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发表于 11-12-2010 13:01:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Nov. 12, 2010.

My comment:
(a) The report refers to it as 乾隆粉彩镂空瓷瓶. News reports in English
just say a "vase."
(b) The report does not mention the auctioner. It is Bainbridges
Auctionee4rs, Valuers & House Clearance.
(formed 30 years ago as a partnership between Peter Bainbridge and his wife,

(i) This explains why an "s" is added to the last name.
(ii) The last name is from a village Bainbridge, North Yorkshire, near River
Bain (named with Old Norse beinn ‘straight’).

(c) Two English-language news report:
(i) Mohammed Abbas and Mike Collett-White, Chinese vase fetches record $69
million in UK auction. Reuters, Nov. 12, 2010.
("According to the auctioneer, the vase dates from the 1740s from the
Qianlong period, would have resided 'no doubt' in the Chinese Royal Palace
and was fired in the imperial kilns. The auctioneer said it was a mystery
how the 16-inch high piece ended up in London.")

(ii) Jan Dalley, Peter Aspden and Justine Lau, House clearance vase fetches
£53m. Financial Times, Nov. 13, 2010 (available now).

(d) Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers

, whose home page shows the seal. Click "About Bonhams" and you will read, "
Bonhams was set up in 1793 when Thomas Dodd, a renowned antique print dealer
, joined forces with the book specialist Walter Bonham. * * * In the early
1950s the Bonham family purchased some land in Knightsbridge and erected a
saleroom on Montpelier Street.")

Thus, The "s" suffix also signifies a family.

The English last name Bonham is from Old French bon homme (Latin bonus homo)
, meaning "good man."

There is an English actress named Helena Bonham Carter (1966- ).


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