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日本抗灾满月 中美救援争展外交

发表于 4-11-2011 10:31:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Apr 11, 2011.

My comment:
(a) The pertinent in BBC report about China is as follows.






(b) 海外救援隊と日本. Asahi Shimbun, Apr 3, 2011 (特集).

(ii) China is discussed in a section:
坂尻 信義, 中国、なぜ「15人派遣」?  

"Why did China dispatch a 15-person rescue team to Japan?

"This time, thank you very much."
"Don't mention it.

The above was the exchange between Japan and China authorities, when the two agreed on March 3 on China's dispatch of rescue team to eastern Japan's earthquake disaster areas. The one that expressed gratitude was CHINA.

According to 中国地震局国際協力部課長の徐志忠 (the person in charge of pre-coordination between Japan and China, which includes rescue effort to us), China on the day of earthquake (Mar 11) signaled to United Nations INSARAG the willingness to send personnel to disaster areas, while simultaneously sounding Japan out for the rescue team dispatch. China was ready "to depart in 2-3 hours."

However, in Japan's calculation the nations it must at the beginning receive/accept was: in contrast to US in rank 1, China was low in priority as rank 4.   

Despite input from China desk of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "we must accept" [China], at long last China was elevated to rank 3.5.

Why the hesitation on the part of Japan?  [Japanese] authority's reply was concise.

"Due to Mizawa.

Right after the earthquake, the only functional airport in and around the disaster areas was Mizawa only. Prosperous as a rearguard in Korean War, the airport, operated by US under 日米地位協定, felt resistance from US and its treaty ally Japan to accomodate Chinese soldiers.

In the end, Chinese team arrived at Haneda Airport [in Tokyo] , flew by a plane arranged by self-defense force to Hanamaki Airport of Iwate prefecture and from there to disaster areas.

China was active/resolute. According to 徐[志忠], China originally conveyed to INSARAG the dispatching of a rescue team on the level of "80-100 persons," but reduced the number through pre-coordination with Japan.

Though China wanted to made sure of 20, at last appeared to accept Japan's intention of 15.

China also sounded Japan out for possibly dispatching 和平方舟, a PLA Navy hospital ship launched in August 2007 and potentially hosting helicopters.

One factor China desired to send in rescue team is diplomacy.

Relations between Japan and China was extremely cold, following the confrontation of Chinese fishboat and patrol boat of self-defense force around Senkaku Islands last fall.

Aiming to improve and replace former foreign minister 前原誠司's policy, China's leadership must have taken advantage of the earthquake and hoped for 戦略的互恵関係.

On top of that, China wanted to return favor where Japan sent a rescue team in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

At the time, China accpted Japan's taking the lead of foreign rescue teams.  

Japan was in the spotlight: anticipation of technology Japan holds in "China's first welcome of international rescue teams in its history" (China's media). Chinese were moved by news photos of Japanese team members lining up and paying silent respect to the bodies of a mother and her child in the scene.

This time, China's media reported in details movements of China's team.

Though we see the true color of Chinese in the internet whose postings criticized "Rescue is a waste of money" or stated "It is best that the entire Japan archipelago sinks," there might be a possibility the entries might turn toward condemning those entries and favoring the rescue of Japan.

All definitions are from Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary.
* 交う 【かう】(v) : "to take turns"
* 窓口 【まどぐち】 (n) (1) ticket window; teller window; counter; (2) contact person; point of contact"
* 加わる 【くわわる】 (v): "to be added to; to be appended"
* 打診 【だしん】 (n,v) "percussion; tapping (medical); sounding someone out"
* 本音 (n): "real intention; motive"
* 垣間見る【かいまみる】 (v): "to take a peep at; to catch a glimpse of"
* Misawa Air Base
(三沢飛行場; at 青森県 三沢市)
* 陶社兰, 国防部:解放军愿派海军医院船尽快赴日救灾. 中国新闻网, Mar 15, 2011.
* 仲伟东, 日称中国海军万吨级和平方舟号随时赴日救灾. Huanqiu, Mar 16, 2011.

In an open letter, Japan prime minister Naoto Kan thanks the "world" for help in the earthquake. Taiwan also gets one, written in traditional Chinese and titled "厚重情誼  Kizuna--友誼的結合力  Thanks for the Kizuna. (感謝您的厚重情誼)."
王光慈, 菅直人寫信 感謝台灣「厚重情誼」. 聯合報, Apr 11, 2011.

The one appears in People's Daily is titled "纽带  Kizuna-情谊纽带  Thank you for the Kizuna. (谢谢您给予的情谊纽带)."
PM Kan offers thanks for 'Kizuna' on People's Daily. People's Daily, Apr 11, 2011.

* kizuna 絆 【きずな】 (n): "(1) bonds; fetters; encumbrance; (2) tether"
* My comment: It is possible that languages in Taiwan and China account for the difference in the titles--the texts are identical. Taiwanese rarely use 纽带. Rather than feeling jealous, we should set aside everything to help Japanese in need.

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