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Steve Jobs

发表于 10-21-2011 10:21:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-21-2011 10:23 编辑

(1) Steve Lohr, Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says. New York Times, Oct 21, 2011
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/2 ... r%20book&st=cse
(book preview on Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs. Simon & Schuster, 2011)


"His [Jobs'] early decision to put off surgery and rely instead on fruit juices, acupuncture, herbal remedies and other treatments — some of which he found on the Internet — infuriated and distressed his family, friends and physicians, the book says. * * * When he did take the path of surgery and science [nine months after cancer diagnosis], Mr. Jobs did so with passion and curiosity, sparing no expense

"The book provides new details on Apple’s business dealings and rivalries. The author recounts Mr. Jobs getting into a shouting match with co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, in 2008, over Google’s development of Android software for smartphones, which would compete with Apple’s iPhone. Mr Jobs told Mr Isaacson that he regarded Android as a 'stolen product,' copying Apple technology.

"They [Jobs and Bill Gates] talked about the emotional rewards of family life and having children, and the good fortune to have married wisely.

(a) ashram (n; Sanskrit; First Known Use 1917):
"1: a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage; also : the group of disciples instructed there
2: a religious retreat"
(b) Gregorian chant
(named after Pope Gregory I, Bishop of Rome from 590 to 604)
(c) Order of Saint Benedict
(also known as Benedictine Order; named after Saint Benedict of Nursia (c 480–547))

Latin Benedictus means ‘blessed.'

(2) Philip Delves Broughton, Visionary, Genius, Game-Changer ... But Also a Freak. Financial Times, Oct 8, 2011.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f33f55 ... d-00144feab49a.html


"purely as a businessman, Jobs was a freak and freaks make others behave oddly. He could take the dullest technical specification, the processing speed of a laptop, and make grown audiences whimper with pleasure. His eye for detail was the stuff of Silicon Valley legend, as were his rages if things were not done to his satisfaction. Behaviours which in another man might have been called delusional, obsessive or tyrannical were in Jobs seen as evidence of high standards and great leadership.

"Building a business, he would say, was not for the mentally sane. It was for the passionate and maddeningly persistent. After weeks of thinking about Apple, I felt no closer to understanding it.

(a) Kannon Do Zen Meditation Center
(founded by Sōtō 曹洞宗 Zen Master Shunryu SUZUKI 鈴木 俊隆, dharma name Shōgaku Shunryū 祥岳俊隆 (1904-1971))

* List of National Treasures of Japan (temples)
(Kannon Hall (観音堂, kannondō) at Tajimi, Gifu 岐阜県 多治見市)  
(b) beetle (vi; First Known Use ca 1919): "to scurry like a beetle <editors beetled around the office>"
(c) freak (n; origin unknown; First Known Use 1523):
"3: one that is markedly unusual or abnormal: as a person or animal having a physical oddity and appearing in a circus sideshow
* * *
4a : an ardent enthusiast <film freaks>
b : a person who is obsessed with something <a control freak>"

(d) gin (vt): "to come up with : generate —usually used with up <gin up enthusiasm>"


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