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Latest Confrontation Between China and Japan

发表于 5-12-2010 12:08:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Latest report first.
(1) 中国强烈不满海军受日军舰监视. BBC Chinese, May 11, 2010.

童倩, 特稿:纠纷渐频 中日外长会谈惹关注. BBC Chinese, May 9, 2010.

My comment:
(1) The latest iconfrontation:
(a) Haijian 51  中国海监51号;
(b) Shoyo 昭洋  Japan Coast Guard (JCG) survey vessel;
(c) in the East China Sea, about 320 kilometers northwest of Amami Oshima
Island, Kagoshima Prefecture;
(d) 2 p.m., Monday, May 3, 2010.

(2) Amami Ōshima
(奄美大島; a semi-tropical island in the Ryūkyū Archipelago; lies roughly
halfway between the islands of Okinawa and Kyūshū; Formerly part of the Ry
ūkyū Kingdom, in 1624 it was annexed by the daimyo 大名 of Satsuma. It
also spent approximately seven years under American control following World
War II)

(3) China is mean. A year ago, a Chinese submarine thought nobody else knew
and from underwater observed an joint exercise US and ASEAN. The submarine
finally surfaced (as all diesel-electric ones do) and got entangled with an
array of hydrophones trailing a US warship that had been watching it (sub)
silently. The sub cut off the array and escaped. US just smiled, without
bothering to protest.

(4) I sincerely wish China and Japan can make peace. It is not to be,
however. The new administration by Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has
awakened from its delusion. This new development is only good for Taiwan.


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