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发表于 5-9-2011 09:40:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, May 9, 2011.

My comment:
(a) 美国西东大学退休教授、台湾问题专家杨力宇 Winston Yang/Seton Hall University
(b) I do not know if US assists Taiwan to develop missiles--but I doubt it--at least not cruise or ballistic missiles. But Prof Yang was close to Mr Deng Xiaoping and is associated with China. Taiwan will not tell him anything, especially in the Chen administration.

(1) 世卫暗列台湾为中国一省之说火爆台政坛. VOA Chinese, May 9, 2011.

(a) The report cites
邱燕玲、王寓中、王昶閔, 世衛密件曝光 我列中國一省;  05年備忘錄確立中國宗主國模式; 去年再對會員發出作業準則密函. Liberty Times, May 9, 2011

(i) 宗主國 suzerain (n; Firts Known Use 1807):
"1: a superior feudal lord to whom fealty is due : OVERLORD
2: a dominant state controlling the foreign relations of a vassal state but allowing it sovereign authority in its internal affairs"

(The term suzerainty was originally used to describe the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and its surrounding regions; section 1 Imperial China)

(ii) 世衛條例對中國台灣省之執行作業準則 I can not find the English title for now.

(2) Advisory: Bin Laden Taiwan story withdrawn. Reuters, May 9, 2011.

My comment: I simply can not figure out why people lie, fully aware in advance that they will be caught. Self-destrutive, I guess.

(3) Sandy Lin and Deborah Kuo, India asks Taiwan for 10,000 Mandarin teachers. Central News Agency, May 9, 2011.

My comment: Hopefully Indians will learn traditiojnal Chinese characters and speak Mandarin with Taiwanese accent.

(4) Keith Johnson, Solar Updates Marines' Arsenal. Wall Street Journal, May 9, 2011.


"Batteries make up as much as 20% of the weight of the 100 pounds of gear a Marine infantryman typically carries. A Marine uses four times as much fuel as his counterpart did in the early 1990s—due to, among other things, laptops and other electronic gear that use electricity pumped out by portable generators.

"Some 30% of all fuel trucked into Afghanistan—at great risk—goes to power those generators, at a time when roadside bombs remain the most dangerous weapon faced by allied troops


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