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Wenzhou: The Shape of Things to Come?

发表于 10-28-2011 12:21:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Note: The Shape of Things to Come
(a work of science fiction by HG Wells [1866-1946; English], published in 1933)

(1) 小企业资金断链扩大,银监高层酝酿换马
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... hina-132805438.html
("官方媒体同日 [Oct 28] 警告说,近日发生在温州的中小企业资金断链的问题正在向其他地区蔓延")

(2) 湖州市业主抗议 迫使当局取消税赋
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... pute-132804793.html

(3) 楼盘降价,中国涌现退房潮
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... rket-132733053.html


"一名女业主对当地 [江苏省苏州市 太仓市] 媒体说,她们是今年上半年在这里购买的期房,明年年底才能交房。可房子还没有拿到手,价值就已经缩水了20%左右。她说:'价格开出来是一万零一百多,实际成交是9175元零几毛,现在同样的房型他们挂在外面大概是6800元'


(4) 北京陷入垃圾处理困境
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... umps-132688073.html


"她不明白,城里人哪来的这么多垃圾。环保人士估计,北京日产垃圾约三万吨,而且数量还在不断增加。* * * 今年七月广州发布的一个社会蓝皮书说,预计,明年全市主要垃圾填埋场将基本接近饱和状态。而北京官员表示,北京的垃圾日处理能力只有一万多吨。最多再过四五年,垃圾场将不堪重负,垃圾将无处可埋。

"中国处理垃圾以填埋为主。这不仅污染环境,还占用大片土地。《半月谈》杂志说,中国城市垃圾堆存,累计侵占土地超过5亿平方米。* * * 目前中国正在运营的垃圾焚烧发电厂有80多座

(5) 美国最新报告:中国国企势力强大
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... orce-132637623.html
(An Analysis of State-Owned Enterprises and State Capitalism in China. US-China Economic and Security Commission, Oct 26, 2011)

(6) Keith B Richburg, Some See China’s Future in Debt-Ridden City of Wenzhou. Washington Post, Oct 27, 2011.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... QAzgCOLM_story.html


"For a glimpse of the unfolding debt crisis that many fear could be China’s future, take a trip to the used-car market in this gritty industrial city on the coast. A half-dozen Mercedes-Benzes, an equal number of BMWs, several Porsches, a Range Rover, a Rolls-Royce and a Hummer, most just a few years old and in pristine condition, were there on a recent day. Their owners were all Wenzhou factory bosses who needed to sell their luxury cars for cash to pay back their business loans.

"There are already warning signs that the debt problem is spreading, specifically to parts of Jiangsu and Shanxi provinces, and to Inner Mongolia, where many owners of small mines are believed to be overextended. * * * Wu [Jianmin, a Wenzhou eyeglasses maker] made both loans in April, for six months, to people from Wenzhou who were involved in the mining business in another province. This month, as the loans have come due, both friends have disappeared.


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