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美國 富二代 Ivanka Trump

发表于 11-4-2010 10:34:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Vanessa Friedman, In the name of the father; Entrepreneur; Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald, is branching out in her own right but wants to be heir to the family business too. Financial Times, Nov. 3, 2010.

Photo caption that appears in print but not online: One and the same: Trump is trying to create a jewellery business that complements the family enterprise started by her father (below).*

* Next to the sidebar in print (titled Ivanka on Trump) is a photo of father and daughter.

My comment:
(a) One will have to register with Financial Times to read the report.
(b) Paragraph 1: "smile blindingly white" alludes to teeth.
(c) crater (vi): ": to fail or fall suddenly and dramatically : COLLAPSE, CRASH <the deal cratered> <cratering stock prices>"  www.m-w.com
(c) Moshe is modern Hebrew for Moses.
(e) For Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry (Americans have one L in "jewelry" while Brits have two), see
Ivanka Trump Collection
(f) onyx
(a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. The colors of its bands range from white to almost every color)

(g) Today's New York Times (NYT) fleetingly discusses her husband.

From Scion to ‘Service Provider.’ NYT, Nov. 4, 2010.
("He is, after all, a Kushner — a scion of one of the New York area’s pre-eminent real estate dynasties — who was raised to go into the billion-dollar family business headed by his father, Murray, and his uncle, Charles. His cousin Jared Kushner is the publisher of The New York Observer and is married to Ivanka Trump.")

(i) Excerpt in the wondow pf the print: “I pursued architecture, so I’m the black sheep in the family,” Marc Kushner says.
(ii) Summary of NYT report: Instead of an architect, Marc Kushner co-founded a web site:

"So a year ago, he and three partners started Architizer, a social-networking Web site * * * In a sense, it functions like Facebook for architects.


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 楼主| 发表于 11-6-2010 17:21:54 | 只看该作者

Re: 美國 富二代 Ivanka Trump


It is debatable whether Mr. Donal Trump is wealthy or not. Certainly he is richer than I, but it can be just smoke and mirror Mr. Trump meticulously builds. I recall hiswail of woe and poverty when his first wife was divorcing him and his threats (in years far apart) to declare bankruptcy when creditors clamored for cash he did not have. Who know? He may sue me for this remark.

News reports in chronological order.

(1) The 1990 near-death experience of Mr. Trump's real estate empire.
(a) Up, and Down, With Donald Trump. New York Times, June 9, 1990.

(b) Trump Deal With His Creditors Reported. Associated Press, June 11, 1990.

(c) Christina SN Lewis, Trump Abandons Casino-Control Bid.
Nov. 18, 2009.

(2) Regarding how rich he really was (millionaire or billionaie?).
(a) Alex Frangos, Trump on Trump: Testimony Offers Glimpse of How He Values His Empire; Worth Rises, Falls 'With Markets and Attitudes And With Feelings, Even My Own Feeling.' Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2009.
(Timothy L. O'Brien, TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald. Warner Business (2005))


(b) Amir Efrati, Trump Cries “Unfair” When Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against NYT Editor. Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2009.

Mr. Trump appealed the dismissal on Aug. 13, 2009. No final words yet onthe appeal.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Vanessa Friedman, In the name of the father; Entrepreneur; Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald, is branching out in her own right but wants to be heir to the family business too. Financial Times, Nov. 3, 2010.
: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/035a2bc6-e6c0-11df-99b3-00144feab49a.html
: (以下引言省略...)

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