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Effort on a United Front Against China

发表于 10-26-2010 12:21:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Lark Landler and Sewell Chan, White House Tries to Build United Front to
Face China; Lining Up Allies on Issues Like Trade ands Security. New York
Times, Oct. 26, 2010.

Excerpt in the window of the print

"A loss of trust and confidence between two world powers.

"Reinvigorating Cold War Alliances with Asian nations.

My comment: With regard to rare earth.
(a) Mure Dickie, Jonathan Soble, Leslie Hook and Javier Blas, Japan Cries
Foul Over Rare Earths; China use of export quotats to encourage investment
is not popular in Tokyo. Financial Times, Oct. 25, 2010.


"Purchasers in Europe and the US say they are still getting shipments,
albeit slowly [thus contradicting an earlier report elsewhere that China has
not shipped to any other nations, not just Japan]

"But Chinese offcials and western executies say quota cuts are part of a
strategy intended to boost development of its manufacturing industry by
trading 'resources for technology.'

"The quota creates a powerful incentive to foreign companies to transfer
production to China-based joint ventures because they only apply to raw
materials, not processed forms of commodity, such as rare-earth-made magnets.

(b) A year ago, a Chinese, in a letter to editor of Financial Times, stated
in the wke of collapse of purchase of Australian mine that 以市場換技術
failed (he used pinyin).

John Markoff and David Barboza, Chinese Telecom Giant Makes Bold Push for
the U.S. Market; For Huawei, claims of intelelctual property theft and
corporate espionage. New York Times, Oct. 26, 2010.

(a) sew up (vt): "to make certain of : be assured of <the team sewed up the
division title>
(b) wolf spirit  狼性 企业精神/狼性 企业文化 /狼性文化 in China-based web
(c) For your convenience, this is a Chinese translation (by bigbitchon).


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