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Losers of US Presidential Race With Influence

发表于 12-11-2011 14:07:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Robert K Landers, Influence Instead of Victory: Ballot defeat isn't the ned of the story. Adlai Stevenson served as an unofficial spokesman for Democrats during the Eisenhower Years. Wall Street Journal, Dec 6, 2011.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 68353460938904.html
(book review on Scott Farris, Almost President; The men who lost the race but changed the nation. Lyons, 2011)

(a) Thomas E Dewey
(1902-1971; JD, Columbia Law School 1925; section 2 Prosecutor; Governor of New York 1943–1954; "In 1944 and 1948, he was the Republican candidate for President, but lost both times. He led the liberal faction of the Republican Party, in which he fought conservative Ohio Senator Robert A Taft")

Dewey is derived from Dewi, Welsh form of David.
(b) The review said Mr Barry Goldwater dismissed Einsehower administration's "'Modern Republicanism' as nothing but a 'dime store New Deal.'"

(i) dime store (adj):
"1: INEXPENSIVE <dime–store perfume>
2: TAWDRY, SECOND-RATE <dime–store philosophy>"
(ii) dime store (n; First Known Use circa 1928): "Five-AND-TEN"
(iii) five-and-ten (n): "a retail store that carries chiefly inexpensive merchandise (as notions and household goods) —called also five-and-dime"

(c) James M Cox
(1870-1957; was the 46th [1913-1915] and 48th [1917-1921] Governor of Ohio; Democratic candidate for President of the United States in the election of 1920)
(d) Warren G Harding
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War ... uneral_and_memorial
(1865-1923; Republican; US president 1921–1923; died of illness; succeeded by vice president Calvin Coolidge)

Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924; Democrat) preceded as US president (1913-1921).
(e) William Jennings Bryan  
(1860-1925; Democrat; standing three times as its candidate for President of the United States (1896, 1900 and 1908))
(f) The review stated, "Influential though that unofficial party post might have been, it has disappeared since Stevenson reluctantly gave it up in 1960."

Adlai Stevenson II
(1900-1965; received the Democratic Party's nomination for president in 1952 and 1956; both times he was defeated by Republican Dwight D Eisenhower; He sought the Democratic presidential nomination for a third time in the election of 1960, but was defeated by Senator John F Kennedy of Massachusetts)

Adlai is a Biblical name of a very minor character, the father of one of King David's herdsmen (1 Chronicles 27: 29).

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