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The New Red Scare

发表于 2-27-2010 10:21:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Piers Brendon, Like Rome Before the Fall? Not Yet. New York Times, Feb. 25, 2010.

(a) Pierce, which can be a first or last name, is derived from Piers, which
in turn is the Norman form of Peter.
(b) Churchill College, Cambridge
(established in 1958)
(c) For Pres. Obama's "second place" remark, see (2).
(d) Paul Kennedy, born 1945, "graduated with first class honours in history
from Newcastle University and obtained his doctorate from St. Antony's
College, Oxford, under the supervision of A.J.P. Taylor and John Andrew
Gallagher." Wikipedia
(e) Francis Fukuyama
(born in 1952 at Chicago; got BA from Cornell and PhD from Harvard;
currently a professor at Johns Hopkins Univ.)

(f) The article says, "In his [Paul JKennedy's] book, he wrote that Japan
would not stagnate" I guess Dr. Kennedy reasoned that Japan did not have a
heavy burden of defensespending, now that Japan's law requires defense
should not constitute more than 1% of its GDP.
rune (n): "MYSTERY, MAGIC"

entrails (n): "1. BOWELS, VISCERA  2. the inner workings of something"

(i) Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883)
(j) Edward Gibbon
(1737-1794; His most important work: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)
(k) vicissitude (n; from Latin vicis: change, alternation)
(l) Matthew Arnold
(1822-1888; an English poet and cultural critic)
(m) Second Boer War
(1899-1902; also known as South African War (outside of South Africa))
(n) Diamond Jubilee  
("A Diamond Jubilee is a celebration held to mark a 60th anniversary in the case of a person (e.g. wedding anniversary, length of time a monarch has reigned as King or Queen, etc.) ")

(o) Full-spectrum Dominance
(dominance, in a battle, in the physical battlespace: air, land maritime and space; as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space)
(p) Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
(Lord Palmerston; 1784-1865; best remembered for his direction of British foreign policy through a period when the United Kingdom was at the height of its power, serving terms as both Foreign Secretary (1830-1834, 1835-1841, and 1846-1851) and Prime Minister (1859-1965))

Thus he presided over both Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860)

(q) Gunboat diplomacy
(r) Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay
(Lord Macaulay; 1800-1859; a British poet, historian and Whig politician; Secretary at War between 1839 and 1841)

One should not be confused with Lord Macartney. See
George Macartney, 1st Earl Macartney
(1737-1806; in 1793 the head of British delegation to Beijing and refused to kowtow to the Qianlong Emperor)

(2) Steven Mufson and John Pomfret, There's a new Red Scare. But is China really so scary?  Washington Post, Feb.
28, 2010 (available now)

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