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余 华

发表于 12-11-2011 10:07:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 一把“愤怒的筷子”能否唤醒中国之春?  Los Angeles Times, Dec 11, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... icks-135403078.html

(a) The report cites
YU Hua, Chinese Autumn is no Arab Spring; Beijing's communist officials should fear revolution, not democracy. Los Angeles Times, Dec 11, 2011 (op-ed).
http://www.latimes.com/news/opin ... -hua-china-20111211,0,6076520.story
("they [China's leadership] must have sensed, I think, that it is not democracy they should fear but revolution. As the relatives of our high officials grow more wealthy, they emigrate to democratic countries (never to dictatorships)")

Years ago, I was curious about the origin of a bunch of sticks/chopsticks, which was taught in Taiwan also (of course in Taiwan it was said to be an ancient Chinese story, having nothing to do with Mao). I searched the web, which seemed to indicate Chinese origin (because the story did not appear outside Chinese culture), without attribution.
(b) Jiaxing's South Lake  嘉兴 南湖

To be honest, I have not heard of it (the lake and gathering in the lake)--and I believe most, if not all, Taiwanese have no knowledge about it, either. We know about Shanghai gathering, but believe it was a quickie--nothing to talk about in our imagination).

(2) Melanie Kirkpatrick, Cultural Lexicon; People, leader, reading, revolution, disparity, copycat and bamboozle--some words that serves as a springboard for critiques of China. Wall Street Journal, Dec 7, 2011
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 52602773530844.html
(book review on YU Hua, China in Ten Words. Pantheon, 2011)


"He brings a novelist's sensibility to 'China in Ten Words,' his first owrk of nonfiction to be published in English. This short book is part personal memoir about the Cultural Revolution and part meditation on ordinary life in China today. It is also a wake-up call about widespread social discontent that has the potential to explode in an ugly way.

About the book: "If you think you know China, you will be challened to think again. If you don't know China, you will be introduced to a country that is unlike anything you have heard from travelers and read about in the news.

"What will happen when they [millions of desperate petitioners each year who flock to capital] discover that their leaders at the national level are just as corrupt as those at the local level?

"As awful as teh Cultural Revolution was, in Mr Yu's telling its horrors sometimes pale next to thos eof the present day. The Chapter on 'bamboozle' describes how trickery, fraud and deceit have become a way of life in modern China. 'There is a breakdown of social morality and a confusion in the value system of China today,' he states.

(a) The review said "Mr Yu ranges widely into politics" etc.

range (vi):
"1a : to roam at large or freely
b : to move over an area so as to explore it"
(b) bamboozle (vt; origin unknown; First Known Use 1703):
"1: to deceive by underhanded methods : DUPE, HOODWINK
2: to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely <a quarterback bamboozled by an unexpected defense>"

In Mr Yu's book (someone else did the transltion of the book from Chinese to English), bamboozle is translated into   

Taiwan did not have this term 忽悠 when I left in 1984. It took him a while to guess its meaning when I read Chinese web sites.   

(c) The Peopel are masters.  人民当家作主。
(d) inanity (n):
"1: the quality or state of being inane: as
a : lack of substance : EMPTINESS
b : vapid, pointless, or fatuous character : SHALLOWNESS"
(e) O Henry
(pen name of the American writer William Sydney Porter (1862-1910))
(f) The last paragraph of the review stated,

"Mr Yu, who lives in Beijing, made the decision not to publish 'China in Ten Words' in his own country. Instead, it came out earlier this year in the other China--Taiwan--and, now, in the Us. It will be interesting to see how he is received when, after his American book tour, he goes home again."

(i) Mr Yu published 活着 in 1993.
(ii) The Taiwanese avatar:
余華,十個詞彙裡的中國. 麥田出版社, Nov 3, 2011.

(A) 「麥田出版社」的官方網站. Yahoo Knowledge, Jan 14, 2006.
(B) 城邦讀書花園 - 十個詞彙裡的中國.余華.麥田.余華作品集.

(g) I read the review same say it was published in print. Now, having read the essay in A Times (which tells the truth, but one can not be truthful in China), I wonder too.
麥田出版社」的官方網站. 發問者: 翔 ( 初學者 5 級)  
發問時間: 2006-01-04 16:44:18  
解決時間: 2006-01-14 08:22:09  


2006-01-05 08:41:00 補充

回答者: 派翠克 ( 初學者 4 級 )  
回答時間: 2006-01-04 16:50:55





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