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发表于 9-24-2010 13:21:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Sept. 24, 2010.

My comment: The web site of US Department of Defense has not displayed transcript of today's briefing. However, Korea's source indicates just now that U.S.-South Korea Combined Forces Command today (Sept. 24 local time) announced the anti-submarine drill, long delayed by typhoons, with US deploying USS John S. McCain and U.S.S. Fitzgerald (as well as submarines) but not aircraft carrier "this time."

David E. Sanger, Obama Presses China to Let Currency Rise; Economis at Forefront in Talks with Premier. New York Times, Sept. 24, 2010 (title in the print).

My comment:
(a) Please only the first half (as the second half deals with Iran President denounced US at UN), up to and including the paragraph that starts with "Mr. Obama's meeting with Mr. Wen."
(b) In the first half, one paragraphs that stands out is:

"In Washington, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said that China and Japan should sort out the issue themselves, but that “We would fulfill our alliance responsibilities,” a term that clearly referred to the American military alliance with Japan."

The remark dovetails with Secretary of State's similar comment.
Clinton Tells Maehara Senkakus Subject To Bilateral Security Treaty. Kyodo News, Sept. 24, 2010.

* The comment, though widely reported in the media, does not appear in the web site of US Department of State. However, I did find two of her "remarks" in the web sites, both dated Sept. 22, 2010:
(i) Typhoon Fanapi in Taiwan
(ii) Typhoon Fanapi in the People's Republic of China


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 楼主| 发表于 10-7-2010 11:30:31 | 只看该作者

Re: 美韩星期一开始军演


(1) "gc01" replied to my posting in mitbbs.com, to which I answered. Apparently "gc01" deleted his posting. So I am reposting mine, with his attached below. (Note: gc01's reply was one sentence. The three asterics were MINE when gc01 replied to a previous posting of mine.)


"发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Military
标  题: Re: 台湾在中日争议里寻找平衡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 24 17:04:00 2010, 美东)

Bravo! China is moving toward transparency.

(2) There is a news report today.

Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring, Washington Post, Oct. 7, 2010.

Note: Korla
(库尔勒, 县级市; in central Xinjiang, 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州的首府; known
for its "fragrant" pears 香梨)

【 在 gc01 (gc01) 的大作中提到: 】
: 中共明天又要反导试验了,美国专家又何反应?

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: VOA Chinese, Sept. 24, 2010.
: http://www.voanews.com/chinese/news/20100924-US-KOREA-EXERCISE-103732104.html
: ("将有7艘战舰、两艘潜艇以及猎潜飞机参加演习")
: My comment: The web site of US Department of Defense has not displayed transcript of today's briefing. However, Korea's source indicates just now that
: (以下引言省略...)

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