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发表于 8-14-2011 11:19:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Aug 14, 2011
("分析人士认为,美国周六邀请越南代表团参观核动力航母 [USS George Washington] 的举动,是在鼓励越南等与中国有海域主权之争的亚洲小国的信心和勇气")

(1) 日本欲加入核事故公约防外国索偿. BBC Chinese, Aug 14, 2011

Note: 核损害补充赔偿公约  Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage

(2) 骆家辉正式亮相 纵论美中关系. VOA Chinese, Aug 14, 2011


"中国国际问题研究所副所长郭宪纲说,美国新大使面临诸多挑战,其中最重要的就是台湾问题。郭宪纲说:'随着中国的发展强大,那么这个问题就越来越突出。中国国内的民众在这个问题上的情结越来越强烈,对美国向台湾出售武器的这种愤怒的情结越来越高涨。' * * * 骆家辉在媒体见面会中以及在随后与记者的自由交谈中,谈到了台湾、人权等敏感问题。问及美国继续对台军售的可能性时,他说,美国关于台湾的政策是非常清楚的,将不会发生变化。

" 骆家辉星期五晚间到达首都机场时引起媒体关注的,不仅是他关于美中关系的言论,他和家人自背行李、手提肩扛的情景也很让中国人感动。* * * 有网民议论说,中国一个乡长外出都有人拎包,下雨有人打伞,更甭说长途旅行了。还有的说,中国官员哪天能像家辉那样上任,中国就有希望了。

(3) Taiwan Plans 'Anti-Aircraft Carrier' Missile. AFP, Aug 14, 2011
(development of the land-based, mobile missile, a variant of the existing Hsiungfeng (Brave Wind) III, is underway that will have a longer range and carry a heavier warhead)

(4) Cindy Sui, Taiwan Begins to Deal With Its Amateur Spies Caught by China. Los Angeles Times, Aug 14, 2011.

(5) Ken Dilanian, Russia and China Accused of Cyber-Spying Campaign to Steal US Secrets. Los Angeles Times, Aug 12, 2011
(Rep Mike Rogers (R-Mich), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, made the accusation)

(6) Why 21st Century Warfare Is Different. Strategy Page, Aug 14, 2011
(body armor; Explosions (like roadside bombs) are less likely to cause fatal wounds than bullet wounds; the marines was always all-volunteer)

Quote: "The roadside bomb is a much less effective weapon, a loser's weapon, because it kills more civilians than enemy troops and played a major role in turning the locals against the Iraqi terrorists and Afghan Taliban.  

(a) The marines refers to the service  Marine Corps, therefore followed by the singular form of the verb. Amember of the service is "a marine."
(b) NCO:  noncommissionede officer
(c) after a fashion: "in an approximate or rough way <became an artist after a fashion>"

(7) And Then There Were Three. Strategy Page, Aug 14, 2011
(Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs) "are one of the few weapons that Russia does not export, thus they tend to be very secretive about these missiles")

(8) Taking The Ouija Board Out Of Flight Operations. Strategy Page, Aug 12, 2011
(Being replaced with a computerized version, the "Ouija Board was developed early in World War II, to keep track of all aircraft on the carrier deck, and what their status was")

Note: Ouija
(possibly derived from the French and German words for "yes", oui and ja; toy; a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc; section 1 History)

(9) US Navy Disbands a Carrier Strike Group. Strategy Page, Aug 11, 2011
("The US Navy has disbanded one of its ten Carrier Strike Groups (SCGs), leaving only nine of them for the eleven aircraft carriers in service")

(10) Konstantin Bogdanov, A Russian drone with a complicated history. RIA Novosti, Aug 11, 2011
(Luce the drone has Rotax 914 engine made by the Austrian company Rotax, so do US MQ-1 Predator and the Israeli Heron)

(11) Valery Shuverov, Russia’s Military Aircraft Industry Stays Aloft. RIA Novosti, Aug 11, 2011
("The Russian Defense Ministry is seeking to procure up to 100 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, 100 Su-34 fighter-bombers, up to 70 fifth-generation T-50 fighters, 29 MiG-29K carrier-based fighters, and 30 Su-30MKI multirole fighter jets adapted for the Russian Air Force")

Note: The entire article does not mention Su-33, but talk about Mig-29.

(12) Wendell Minnick, US To Deny Taiwan New F-16 Fighters; Offers AESA radar in upgrade for older jets. Defense News, Aug 13, 2011
("'The U.S. Pentagon is here explaining what is in the upgrade package,' a US defense industry source said * * *  'They are going to split the baby: no C/Ds, but the A/B upgrade is going forward.'")

(a) ITT Corporation
(Industry  Conglomerate; Predecessor  International Telephone & Telegraph; Founded 1920;  
Headquarters White Plains, New York: products include defense electronics)
(b) GBU-12 Paveway II
(c) AIM-9 Sidewinder
*sectrion 1.7.3 AIM-9X)
(d) Northern Goshawk
(Accipiter gentilis; inhabits the temperate parts of the northern hemisphere; often referred to as simply the "Goshawk")


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