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发表于 8-8-2011 10:34:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Christine Lu, Save a Tree or Two, Use Taiwan Erasable Paper. Reuters, Aug 9, 2011 (video).

(a)  John Chen, Vice President of the Institute and general director of the Display Technology Center (within ITRI)
"工研院影像顯示科技中心的程章林主任." quoted from (b)(ii) below.

(b) 台灣之光!工研院四度蟬聯美國百大科技研發獎 以「綠色環保顯示科技」與Intel、Dell躋身國際. Industrial Technology Research Institute, June 23, 2011
("工研院「可重覆書寫電子紙」(i2R e-Paper)獲2011年美國百大科技獎,是一以環保及節能為應用訴求的特殊綠色節能顯示科技。該科技只需用「熱」即可將儲存或傳輸的影像寫在軟性膽固醇液晶面板上。本電子紙可達300dpi的高解析度,具有記憶功能,不耗電、更換任何內容時,只要放入電子紙使用的熱寫機,即能一次完成影像清除及寫入步驟,具有環保及可多次重覆使用的優點,可應用在數位書畫及電子看板")

(i) 百大科技研發獎  R&D 100 Awards, by R&D Magazine
(see the two sections: About the R&D 100 Awards and Hall of Fame)
(ii) A full report in Chinese appears at the end of this sentence (somehow, the formatting of the web page is strange).

(1) Paul Mozur, HTC Deal Promises Levarage, Wall Street Journal, Aug 8, 2011 (title and date in print)

Summary: HTC agreed to acquire a US company Dashwire Inc for $18.5m. On Aug 4, 2011 US International Trade Commission released the details of a July 1 ruling by an administrative law judge (ALJ) that some Apple products violated patents of S3 Graphics (another US compay HTC would buy for $300m), but that Apple's iPhone and iPad did not infringe S3 patents--"a finding analysts say reduces S3's use as a bargaining chip in HTC's legal battle with Apple."  On the other hand, Dashwire acquired the portfolio of Intellectual Ventures, "that has many patents related to smartphones."

(2) Stephanie Clifford, Shopper Receipts Join Paperless Age. New York Times, Aug 8, 2011.
("In 2005, Apple introduced electronic receipts at its stylish retail stores. More mainstream retailers found the checkout system difficult to replicate and, Ms. Miles said, worried that most shoppers were not quite ready for such a technological leap. Now, though, the rush to imitate Apple’s success is in full force")


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