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Veggie Burger 2.0

发表于 3-25-2011 12:17:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Jeff Gordinier, Masters of Disguise Among Meatless Burgers: The day of the hockey puck are gone. The new veggie burger is here. New York Times, Mar 23, 2011.

(i) Self-actualization
(The term was originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential)
(ii) Kurt Goldstein
(1878-1965; German Jewish neurologist and psychiatrist; his book The Organism: A Holistic Approach to Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man (1939) coined the term)

(b) brio (n; Italian): "enthusiastic vigor : VIVACITY, VERVE"

All definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(i) spirulina (n; New Latin, from spirula small coil, diminutive of Latin spira coil; First Known Use: 1977)
(ii) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirulina

Click the first two
* Spirulina (dietary supplement)
* Spirulina (genus)
to see what it looks like.

(i) charcuterie (n; French, literally, pork-butcher's shop, from Middle French chaircuiterie, from chaircutier pork butcher, from chair cuite cooked meat):
"a delicatessen specializing in dressed meats and meat dishes; also : the products sold in such a shop"
(ii) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcuterie

(i) carpaccio (n; origin: Vittore Carpaccio; from the prominent use of red in his painting; First Known Use: 1969):
"thinly sliced raw meat or fish served with a sauce —often used as a postpositive modifier <beef carpaccio>"
(ii) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpaccio
(served as an appetizer)
(f) umami 旨味 (n): "good flavor"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
(g) edamame 枝豆
(h) Pete Petersen, Cipollini onion crosses cultures. Oregonian, Nov 18, 2008.
(i) slider (n): "a very small meat sandwich typically served on a bun; especially : a small hamburger"
(j) For garbanzo bean, see chickpea
(also garbanzo bean)
(k) Marian Blazes, Aji Amarillo - Peruvian Yellow Chile Pepper. About.com, undated.
(""Aji" means chile pepper in Spanish, and "amarillo" means yellow. But although they are named yellow chile peppers, their color changes to orange as they mature")
(l) Also known as butterhead, butter lettice gets its name from buttery texture of the leaves.

(m) quinoa (n: Spanish, which is derived from a local language): "an annual herb (Chenopodium quinoa) of the goosefoot family that is native to the Andean highlands and is cultivated for its starchy seeds which are used as food and ground into flour; also : its seeds"

(n) duxelles
(o) ballast (n):
"1: a heavy substance placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine)
2: something that gives stability (as in character or conduct)
3: gravel or broken stone laid in a railroad bed or used in making concrete"
(p) wheatberry
(refers to the entire wheat kernel (except for the hull), comprising the bran, germ, and endosperm)
* koan 公案 (n): "Zen question for meditation (e.g. the sound of one hand clapping)"
* panko パン粉 【パンこ】 (n): "breadcrumbs"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
(r) fritter
(A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried)
(s) tzatziki

※ 修改:.choi 于 Mar 27 15:54:02 修改本文.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 3-27-2011 11:54:20 | 只看该作者

Re: Veggie Burger 2.0


(m) quinoa (n: Spanish, which is derived from a local language): "an annual herb (Chenopodium quinoa) of the goosefoot family that is native to the Andean highlands and is cultivated for its starchy seeds which are used as food and ground into flour; also : its seeds"

(n) duxelles
(o) ballast (n):
"1: a heavy substance placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine)
2: something that gives stability (as in character or conduct)
3: gravel or broken stone laid in a railroad bed or used in making concrete"
(p) wheatberry
(refers to the entire wheat kernel (except for the hull), comprising the bran, germ, and endosperm)
* koan 公案 (n): "Zen question for meditation (e.g. the sound of one hand clapping)"
* panko パン粉 【パンこ】 (n): "breadcrumbs"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
(r) fritter
(A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried)
(s) tzatziki

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Jeff Gordinier, Masters of Disguise Among Meatless Burgers: The day of the hockey puck are gone. The new veggie burger is here. New York Times, Mar 23, 2011.
: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/23/dining/23meatless.html?_r=1&amp;scp=2&amp;sq=veggie%20burger&amp;st=cse
: Note:
: (以下引言省略...)

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