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海门民众抗议 传引发警民流血冲突

发表于 12-20-2011 10:08:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Dec 20, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... imen-135926063.html
("广东汕头 [市潮阳区] 海门镇数千民众抗议一座火力发电厂建设工程 * * * 引发抗议活动的电厂工程属于华能集团。中国前总理李鹏的儿子李小鹏曾任华能集团总经理兼党组书记")

(2) 中国当局撤走封锁乌坎的大部分警察. VOA Chinese, Dec 20, 2011 (4 hours ago)
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... dong-135916138.html



"一位不愿意透露姓名的乌坎村的村民说,谈判到目前为止进展'良好,' 而村民们的要求也很简单。他说:'很简单,就是土地要归还给我们。

(3) 广东海门逾万民众抗议反对建电厂. BBC Chinese, Dec 20, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... aimen_protest.shtml

(4) Peter Simpson, Wukan: Protests Across South China as Riot Police Take on Demonstrators in Haimen: Riot police fired tear-gas and beat demonstrators who stormed government buildings in Haimen, a major town in southern China on Tuesday – just 75 miles from the rebel village of Wukan. Daily Telegraph, Dec 20, 2011.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... tors-in-Haimen.html


"Demonstrators are claiming a 15-year-old boy had been killed and more than 100 others badly beaten by riot police, but this has yet to be confirmed.

"The Haimen riots broke out Tuesday morning – at the same time village chiefs from neighbouring small communities meet in Wukan. They [village chiefs] warned senior Communist Party officials the government faces a wilder revolt if they crack down too hard on restive communities. * * * The caution comes as worried officials desperately seek an eleventh-hour cancellation of a potentially combustible protest on Wednesday on local Communist Party government offices. * * * Lin [Zuluan, village representative,] has agreed to meet with vice-Party Secretary of the province, Zhu Minggao in the village ahead of the planned march tomorrow morning.

(5) Brian Spegele, Chinese Village Plans to Take Protest Wider. Wall Street Journal, Dec 20, 2011.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 08283395662776.html


"Residents in Wukan also [besides a planned Wednesday march to Lufeng] appeared to be widely embracing democracy--in particular an elected village council--just as they continue to stress that they support China's ruling Communist Party

"hile residents insisted their goals are peaceful, they also appeared to address the risks of provoking higher-level authorities. 'The men will be at thr front [of the march, substituting an earlier plan that wemne and children would be in front],' said one girl in high school, who said she wouldn't attend classes Wednesday and would attend the march instead.

"Local officials appeared to be movin more aggresively Monday to ease tensions with villagers. * * * Communist Party and government leaders from neighboring villages traveled to Wukan for talks with its elected leadership * * * on an open-air stage.

My comment: You may want to read the reportm, whose second half (starting with the last quotation above) is somewhat important.

(6) More Photos from the Wukan Protests. China Real Time, Oct 20, 2011.
http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealti ... the-wukan-protests/

Note: About a fourth of the 25-photo slideshow are new.

(7) China's rebel village. Reuters, Oct 20, 2011 (20 minutes ago).
http://www.reuters.com/news/pict ... leId=USRTR2VHF9#a=1

Note: Almost all of the 20-photo slideshow are new.

(8) Sui-Lee Wee, China Seeks Rebel Village Concessions as New Protest Flares. Reuters, Dec 20, 2011 (4 hours ago).
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE7BJ0I320111220


"Though the rebellion is limited to one village, it has attracted widespread attention and proven a humbling rebuff to the ruling Communist Party, which values stability above all else.

"Residents said they received a text message from the government, citing conciliatory comments from Guangdong's deputy Communist Party boss Zhu Mingguo. 'One, the people's pleas are reasonable. Some departments, in their work, do indeed have some problems. Two, the majority's aggressive actions can be understood and forgiven; we will not pursue any responsibility,' the text read.

My comment: 广东省委副书记朱明国. I wonder if (4) above misspelled his given name or "ZHU Minggao" is another person.

Drafts of reports to be published in print TOMORROW, suggesting pace quickens.

(1) Brian Spegele, Village Unrest Draws Province's Attention. Wall Street Journal, Dec 21, 2011 (30 minutes ago).
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 10363689160798.html

(2) Michael Wines, Top Provincial Leaders to Meet With Protesting Chinese Villagers. New York Times, Dec 21, 2011 (1 hr ago).
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/2 ... agers-in-wukan.html

Note: The draft has not appeared in the result of the search engine of the newspaper's web site.


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