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Ma Administration Wonders About Senkaku Exercise

发表于 10-3-2010 09:39:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Jenny W. Hsu, Taiwan probing report on U.S.-Japan joint exercise over Tiaoyutais. Central News Agency, Oct. 3, 2010.

My comment:
(a) What is worrisome to China, judging from this report on AIT statement, is that US-Japan Treaty on Mutual Cooperation and Security covers Senkaku islands has become official line of United States--though the latter appears evasive before Sept. 7, 2010.
(b) The report refers to

佐々木 類, 日米軍事演習で「尖閣奪還作戦」 中国の不法占拠想定.

For your convenience, I will translate it, for there is no translation or English report on this.

(c) Predictably China/Chinese will go ballistic, as USS George Washington will call on East China Sea AND monitor Chinese mainland.

Right after Pres. Obama comes to Japan in November, large-scale combined military exercise will be held, centering on Japan Coast Guard together with US Navy with USS George Washington also participating. Its mainstay 柱 is 尖閣奪還作戦. The timing aims to reinforce strong US-Japan alliance to international society AND check 牽制 ever increasing 活発化 activity of China's military at East China Sea.

Combined US-Japan military exercises have been held now and then since China submarine invaded territorial waters of Ishigaki island in 2004. According to a few sources familiar with US-Japan relationship, this time (ie, this exercise) places emphasis 力点 on retake Senkakus now that it has become clear that China's military really may illegally occupy the islands.

The core of the exercise will be 航空打撃部隊 that centers on USS George Washington, part of the Seventh Fleet that is home-based at City of Yokosuka of Kanagawa Prefecture. Also slated to join are Aegis-equipped destroyers, radar-hard-to-detect F22 fighters and Global Hawks which just arrived at Anderson Air Force Base (AFB) at Guam.

Assume illegal occupation despite all diplomatic ripostes. The first phase of the exercise: militaries from US and Japan will swiftly assure superiority in air and on sea, surround Senkakus, cut off supply route, and attack provisions and munition of China army on the islands.

The second phase: with overwhelming air and sea force as background and backed by fire cover from US and Japan military, airborne 空挺 troopers will descend and annihilate China army.

Most of the exercise will use Hijudai* as the stand-in 見立てる for Senkakus. However, due to narrowness/cramped-ness of Bungo Channel, antisubmarine warfare (ASW) and sea drill will be conducted in East China Sea.

* Hijudai artillery range 日出生台 演習場, at Oita Prefecture 大分県 (on Kyushu 九州).
* Bungo Channel 豊後水道
(a strait separating the Japanese islands of Kyūshū and Shikoku. It connects the Pacific Ocean and Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海)

To equip the exercise, US has already dispatched USS Michigan (Ohio-class nuclear powered; 16,764 tonnes and 170 crew) to Yokosuka naval base. Together nuclear-powered Virginia-class attack submarine(s) join.*

* Singular or plural, it is unclear--because Japanese language, similar to Chinese, does not differentiate in case of a noun, generally speaking.

Armed with FA18s whose operation 作戦半径 is more than 1,000 km and E2C early warning airplanes capable of taking in thousands of objects of interest simultaneously, the aircraft carrier, USS George Washington, will monitor, from East China Sea, not only China sea coasts but also inland air bases.


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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2010 10:29:59 | 只看该作者

Re: Ma Administration Wonders About Senkaku Exercise



Sorry, Chinese. It is not pretty.

(1) 中日纠纷尚未结束 俄日又起争吵. VOA Chinese, Oct. 3, 2010.

My comment: Please read the last three sections, starting with the top one
whose heading is 俄日共同把中国看成威胁. IF true, China is in trouble.

(b) 稀土解禁 日中关系仍有未知数.




My comment:
(a) Regarding the first quotation. Maybe China is insulting Japan.
(b) 大畠 章宏 OHATA Akihiro

畑/畠 is dry land used to cultivate vegetables, beans, taro, fruit trees--
anything but rice--thus not submerged in water.

(3) 范正祥, 釣魚台屬中國? 日關切台灣態度. Liberty Times, Oct. 3, 2010.

My comment: I was suspicious upon reading this report. Whatever the meeting
may be, if any, there is no reason that a reporter would get wind of it.
However, the content of the report probably is true, now that another
publication, albeit sister, got a hand on "a document."

Fan Cheng-hsiang, Japan worried over ROC interpretation. Taipei Times, Oct.
4, 2010 (available now).

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Jenny W. Hsu, Taiwan probing report on U.S.-Japan joint exercise over Tiaoyutais. Central News Agency, Oct. 3, 2010.
: http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aALL&ID=201010030011
: My comment:
: (a) What is worrisome to China, judging from this
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2010 12:13:48 | 只看该作者

Re: Ma Administration Wonders About Senkaku Exercise


This is just out.

(1) 許紹軒, 釣魚台海域外船 我將驅離. Liberty Times, Oct. 4, 2010.

(2) 王寓中、許紹軒, 馬避談釣魚台主權 指向石油之爭. Liberty Times, Oct. 4, 2010.

(3) 鄒景雯, 星期專訪》釣魚台紛爭 高英茂:忌憚中國 違反台基本戰略. Liberty Times, Oct. 4, 2010.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this interview.
(b) 高英茂 Michael Kao, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Pres. Chen Shui-bian

He was indicted on Sept. 22, 2009 for corruption, along with Pres. Chen and 前國安會秘書長邱義仁--as part of Pres. Ma's purge.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (continued)
: Sorry, Chinese. It is not pretty.
: (1) 中日纠纷尚未结束 俄日又起争吵. VOA Chinese, Oct. 3, 2010.
: http://www.voanews.com/chinese/news/20101003_Russia_Japan-104233904.html
: My comment: Please read the last three sections, s
: (以下引言省略...)

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