David Pilling, Why America sees red in corporate China; Huawei has not
shaken off suspicions that it is a front for the Chinese military, something
it vigorously denied. Financial Times, Aug. 5, 2010.
("This June, a joint venture between a US fibre-optics maker and a Chinese
investment corporation never even made it to Cfius [US Committee on Foreign
Investment] because of security objections from the White House")
My comment: I did not know about that. The same report is reproduced at CNN.
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: VOA Chinese, Aug. 5, 2010.
: http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/20100805-China-World-Baidu-100026939.html
: --------------------Separately
: Serena Saitto and Jeffrey McCracken, Huawei Said to Lose Out on U.S. Assets
: Despite Higher Offers. Bloomberg, Aug. 3, 2010.
: (以下引言省略...)