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发表于 11-5-2011 08:21:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-5-2011 08:39 编辑

方励之, 方励之论邓小平. VOA Chinese, Nov 4, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ping-133272238.html

, which is translated from

Fang Lizhi, The Real Deng: Do stability and economic growth justify lethal force of the kind used at Tiananmen? New York Review of Books, Nov 10, 2011


"The term 'human rights' does not appear in its index, and it turns out that this omission was not an oversight of the indexer. Systematic nonconsideration of human rights is one of the book’s features.

"This [household or hukou] registry system, by the way, was not a Chinese invention. It was brought to China during World War II by the invading Japanese, who wanted to halt migration in order to prevent the spread of popular resistance. (The Chinese word for 'registry police' comes from Japanese.)

"A virtue of Vogel’s book is that it collects and organizes a huge amount of material on the struggles within the elite power circles in China over several decades. In these accounts we learn how Deng tried to protect his allies and how he sought to undermine his enemies; he fell, rose, fell again, then rose again to the pinnacle position in the second generation of the Communist dynasty. Vogel’s materials will be very useful to students of elite power struggles in China.

(a) VOA Chinese translates the English title of Professor Fan's review as: 原题:方励之, 真实的邓小平---评傅高义《邓小平与中国的变革》.
(b) Prof Fan's Review is not a blog, as it is published in print in the Nov 10 issue of New York Review of Book. See its home page (in the right lower quadrant):
(c) The New York Review of Books
(a fortnightly magazine; based in Manhattan; founded in 1963)
(d) The review states "Vogel’s book admits only two possibilities."

admit (vt): "to allow scope for : PERMIT <admits no possibility of misunderstanding>"
(e) one center and two basic points  一个中心, 两个基本点
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4 ... A%E6%9C%AC%E7%82%B9

* 四项基本原则  Four Basic Principles
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5 ... C%E5%8E%9F%E5%88%99
* 改革开放  Reform and Opening

(f) The review says, "The rub was in Deng’s insistence on the 'Four Basic Principles.'”

rub (n):
"1a : an unevenness of surface (as of the ground in lawn bowling)
b : OBSTRUCTION, DIFFICULTY <the rub is that so few of the scholars have any sense of this truth themselves — Benjamin Farrington>
c : something grating to the feelings (as a gibe or harsh criticism)"
(g) jiegui  接轨
(h) The review remarks, "PLA takes orders only from the Central Military Commission (CMC), which is a Party organ."

orgran (n): "a subordinate group or organization that performs specialized functions <the various organs of government>"
(i) registry police  户籍警 or 户籍警察 (There is no such term in Taiwan. Early on, I guess, police in Taiwan would visit households to cross-check with official holdhold registry, but I have not observed or heard so in my entire life.)

The following are Japanese pronunciation of Kanji.
* 警察 keisatsu
* 户籍 koseki
(Introduced in the 6th century; "The modern koseki, encompassing all of Japan's citizenry, appeared in 1872, immediately following the Meiji Restoration [1868]. This was the first time in history that all Japanese people were required to have family names as well as given names.")

(A) 户籍
(section 2.2 中華民國的户籍制度; 中華民國台湾地区戶籍制度可溯及自日治時代,當時的日本政府為順利統治台灣,便利用戶籍制度蒐集台灣人民的個人資訊,以做為社會控制的工具。直到二次大戰結束,國民政府接收台灣,戶籍制度的地位仍未改變。直到終止戒嚴 [1949-1987],恢復戶警分立的正常狀態,戶籍制度的地位才逐漸轉換成國家為遂行社會福利的工具。)

(j) Jean-Christophe (published 1904‒1912) is the novel in ten volumes by Romain Rolland [1866-1944; French] for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915is the novel in ten volumes by Romain Rolland for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. Wikipedia
(k) And Quiet Flows the Don
(l) The review maintains, "In 1820, under the Qing dynasty, the GDP of China’s largely agricultural economy was six times that of industrialized England."

List of regions by past GDP (PPP)
(1820: UK: 36, 232 and China 228,600, in millions of 1990 International Dollars)


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