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Naval Aviation 100 Years

发表于 4-22-2011 11:20:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Apr 10, 2011 issue of Aviation Week had a cover story Naval Aviation 100 Years.

Many articles are not availabel online for free.

(1) Panel 2 is Timeline.

The triangle in the top, pointing upward, moves toward later/more recent events.

One milestone in the Timeline is: "April 1948--Navy Secretary John Y Mason declares US naval aviation was born on May 8, 1911."

An article of this issue in print (but not available online for non-subscribers) never explained why the secretary selected My 8, rahter than Jan 18, 1911.

(a) Naval Aviation of the world started in US.

(i) Eugene Burton Ely
(1886-1911; On Nov 14, 1910, Ely took off in a Curtiss pusher from from a temporary wooden platform erected over the bow of the light cruiser USS Birmingham at Hampton Roads, Virginia and landed on a beach; On Oct 19, 1911, he died when the airplane he piloted crashed)

Quote: "Two months later, on January 18, 1911, Ely landed his [same] Curtiss pusher airplane on a platform on the armored cruiser USS Pennsylvania anchored in San Francisco Bay. Ely flew from the Tanforan airfield in San Bruno, California and landed on the Pennsylvania, which was the first successful shipboard landing of an aircraft. This flight was also the first ever using a tailhook system

(ii) Why was the seaplane called Curtiss pusher? Glenn Curtiss (1878-1930) was both Ely's employeer and an angineer who designed the biplane, and its engine.

* Curtiss Model D
(or frequently, "the Curtiss pusher"; Almost all Model Ds were constructed with a pusher configuration, where the propeller is behind the pilot)

(b) Compare
(i) Centennial of Naval Aviation: 100 Years of Achievement; 1911-2011; 100 Years of Progress. US Navy, undated.
(ii) 100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation. Hosted by defense industry.

(2) In the bottom of this web page, panel 3, is the video section. When your cursor superimposes on the image (without clicking it), a title and synopsis will appear--those of an article IN PRINT.

(B) One article in that issue that IS available for free is:

Bill Sweetman and Richard D. Fisher, Jr, AirSea Battle Concept Is Focused On China.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says it has the “potential to do for America’s military deterrent power . . . what AirLand Battle did” in the 20th century.

(a) The report stated, "In January, it was announced that the Air Force Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint Stars) aircraft had completed a demonstration of the Network Enabled Weapon architecture, in which moving ships were tracked by Joint Stars and hit with AGM-154C glide bombs released from Boeing F/A-18E/Fs."

(i) It alluded to

Photo Release -- Northrop Grumman's Joint STARS is Key Enabler in Success of U.S. Navy/Air Force Joint Surface Warfare Network-Enabled Weapon Joint Capability Technology Demonstration. Northrop Grumman, Jan 17, 2011.
("in support of the U.S. Navy Joint Surface Warfare (JSuW) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) to test its Network-Enabled Weapon (NEW) architecture")

(ii) Prior to that, Joint Stars was mentioned as tracking and attacking land--as opposed to marine--objects. To date, Wki still talks about Joint Stars as land starer (ships as target is never discussed).
Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS

(iii) Further info:
Chris Pocock, E-8C Joint STARS Gets Another Set of Eyes.
("fitted with an advanced imaging sensor for the first time")
(iv) AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon
(JSOW; product of a joint venture between the United States Navy and Air Force to deploy a standardized medium range precision guided weapon)

(b) Paragraph 1 of web page 2 mentions new Burke. Burke means Arleigh Burke class destroyer.
(c) OTH = over the horizon
nm = nautical mile
For IDEX, see International Defence Exhibition
(a biennial arms and defense technology sales exhibition; First held 1993; in recent years hosted by  Abu Dhabi)


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