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More Leaked Photos and Videos?

发表于 6-9-2011 09:19:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Photos of Possible Fifth-Generation Fighter Appear on Chinese Websites. RIA Novosti, June 9, 2011

My comment:
(a) An English-language web site corralled those photos released yesterday (Wednesday, June 8) into one place:

First photo of the JH-7B Fighter-Bomber? China Defense Blog, "Posted by Coatepeque at 10:08 AM," June 8, 2011.
(b) Xian JH-7
(The first batch of JH-7 aircraft were delivered to the PLANAF in the mid-1990s for evaluation, and the improved JH-7A variant entered service in 2004; no mention of 7B naturally)

(2) Photos: China's First Ever Aircraft Carrier. Shanghaiist.com, By Jessica Colwell in News on June 9, 2011 9:00 PM.

My comment:
(a) Both the photo (of a finished carrier saling on a body of waters) and the video (in particular) appear fake.

The "gnarly" in "this gnarly video clip" is an adjective that is defined as
"slang  BAD, NASTY <has some pretty gnarly karma coming — Drew Barrymore>"  

(b) Damian Grammaticas, Aircraft Carrier Symbol of China's Naval Ambitions. BBC English, June 8, 2011 (a video clip showing much needed to be done for the carrier)


"Seven nations currently operate carriers - it used to be eight, but the UK has just withdrawn its last one from service and will have to wait several years for a new one to be built")

illustration caption: "How China's aircraft carrier sizes up

photo caption: "The 300m (990ft) carrier, under construction in Dalian, is thought to be nearly finished.

(i) HMS Invincible (R05): 1977-2005
(ii) Neither BBC Chinese nor VOA Chinese talks about China's aircraft carrier.

(1) Miles Yu, Inside China. Washinigton Times, June 8, 2011.
("During the Cold War, China had one of the worst records in preventing its pilots from defecting to noncommunist states. Between 1960 and 1986, at least 17 air force pilots defected, most flying their jets to Taiwan and taking with them China’s prized airplanes. Each defection produced an internal security purge within the military. A recent memoir by China’s longtime air force chief Gen. Wu Faxian published in Hong Kong stated that keeping pilots from defecting was the top priority of the Chinese air force high command during much of the 1960s and 1970s.")

(a) XIONG Guangkai 熊 光楷
(b) Public Diplomacy Quarterly 公共外交通讯

(2) PLA Navy to Conduct Drill in West Pacific Int'l Waters in Mid to Late June. Xinhua, June 9, 2011.

(3) 继菲律宾之后越南又指中国船侵犯主权. VOA Chinese, June 9, 2011
("越南星期四表示,一艘中国渔船在越南水域与一艘石油勘探船相撞 * * * 这是两个星期内河内报告的第二起此类事件。5月底,越南说,中国船只切断了另外一艘越南勘探船的探测电缆")

(4) 4名中国石油工人在哥伦比亚遭绑架. VOA Chinese, June 9, 2011.

(5) 赛博攻防战进入新阶段. VOA Chinese, June 8, 2011.

(a) 赛博 cyber
(b) 电脑病毒攻击(CVA)   Does it stand for computer virus attack? I do not know.
(c) 分布性拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)。 denial-of-service attack
(denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack))
(d) 逻辑炸弹  logic bomb
http:/logic bomb /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_bomb

(6) 帕内塔:中军事发展为阻美介入台海冲突. VOA Chinese, June 8, 2011.

(7) 中国驻菲大使否认以武力恫吓菲律宾. BBC Chinese, June 9, 2011

(8) 嫦娥2号脱离月轨道开展深空探测. BBC Chinese, June 9, 2011.

My comment: The problem with Chnag'e 1 and 2 is China is the only source of few reports about these two moon probes. Why nobody else talks about these, I do not know. Nor do I know what 第二拉格朗日点 is in English.
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