine, September 2009.

(1) san-in 山陰
(2) Hagi Castle 萩城, located at 山口県萩市 (山口県 is on the southwestern side of 島根県. For the latter, see (5) below).

(a) 萩 hagi: bush clover or Japanese clover; genus
Lespedeza; picture:

Flower/tree/bird/insect of Sendai city

(b) Hagi city and castle will be described in web page 4 of the Smithsonian article.

(3) Shizuki Park 指月公園
(4) Gesshoji 月照寺 (島根県松江市; (仏教) 浄土宗)
(5) Matsue 松江市, capital of Shimane Prefecture 島根県

Alongside 大阪市 and 広島市, Matsue is nicknamed City of Water 水の都.

Tenjin River 天神川
Lake Shinji 宍道湖

Matsue Castle 松江城
(nicknamed the "black castle" or "plover castle" 別名・千鳥城 (千鳥 【ちどり】: plover); construction 1607-1611; complete reconstruction 1950-1955)

(6) caw (vi; etymology: imitative): "to utter the harsh raucous natural call
of the crow or a similar cry"
(7) Matsudaira 松平 (A Japanese family name)
(8) calabash  葫蘆 in Chinese
(9) Kwaidan (actually "kaidan" in Japanese for 怪談)
Masaki KOBAYASHI 小林 正樹
Ho-ichi the Earless 耳なし芳一
(10) Yakumo KOIZUMI 小泉 八雲

Hearn Museum 小泉八雲記念館

He got the Japanese family name from his wife Setsu 小泉 節子. His given name is derived from 八雲立つ, that was associated with 出雲国 Province of Izumo (see next). Ja.wikipedia.org.

(11) Izumo, Shimane 出雲(市)

Izumo is on the west of Matsue.

(12) Izumo-taisha 出雲大社 (大社 indicates it is Shinto, not Buddhist)

(13) Okuninushi 大国主
en.wikipedia.org states that "he is believed to be originally the ruler of Izumo Province, until he was replaced by Ninigi[-no-Mikoto  瓊瓊杵尊]. In compensation, he was made ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magic. He is believed to be a god of nation-building, farming, business and medicine."

ja.wikipedia.org states, "天の象徴である天照大神に対し、大地を象徴する神格でもある." In the sky is 天照大神 Amaterasu and on earth is 大国主.
(12) Tamatsukuri Onsen 玉造温泉

Tamayu River 玉湯川

(13) Madeleine (cake)
(14) Bride Island 嫁島 (Yomejima in English)
(15) vitrine (n): "a glass showcase or cabinet especially for displaying fine wares or specimens"

(Note: "latrine" is "toilet.")
(16) The Chief City of the Province of the Gods 神々の国の首都
(17) kometsuki 米搗き
(18) Jozan Inari Shrine 城山稲荷神社

(19) Kikuya 菊屋 (Japanese family name of a merchant family)

重要文化財 菊屋家住宅
(20) Ikeno 池野 (Japanese family name)
(21) Tokoji 東光寺
(22) Mouri 毛利 (The u" signifies a long "o" vowel.)
(23) Jusetsu MIWA 三輪壽雪


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