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Chinese Spy Mania Sweeps the World

发表于 10-7-2011 10:57:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Levkov Igor, Chinese Spy Mania Sweeps the World. Voice of Russia, Oct 7, 2011.

Note: The significance is Voice of Russia is official. Maybe even Russians have reached the boiling point.

(1) Owen Fltecher, Patriotic Chinese Hacking Group Reboots. China Real Time, Oct 5, 2011

(a) Honker Union of China (HUC)  中国红客联盟
(b) LIN Yong  林 勇

(2) Peter Enav, At 100, Taiwan's Government Faces Uncertain Future. Associated Press, Oct 7, 2011.

(3) Hamish McDonald, Can't stop China's March of Revolution. Sydney Morning Herald, Oct 7, 2011.

(4) 格尔登寺附近据报又发生自焚事件. BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2011

(5) 澳洲将调查中国是否操控汇率. BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2011.

(a) 缅副总统将赴华讨论停建电站争议. BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2011.
(b) Steven Lee Myers and Thomas Fuller, Detecting a Thaw in Myanmar, U.S. Aims to Encourage Change. New York Times, Oct 7, 2011.


"The new president, U Thein Sein, a former general who was part of the military junta that ruled the country for two decades, has in six months in office signaled a sharp break from the highly centralized and erratic policies of the past.

"The Obama administration, though skeptical, has responded to this new openness with a series of small diplomatic steps of its own, hoping that a democratic transition in Myanmar could bring stability and greater economic opportunities to the region at a time of increasing American competition with China over influence in Asia.

(7) 美国北约“未达成阿富汗战争目标.” BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2011.

Note: 美国退役陆军将军麦克里斯特尔  Stanley A McChrystal
(led all forces in Afghanistan, a post he held from June 15, 2009, to June 23, 2010; Following unflattering remarks about Vice President Joe Biden and other administration officials attributed to McChrystal and his aides in a Rolling Stone article, McChrystal was recalled to Washington, D.C., where President Barack Obama accepted his resignation of his commands in Afghanistan.)

(8) FBI称关注中俄网络间谍活动. BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2011.

(9) 台军方出书揭示中美合作所真相. VOA Chinese, Oct 7, 2011.

(a) 中美合作所  Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO)   
(b) 稻田海軍  Rice Paddy Navy
SACO History. SACO, undated.
("SACO (pronounced SOCKO), Sino-American Cooperative Organization, was a U.S. Naval Group which operated during World War II  behind Japanese lines in China.  Some of the men who walked the seemingly endless berms around the flooded rice fields declared that they had joined a Rice Paddy Navy.  SACO consisted of 2,964 American (Navy, Army, and Marine) servicemen, 97,000 organized Chinese guerrillas, and 20,000 “individualists” who included rival pirate groups as well as lone-wolf saboteurs")

(10) 辛亥革命》今年不得在台公映 当局称无关政治. VOA Chinese, Oct 6, 2011.

(11) 中国对爱沙尼亚接待达赖喇嘛实施报复. VOA Chinese, Oct 7, 2011

(12) 睽违32年 台重返双橡园庆双十. VOA Chinese, Oct 6, 2011

My comment:
(a) 双橡园  Twin Oaks Estate
(b) I am clueless about the restrictions, which I did not know until today.
(c) The Estate "was first rented to the embassador of the Republic of China (ROC) in 1937, and was eventually purchased by the Chinese government in 1947, for $450,000." Shortly after the Carter administration announced the intention to switch diplomatic relations, Taiwan sold the Estate to Friends of Free China Association, co-chaired by Senator Barry Goldwater, and bought it back a few months later when Taiwan Relations Act passed.

(13) Renewing Japan’s air force |  Dogfight Over the Archipelago; A need for fighter jets pits old ties with America against new ones with Europe. Economist, Oct 1, 2011.


"Unlike the Americans, the Europeans offer what BAE calls “a no black box philosophy”; in other words, it will transfer all the Typhoon’s technology to Japan to help it revive its almost moribund military-jet manufacturing programme.

"As Japan’s manufacturers move operations to lower-wage countries, the government has pinned some of its hopes for a manufacturing revival at home on a stronger aerospace industry. One symbol of this is the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, around a third of which will be built in Japan.

Note: buzz (vi): "to go quickly : HURRY <buzzed around town in a sports car>; also : SCRAM —usually used with 'off'"

(14) European Missile Defenses and Russia's Last Warning. RIA Novosti, Oct 7, 2011.


"As the Ministry officially said, this statement follows Spain's decision to join the U.S. anti-missile defense system being created in Europe. Four U.S. Aegis ships carrying Standard SM-3 missiles will be deployed off the Spanish naval base at Rota [in 2013].This was announced on Wednesday

"The Russian position, which takes a negative view of any of NATO's unilateral steps on missile defense in Europe, has been ignored once again.

Note: Naval Station Rota Spain

(15) HQ-16 Comes Ashore. Strategy Page, Oct 7, 2011.

My comment:
(a) Buk missile system
("buk" is Russian for "beech"; designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles; "Since its initial introduction into service [in 1979] the Buk missile system has been continually upgraded and refined with the latest incarnation carrying the designation 9K37M2 'Buk-M2.'")

The E in (Russian) M2E designates "export." In the same vein, LY-80 (no Chinese name) is how Chinese call the export version of HQ-16.

(b) So HQ-16 is nothing new or fearsome. At most it is similar to Patriot missile, which was first designed to shoot down a fixed-wing airplane.

(16) Jane Perlez, Pakistan Pulls Closer to a Reluctant China.

My comment: Read the first eight paragraphs, and that is enough.


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