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发表于 5-29-2011 11:12:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, May 29, 2011
("BBC政治事务主编罗宾逊 * * * 说,阿帕奇本身也可能成为遭受攻击的目标,因为忠于卡扎菲的部队掌握着大批的地对空导弹")

Note: Boeing AH-64 Apache
(a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter; a tandem cockpit for a crew of two; Introduced 1986; Republic of China (Taiwan) Army ordered 30 AH-64D Block III helicopters, additional GE T700-701D engines, weapons, and related systems through a Foreign Military Sale in 2008; [d]eliveries are to begin in 2014)

(1) 英军“大块头”士兵人数增多. BBC Chinese, May 27, 2011
("英国国防部刚刚公布的调查报告显示 * * * 57%的英国陆军人员身体质量指数(BMI,Body Mass Index)都达到过重(overweight)水平,其中12%甚至要归类为过胖(Obese)。国防部警告说,这个比例虽然和英国整体人口相比要低,但仍意味士兵的健康可能受到影响,以至于无法参加战斗")

(2) 越南批评中国增加南海紧张局势. BBC Chinese, May 29, 2011.

Note: Vietnam demands China stop sovereignty violations. Thanh Nien News, May 29, 2011 (15 minutes ago).  
("Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga made the statement at a press conference in Hanoi regarding the May 26 incident in which Chinese marine surveillance vessels cut exploration cables of the Binh Minh 02 ship of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) when the ship was conducting seismic surveys on the continental shelf of Vietnam. The incident took place in an area called Block 148 about 120 km (80 miles) off the south-central coast of Vietnam from the beach town of Nha Trang,")

Thanh Nien News is "is a Ho Chi Minh city-based newspaper. It is one of the most circulated newspapers in Vietnam. Thanh Nien News is released in Vietnamese and English. Thanh Nien News is an official organ of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth League." Wikipedia

(3) 美军舰击沉遭海盗挟持台湾渔船. BBC Chinese, May 29, 2011

(4) 黑客步步为营,对台军售公司惨遭攻击. VOA Chinese, May 29, 2011

Note: There were reports (such as "Lockheed fends off Chinese hack attack on computers") that Lockheed Martin identified hackers as Chinese but denied Wall Street Jopurnal's report of successful cyber attacks on the F-35 program.   

(5) Eli Lake, U.S.-Israeli defense technology collaboration began with confrontation. Washington Times, May 23, 2011.


"A joint U.S.-Israeli fighter development program in the 1980s called the Lavi was canceled, but U.S. technology from the program is suspected of ending up in China’s new J-10 fighter.

"While Bill Clinton was president, Israel transferred sensitive radar technology to China, including armed Harpy anti-radar drones that were spotted by U.S. intelligence agencies deployed opposite Taiwan

"Israel also was accused by the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies of covertly supplying the Patriot anti-missile system technology to China in the early 1990s.

"Mr. [Arieh] Herzog[, head of the Israeli Missile Defense Organization] said Israel stopped sensitive transfers to China in 2005


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