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美韩开始联合军演 朝威胁开战

发表于 2-28-2011 07:52:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Feb 28, 2011.

(a) The companion English report is
US, South Korea Begin Military Drill Amid North Korean War Threats; US says the drills are defensive in nature, and that North Korea was notified in advance. VOA, Feb 28, 2011.

The corresponding paragraph in the English report for quotation 1 is

"There are two parts to the drill.  A command post computer simulation war game called Key Resolve is scheduled to continue until March 10.  Air, ground and naval forces are taking part in maneuvers code-named 'Foal Eagle.'  They are expected to run through the end of April.

(b) Foal Eagle
(an annual combined Field Training Exercise (FTX) conducted between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and United States armed forces under the auspices of Combined Forces Command (CFC) within the Korean Theater of Operations (KTO)./ It is one of the largest military exercises conducted annually in the world; first started in 1997)

There is no such animal called "foal eagle."

(1) Philip Dorling, No nuclear limit: China. The Age (Melbourne), Feb 28, 2011.

(2) Andrew Erickson, National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) Report Released: People’s Liberation Army Air Force 2010 (National Air and Space Intelligence Center: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1 August 2010). Feb 22, 2011 (blog).

(a) Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency
(The AF ISR Agency, headquartered at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, was activated June 8, 2007; section 1.1.1 National Air and Space Intelligence Center)
(b) Wendell Minnick reported in the Feb 21, 2011 Defense News. This particular report requires subscription to read online. So Erickspn's blog is the most extensive coverage that is free.

See also
美报告:中国打造战略空军作战范围将超亚太. 环球网, Feb 28, 2011.

(3) China abandons Gadhafi also.

Jason Dean, China's Vote On Libya Signals Possible Shift. Wall Street Journal, Feb 28, 2011,
("China's vote for the United Nations Security Council resolution on Libya represents an unusual endorsement by Beijing of sanctions against another government over the treatment of its people. For decades, the Asian power has held as a central premise of its foreign policy that governments shouldn't interfere in the "internal affairs" of other countries")


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