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Joint Statement of US, S Korea Defense Chiefs

发表于 7-20-2010 10:09:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

U.S.-Korean Defense Leaders Announce Exercise. US Department of Defense,
July 19, 2010.

My comment:
(1) Please click the icon (under Latest DOD News) in the upper right corner "U.S.-Korean Defense
Leaders Announce Exercise  Story | Transcript | Special."

(a) The Story mistakenly states, "To Americans, the East Sea is the Yellow
Sea and the West Sea is the Sea of Japan." It is the other way around.
(b) The Transcript says "We haven't decided that [USS George Washington in East or West Sea]."

(2) However, five (5) hours ago, Voice of America (English edition) APPEARED to report the carrier would be in the East Sea.

Al Pessin, US, South Korea Announce 'Show of Force.' VOA, July 19, 2010.
("According to a joint statement, the first of a series of exercises will begin Sunday in the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula.  It will involve the U.S. aircraft carrier George Washington, about 20 American and South Korean warships and numerous aircraft.")

(a) I have not found the joint statement. News reports today from Reuters and Associated Press do NOT mention USS Geor5ge Washington at all.

(b) Regarding the VOA report. the carrier can exercise in the East Sea/Sea of Japan. OR, the quotation can simply mean the carrier will participate in the exercise, but its precise location is not disclosed at this hour. It all depends on how one reasd the quotation: specifically, how the two sentences in the quotation are related in the construction.

※ 修改:.choi 于 Jul 20 14:12:15 修改本文.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 7-20-2010 10:33:07 | 只看该作者

Re: Joint Statement of US, S Korea Defense Chiefs


发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Military
标  题: Re: Joint Statement of US, S Korea Defense Chiefs
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 20 14:31:41 2010, 美东)

The original posting referenced "story" and "transcript."

The "story" was modified a bit to add "Invisible Spirit."

This is the transcript I mentioned:

Media Availability with Secretary Gates at Camp Casey, South Korea. DOD,
July 20, 2010.

And in DOD web site, there is a NEW transcript that comes with the news.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: U.S.-Korean Defense Leaders Announce Exercise. US Department of Defense,
: July 19, 2010.
: http://www.defense.gov/
: My comment:
: (1) Please click the icon (under Latest DOD News) in the upper right corner "U.S.-Korean Defense
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 7-20-2010 11:01:15 | 只看该作者

Re: Joint Statement of US, S Korea Defense Chiefs


The new transcript:
(incorporating text of joint statement)

Quote (all by Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
unless otherwise noted):

"Once again, this is the first in a series of exercises that will take place
in both the East and West seas, involving both the ROK and U.S. forces.
The first in this series of exercises, which will take place in the next
several days in the West -- in the East Sea, excuse me, does include the
Carrier Strike Group USS George Washington

"[Q: Is this the center piece of the exercises in the coming months?]  No, I
would say that this is the first in a series of exercises that are
intending to send a very specific signal to the North Koreans as a
consequence of the Cheonan incident.

"[Q: Admiral, can you give us a few more details, how long will this
exercise last?  When will you do the exercise on the west side of the
peninsula and will you be sending the GW to the west side?]  This exercise
is intended to last several days.  And we would prefer not to discuss the
following in the series of exercises, but rather leave that to the ministers
to announce themselves.

"No, I’m not concerned [that China’s reaction to this plan that it’s
going to deepen and extend the military relations freeze].

"Well, China wasn’t consulted with regard to the exercises

"[Q:  Are you going to use the George Washington in the West also?]  Again,
we’re not going to discuss the particulars of the follow on in the series
of exercises.  There will, however -- both seas will be covered. [Press
Secretary MR. MORRELL:  But, Elizabeth, to that point, as a matter of
principle we obviously have the right to navigate all international waters,
conduct operations in all international waters at the time and place of our
choosing.  But decisions about future exercises and future assets to be used
in those exercises have not yet come to finality yet.]

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: 发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Military
: 标  题: Re: Joint Statement of US, S Korea Defense Chiefs
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 20 14:31:41 2010, 美东)
: The original posting referenced "story" and "transcript."
: (以下引言省略...)

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