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Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS)

发表于 4-13-2011 09:32:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Amy Butler, USAF Prepares For First Sbirs GEO Launch. Aviation Week, Apr 11, 2011.


"The Space-Based Infrared System (Sbirs) geosynchronous (GEO) satellites will provide a new generation of IR sensors designed to detect ballistic missile launches—including “dim,” short-range boosts—faster than today’s Defense Support Program (DSP) constellation.

"When Sbirs was originally conceived, the Pentagon envisioned two spaceborne constellations to both detect and track ballistic missiles in flight. While Sbirs—with its short- and medium-wave detectors—is designed to follow the hot motor plume, the Sbirs Low constellation (now called the Space Tracking and Surveillance System, or STSS) flies both an acquisition and a tracking sensor payload."  web page 3

(1) 美国学者:中国崛起 军方文官不同调. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011
("前中国新闻自由导报总编辑吴仁华则有不同的看法,吴仁华近年花了很多心力研究解放军,出版过《天安门血腥清场内幕》等书,他认为中共'党指挥枪'严密控制军队的情况不 可能有所改变,尤其中共用利益收买了军警和知识界,军方已经腐败严重,根本不敢求战,将领大放厥词只是在与西方接触时跟文职官员唱双簧而已,是得到中共授权的")

(2) 中国外交:韬光养晦还是负起责任? VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.

(a) 美国担忧中国首艘航母即将试航. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.
(b) Viola Gienger and Tony Capaccio, China’s Carrier Poses Mostly Symbolic Threat, U.S. Admiral Says. Bloomberg, Apr 12, 2011.


"China’s reconstruction of a Soviet- era aircraft carrier [is] not a concern to the U.S. * * * [Admiral Willard testified at Senate] he is 'not concerned' by the project

"“That’s [Varyag's going to sea] a long way from developing an aircraft carrier capability.”

Note: The term “aircraft mother ships” sounds grandiose/threatening, but is in favt a literal translation of 航空母艦 in Chinese.
(c) Bill Gertz, China Blocks Coastal Waters, Enlarges Military; Pacific’s chief calls shadowy move ‘troubling.’ Washington Times, Apr 12, 2011
(Paragraph 1: "China’s 'troubling' military buildup coincides with new efforts by Beijing to block the Navy from international waters near its coasts and field new missiles, submarines and cyberweapons, the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific told Congress on Tuesday")

My comment: That is what "blocks coastal waters" means. There is no need to read the rest.

(4) 中国男子伪装美国陆军诈骗被捕. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.

(5) 台议员担心瘦肉精争议会扩大. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.

Note: Ike Skelton
(former U.S. Representative for Missouri's 4th congressional district; former chairman of the House Armed Services Committee; Democrat; On November 2, 2010 he lost his seat to Republican Vicky Hartzler)

(6) 俄总统访华 经济矛盾加深. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.

My comment: Despite the title, I really can not see much about 经济矛盾 in text, which states, "这家报纸援引一名中国问题专家说,在俄罗斯从中国进口的商品中,机械和科技附加值高的商品占据了绝大部分,但这些商品在中国从俄罗斯的进口中却微不足道. I simply fail to comprehend the last clause. The only English-language report on this subject is
Putin Tells Officials to Disregard WTO Rules. Reuters, Apr 11, 2011.
, which mentions China only twice:

"Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Friday that the country would not abide by any World Trade Organization rules until it became a member and was free to slap duties on cheap machinery imports from China." paragraph 1

"Medvedev is due to attend the BRIC summit in China this week where the issue of Russian protectionist measures against Chinese machinery imports can be raised." penultimate paragraph

(7) 中国军队包围西藏寺院. VOA Chinese, Apr 13, 2011.

(8) France agrees to supply full-spec Mistral ships - Defense Ministry. RIA Novosti, Apr 13, 2011.
("Russian Vedomosti business daily had previously said the Mistral talks were close to collapse since the Defense Ministry could not agree on the complete set of ships' communications and control systems")

My comment: The empty hulk of Varyag which China bought from Ukraine is equivalent to the Mistral shell Russia refuses to buy. On the other hand, Russia appears to lag behind A LOT, for having to buy Mistral-class assault ships (which some call helicopter carriers) in the first place and then fighting claw and tooth to obtain innards of the ships--indicating Russia has difficulty with electronics (likely avionics also, at a time when Russia declines to sell electronics of Ka-28 and -31 to China (this fact makes China look bad).  
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