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New Concepts from Japan (I)

发表于 2-11-2010 12:59:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Financial Times (FT) on Feb. 8, 2010 published a special section "Investing in Japan."

(1) Jonathan Soble, Victory is sweet for doughnut venture; Case Study: Krispy Kreme; An unlikely success story in snack food. FT, Feb. 8, 2010.

My comment:
(a) Founded in 1938, Krispy Kreme is headquartered at Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
(b) For explanation of paragraphs 1 and 2, see paragraph 9.
(c) Itochu 伊藤忠商事株式会社
(d) Tak SAWADA 沢田
(e) Uniqlo
(founded in 1949; a Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer)
(f) Lotte (conglomerate)
(established in 1948 in Tokyo by Korean businessman Shin Kyuk-Ho also known as Takero SHIGEMITSU (重光 武雄); doing business in China also as
(h) About "petrol station": "petrol" in UK is "gas" in US.

(2) Michiyo Nakamoto, New model starts to take root; Agriculture; Marketing is the key to success. FT, Feb. 8, 2010.

(a) Hideki SHIMAZAKI 嶋崎 秀樹 (In Japanese, 島 is 正字 whereas 嶋, 異体字.)
(b) Topriver トップリバー
(c) KATO 加藤 (Japanese family name)
(d) A photograph accompanied the article in the print edition, showing two tractors plowing the field in background and a man and a woman in the foreground operating a mechanic planter about waist-high with wheels of 1 foot in diameter. The caption read, "Breaking with tradition: farmer in Hokkaido need to think about potential customers as well as planting cabbages.

(3) Michiyo Nakamoto, Skunk-like grape gives hope to that dream may bear fruit; Vinedyards have many obstacles to overcome. FT, Feb. 8, 2010.

(a) Marufuji Winery 丸藤トップページ
(address: 山梨県甲州市勝沼町藤井780)

The FT article located it Katsunuma, Yamanashi which is 勝沼町 and 山梨県, respectively. 山梨県 is on the western border of Tokyo.

(b) The grape Koshu 甲州 derives its name from 甲州市.
(c) KANO 狩野 (Japanese family name)
(d) Shigekazu MISAWA, managing director of Chuo Budoshu
三澤 茂計(中央葡萄酒株式会社 代表取締役)
(e) Shomei YOKOUCHI 横内 正明
(f) Three kinds of grapes
(i) Chardonnay
(th grape name came from a commune of that name)

(ii) Sauvignon blanc
("The grape gets its name from the French word sauvage ('wild') and blanc ('white') due to its early origins as an indigenous grape in South West France")

(iii) Sémillon

(4) Lindsay Whipp, Ambitions to recapture its glory days; Osaka exchange; Start-ups are vital to the plans. FT, Feb. 8, 2010.

(a) Note: Dojima Rice Exchange 堂島米穀取引所

(b) Please read only the first five paragraphs:

"A short drive away from the Osaka Securities Exchange along the banks of the Dojima River is the site of the world’s first derivatives exchange, where Japanese merchants started trading rice futures back in 1730.

"The Dojima Rice Exchange is now marked by a tiny plot of land with a stone engraving and a sculpture of two children with a sheaf of rice, a monument most walk past without so much as a glance.

"In today’s global market, Osaka has also paled in significance since its heyday. However, Michio Yoneda, the OSE’s president, is preparing for battle to regain its position in the top-10 derivatives markets.

"The OSE has struggled to regain its presence in derivatives trading after regulations introduced in the early 1990s meant it lost its position as the world’s third-largest futures exchange by turnover, as trading of Nikkei futures shifted to Singapore and the asset bubble burst.

"It is still Japan’s largest derivatives market but languishes at 15th in the world, trailing emerging markets such as China’s Dalian and Zhengzhou Commodities Exchanges.

--------------Separately, about a dairy owner in UK
Peter Marsh, A roving ambassador for cheese; Entrepreneurship; Glyn Wooley has taken an imaginative approach to building his company, a leading exporter of British artisanal cheeses. FT. Feb. 3, 2010.

Please read paragraph 1 only:

"Sometimes, doing a headstand works wonders, says Glyn Woolley. That is exactly what he did when tempers were running so high over a pay deal at the London milk depot where he was working in the 1970s that the delivery men threatened to strike. 'I said: "If I stand on my head on the table, will you go back to work?"' He promptly upended himself and the milkmen were, it seems, impressed. 'They went back to their milk rounds and came back the next day for a proper discussion in a much calmer atmosphere,' says Mr Woolley.

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