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U.S. Navy Needs Diesel Submarines?

发表于 6-13-2011 11:38:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Gary Schmidt, U.S. Navy Needs Diesel Submarines. Defense News, June 12, 2011
("Diesel subs are smaller, stealthier and more maneuverable in tight spaces than nuclear submarines. For example, unlike a nuclear submarine's power plant, a diesel's primary engine can be turned off when submerged, reducing noise emission. Indeed, unlike a nuclear-powered submarine, a modern diesel can hide on the ocean's floor, deadly silent")

(a) Hyman G. Rickover
(1900-1986; directed the original development of naval nuclear propulsion for three decades as director of Naval Reactors; known as the "Father of the Nuclear Navy"; section 1 Early life (for name meaning))

(a) 吳明杰, 共軍穿島 軍演 罕見動員3現代級艦. 中國時報, June 13, 2011.

(i) 現代級驅逐艦  Sovremenny class destroyer
(In commission: 1980- ; Completed: 21, Active: 5 in Russia, 4 in China [杭州, 福州, 泰州 and 宁波],
Retired: 12)

* Sovremennik
(literally: The Contemporary) was a Russian literary, social and political magazine, published in St. Petersburg in 1836-1866)

(ii) 「日炙」(SS-N-22)超音速攻艦飛彈  SS-N-22
(Sunburn is the NATO reporting name for two unrelated Soviet anti-ship missiles)
(iii) The report is misleading when stating in the first sentence: "台、日間的琉球海域." Its last sentence says, "三艘現代級驅逐艦穿越台日間的沖繩和宮古島海域." The same as last year, which spooked Japanese with a large show of force, PLAN threaded from East China Sea, via international waters between main islands of Okinawa and Miyako, to Pacific ocean. See map in

It has nothing to do with Taiwan.

(b) 吳明杰, 台灣後防洞開 將領憂心 再不整軍 真會變成「兩岸都是中國軍」. 中國時報, June 13, 2011.

(c) 吳明杰, 把台灣海峽當內海 五度「跨島鏈」 為航母試水溫? 中國時報, June 13, 2011.

(2) China Has Second Thoughts About Indian Ocean Base. Strategy Page, June 13, 2011
("The civilian port [at Gwadar, Pakistan] facilities are adequate for [China's] fueling and supplying warships, and anything more would be seen as threatening by India")

(3) General Liu Lights The Way. Strategy Page, June 12, 2011
(Yazhou LIU "points out that the American military has continued to innovate, increasing the gap between Chinese and U.S. military capabilities. This, despite over a decade of intense reform and upgrades in the Chinese military. This gets the attention of Chinese generals and admirals. Just as, over the last two decades, the Chinese brass were appalled at how quickly the Americans demolished Iraqi forces (using weapons and tactics similar to what China has) in 1991 and 2003. The Chinese military leadership was also shocked at how much the American forces had improved between 1991 and 2003. The quick conquest of Afghanistan in 2001 was also an unpleasant surprise")

(4) 越南实弹演习,中越紧张局势升级. VOA Chinese, June 13, 2011

(5) 克林顿:中国不是非洲发展的理想模式. VOA Chinese, June 11, 2011

My comment: A few days ago the two reports I presented was from BBC.

(6) 德国正式承认利比亚反对派政权. BBC Chinese, June 13, 2011

(7) 铁道部解释京沪高铁运营及票价. BBC Chinese, June 13, 2011
(中国铁道部副部长胡亚东周一(6月13日)说,"根据250至300公里的运营时速,京沪高铁完成1318公里行程的最快时间为五小时,最慢时间为近八小时 * * * 京沪高铁的单程票价将根据车速与车厢等级的不同从410元(人民币)至1750元不等。目前京沪之间的单程飞机票价大约为1300元")

(8) Latest news first:
(a) 日政府宣告美军普天间机场转移案. BBC Chinese, June 13, 2011.

My comment:
(i) Okinawa governor Irate Over V-Shaped Runway Plan for Futenma Replacement Facility. Mainichi Shimbun, June 13, 2011
("Visiting Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa has told Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima that the central government has decided to construct a V-shaped runway in the Henoko [辺野古] district of Nago as part of a replacement facility for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, sparking fierce opposition from the governor")
(ii) What the heck is "a V-shaped runway"?

Futenma Relocation Plan Sands; Kitazawa tells Nakaima that Nago move is set, date isn't. Kyodo News, June 13, 2011
("During talks in the prefectural capital of Naha, open to the media, Kitazawa told Nakaima that the Japanese and U.S. governments intend to decide on June 21 on the construction of a two-runway replacement facility in a coastal area of Nago. It will have nonparallel runways in a V pattern.")

(b) 美宣布将在冲绳部署新型直升机. BBC Chinese, June 7, 2011

Note: Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey

(9) 利比亚叛军“从突尼斯走私武器.” BBC Chinese, June 13, 2011


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