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European Theater of World War II

发表于 4-11-2011 12:20:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Michael Burleigh, An American Triple Threat; How a trio of generals worked together, except when they didn't, in taking the fight to Hitler. Wall Street Journal, Apr 9, 2011.
(book review on Jonathan W. Jordan, Brothers, Rivals, Victors: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and the partnership that drove the Allied Conquest in Europe. Caliber, 2011)

(a) gimp (n): "LIMP <walks with a gimp — Damon Runyon>"
gimpy (adj)
(b) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(the third of seven boys; Though born David, he was called Dwight, so he reversed the order of his given names when he enrolled at West Point Military Academy in 1911)

Ike is pet form of Isaac. But in the case of Eisenhower, it was based on the surname.
(c) triptych (n; Greek triptychos having three folds, from tri- + ptychē fold)
All definitions are from www.m-w.com.

(d) politic (adj): "characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing"
(e) tiffin (n): "chiefly British : a light midday meal : LUNCHEON"
(f) epigram (n): "a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying"
(g) suffuse (vt): "to spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light : FLUSH, FILL <the northern horizon was suffused with a deep red glow — P. M. Leschak>"

(2) Konrad Jarausch, German Views Of World War II. Wall Street Journal, Apr 9, 2011 (in the column of Five Best Books).
(On book 5: Anonymous, A Woman in Berlin; Eight Weeks in the Conquered City. Virago Press Ltd, 2005, the review says, "This powerful was this account of random killing, starvation and humiliation in 1945 describes those experiences that helped persuade many Germans that they could consider themselves &shy;victims of the war like everyone else")


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