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发表于 2-22-2012 14:53:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

标签: 叙利亚军 斯雷布雷尼察 叙利亚政府军 炮弹 军事目标 杂谈        分类: 阿拉伯的故事
Final interview: Colvin describes deaths in Syria

翻译:@skipper79 http://weibo.com/u/2077625315?topnav=1&wvr=3.6

LONDON—This is the text of American war reporter Marie Colvin's final interview, given to BBC television from the Syrian city of Homs the night before she was killed Wednesday. She was staying in a house in the neighborhood of Baba Amr. Reprinted with the permission of the BBC.
周三美国战地记者Marie Colvin被杀殉职,这是她殉职前一夜从叙利亚霍姆斯城向BBC电视台发来的最后报道。当时她正待在Baba Amr区的一栋建筑中。本文发布已获得BBC允许。

Marie Colvin: It's absolutely sickening. Just today shelling started at 6:30 in the morning. I counted 14 shells hitting this civilian area of Baba Amr within 30 seconds. There's a small clinic, you can't really call it a clinic. It's an apartment that has been turned into a clinic. You have plasma bags hanging from coathangers.
Marie Colvin:这简直糟糕透了。今天的炮击从早上六点半就开始了。我数了一下,在30秒中有14发炮弹落在Baba Amr的这个居民区。这里有个小诊所,都没法说它是诊所,就是一个房间被改作诊所。血袋就挂在衣架上。

There was just a constant stream of civilians. I watched a little baby die today. Absolutely horrific. A two-year-old had been hit, they stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the left chest. The doctor just said, 'I can't do anything.' His little tummy just kept heaving until he died. That is happening over and over and over.

No one here can understand how the international community can let this happen, particularly when we have an example of Srebrenica—shelling of a city, lots of investigations by the United Nations after that massacre, lots of vows to never let it happen again. There are 28,000 people in Baba Amr, in homes as I am, besieged. They are here because they can't get out. The Syrians will not let them out, and are shelling all the civilian areas.
没人清楚国际社会为什么让这种事情发生,特别是我们已经见识过斯雷布雷尼察的例子,那里城市遭炮轰,大屠杀后联合国做了很多调查研究,许多人发誓再也不让这种事情发生。在Baba Amr区有28,000人被围,就像我一样待在屋子里。他们待在这里是因为出不去。叙利亚(政府军)不让他们出去,并正在炮轰所有居民区。

Obviously there is Free Syrian Army here, they are very lightly armed.

Kalashnikovs, and I've seen a few RPGs. They are essentially playing a defensive role. In fact people are terrified they will leave. There's just shells, rockets and tank fire pouring into civilian areas of this city, and it's just unrelenting.

BBC: Is it your sense this is in effect a 'scorched earth' policy on the part of the regime?

Marie Colvin: I don't see what else it can be. There are no Free Syrian Army targets. They are scurrying from building to building. They control to a certain degree the perimeter. Today there was a foray by the Syrian Army, about seven tanks, about 30 foot soldiers. They did manage to keep them out, at huge cost.
Marie Colvin:我想不出还有别的解释。看不到自由叙利亚军。他们从一栋建筑转移到另一栋建筑,控制着一定地区。今天叙利亚政府军进行了一次突袭,派出的兵力是7辆坦克,还有约30名步兵。自由叙利亚军设法将他们赶了出去,但代价高昂。

But mostly what's happening is just shells, rockets coming in, just hitting any building. The top floor of the building I'm in was hit last week. The building next to me was just completely obliterated. All the streets I've been on, I have not seen one military target. There simply aren't any. And the wounded and dead I have seen, I would say, are about 80 percent civilians and of course Free Syrian Army fighters. It is shelling with impunity and merciless disregard for the civilians, who simply cannot escape.


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