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薄熙来晋升难成 或沦为'橡皮图章'

发表于 2-17-2012 12:29:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-17-2012 13:16 编辑

VOA Chinese, Feb 17, 2012
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... Boss-139506658.html

(2) The VOA report cites

Ian Johnson and Jonathan Ansfield, Scandal May Topple Party Official in China. New York Times, Feb 17, 2012.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/1 ... icial-in-china.html


"While some observers say Mr Bo’s ascension cannot be ruled out, most seem to think his upward trajectory has stalled.

"Several months ago, his top police official, Mr Wang, became the target of an investigation into corruption in a northeastern city, Tieling, where he had worked. When party investigators first questioned Mr. Wang, Mr Bo spoke favorably and sought to protect him, according to the fellow princeling. But under pressure from central authorities, Mr Bo soon began to turn, and this month Mr Bo effectively demoted Mr. Wang. A few days later, Mr Wang learned that his driver had been arrested, according to the source. Mr Wang apparently panicked. On Feb. 6, he drove 200 miles from Chongqing to the nearest United States Consulate, in Chengdu. He stayed overnight, talking with consular officials and inquiring about the possibility of political asylum, according to American diplomats. Washington rebuffed the request mainly because it would be logistically difficult, but also because it was reluctant to upset Sino-American relations on the eve of Mr Xi’s visit, the diplomats said. It was not clear how Mr. Wang could have left China — a posse of local and national police officers was already waiting outside the consulate

my comment:
(a) What is newsworthy in this report is quoted above.
(b) uppercut (n): "a swinging blow (as in boxing) directed upward with a bent arm ,He hit his opponent with an uppercut to the chin>"
(c) temerity (n): "unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : RASHNESS, RECKLESSNESS"

(3) China’s princelings |  Grappling in the Dark; A cloud descends over the Communist Party’s succession plans. Economist, Feb 18, 2012 (available now).


"Most analysts believe that Mr Wang’s removal from his other post as police chief five days earlier signalled a falling-out between the two men. One popular explanation for this is that Mr Bo wanted to distance himself from Mr Wang, who—rumour has it—was being investigated for corruption. So far, Mr Bo has appeared unruffled.

"His [Bo's] failure to gain a seat would be a blow to two influential political camps. One is a group made up of the 'old left' who lament the passing of Maoism, and the 'new left,' who want to restore some of Mao’s more worker-friendly policies.

"Officials [in China] are doubtless relieved that their American counterparts are keeping quiet about what they learned during Mr Wang’s visit.

(4) 美国会调查王立军案处理方式 王在领馆细节首次披露. VOA Chinese, Feb 15, 2012
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... Case-139406633.html

(a) The report said, "设在华盛顿的网站《美国自由灯塔》星期三发表资深编辑比尔.戈茨的长篇文章题目是:众议院调查被搞糟的王立军投诚案(House Probes Botched Defection in China)。报道披露了王立军在领馆停留一夜的详细情况。这是美国方面首次有媒体透露出这位跟着薄熙来唱红打黑的副市长到底在领馆都做了些什么。"

Bill Gertz, House Probes Botched Defection in China; House committee seeks cables, memos on police chief who sought asylum but was rejected by White House. Washington Free Beacon, Feb 15, 2012.

Mr Bill Gertz is also a columnist for Inside the Ring of Washington Times. Check out another inside story of his--next.
(b) Bill Gertz, Xi Jinping: The Princeling's Prince; Next leader of China sends daughter to Harvard, crushes dissent. Washington Free Beacon, Feb 15, 2012.

(5) 美国会议员:应调查政府处理王立军进美领馆案的方式. VOA Chinese, Feb 14, 2012
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... news-139298298.html

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this report, which is already known.
(b) The report mentions Mr Bill Gertz's reports about Mr Wang Lijun in Washington Times. In fact, Mr Gertz has not talked about Mr Wang in the newspaper. Instead Mr Gertz's report/discussion are published in Washington Free Beacon. Here is a compilation of Mr Gertz's recent posting at the Beacon.

Bill Gertz, Intel Fight Over China Succession; US intelligence debates threat of hardline takeover as next designated party leader meets Obama. Washington Free Beacon, Feb 14, 2012.
("Wang’s intelligence supports the claims of U.S. officials who believe a faction of hardline nationalists within the party are seeking power. They oppose the more moderate, but still communist, faction headed by Hu Jintao that currently holds power in the Politburo, which runs China’s government")

(6) 王立军案发酵 薄熙来前途引揣测. BBC Chinese, Feb 17, 2012
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... oxilai_future.shtml

(7) 高文谦, 谁是最大输家?——评王立军事件; 十八大前中国政局观察(四). 中国人权评论, Feb 16, 2012.

My comment:
(a) Read only the three paragraphs starting with clause 王立军此举,打破了太子党和团派之间原有的脆弱平衡. The rest is known. Please note THE paragraph starts with the clause 王立军此举,打破了太子党和团派之间原有的脆弱平衡 is not translated into English, presumably because the names and facts mentioned in this paragraph are Greek to foreigners.
(b) However, the English version of this article has an sentence ("which wants Hu out of power entirely after the 18th Party Congress") that does not appear in the Chinese version.

"Furthermore, the left wing faction that Bo Xilai represents is a card that Hu can play to balance out the open-minded forces within in the Party. Therefore, Hu would most likely use the excuse of investigating Bo Xilai to put him on the backburner, leaving this hot potato for Xi Jinping to deal with. This would enable Hu to kill two birds with one stone: block Bo from the Standing Committee and check the momentum of the princelings for a total takeover. That is, Hu would use Bo Xilai as a bargaining chip to force back the Jiang faction (which wants Hu out of power entirely after the 18th Party Congress) and stay on as the head of the Military Commission after stepping down as General Secretary and President.
GAO Wenqian, On the Wang Lijun Incident: Who’s the Biggest Loser?  18th Party Congress Watch (4), Human Right in China, Feb 12, 2012.

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