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Q1 2010 PC Sales

发表于 4-15-2010 11:52:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Ashlee Vance, PC Sales Are on Course for Big Increase in 2010. New York
Times, Apr. 15, 2010.
("Consumers have led the PC charge through their fondness for netbooks * * *
Rather than eating into laptop sales, these devices have attracted
consumers to a new category of complementary computers. * * * About 95
percent of people buy netbooks as an additional computer rather than as a
laptop replacement, according to Intel’s surveys of its customers")

My comment:
(1) The summary of the report is: contrary to dire prediction at the
beginning of last year (2009), "ltimately, global PC sales rose more than
5 percent in 2009."
(2) Gartner and IDC both released press releases yesterday, which carried
not only the message above, but anoint winners for Q1 2010: Acer, Lenovo,
ASUS, Toshiba--and possibly Apple (the uncertainty due to discrepancy
between Gartner and IDC).

Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments Grew 27 Percent in First Quarter of 2010.

PC Growth Passes 24% - Propelled by Strong Emerging Market Dynamics and
Improving Business Spending in Q1 2010, According to IDC.

(3) My summary of Gartner and IDC data (by units shipped rather than revenue

(a) Q1 2010 GLOBAL market share (%) for PC and growth (%) compared with Q1

.........Gartner ..growth ..........IDC .....growth
HP ......18.2 .....19.9 ............19.7 ....19.9
Acer ....14.2 .....54.3 ............13.6 ....42.5
Dell ....12.1 .....21.4 ............13.3 ....21.1
Lenovo ...8.3 .....59.2 .............8.8 ....58.3
ASUS .....5.5 ....114.8
Toshiba ..5.5 .....34.8 .............5.8 ....29.4

(b) Q1 2010 US market share (%) for PC and growth (%) compared with Q1 2009:

.........Gartner ..growth .........IDC ......growth
HP .......25.0 ......7.1 ...........25.4 ......7.8
Dell .....23.4 ......7.2 ...........24.1 ......7.5
Acer .....15.6 .....50.9 ...........13.1 .....45.8
Toshiba ...8.6 .....50.0 ............8.6 .....49.4
Apple .....8.0 .....34.0 ............6.4 ......8.3

Gartner further states, "PC shipments in China grew 45.4 percent; this
growth was led by consumer PC demand due to the Chinese New Year holidays,
when promotions and students' winter holidays stimulated purchases,
especially of mobile PCs." Assuming Lenovo captured in 2009 most of the PC
sale increase in China (45.4 %), then the company's sale increase outside
China would be modest.


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